St. Patrick Catholic School
Principal's Weekly Newsletter
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Our kindergartners have been working to cheer up cancer patients for their service learning project. In the fall, the classes made cards with encouraging messages for cancer patients at Mercy One.
Today parent Kristin Carpenter brought supplies and led this rock painting activity. Kristin and her family started "Decorah Rocks" to cheer people up during COVID. She has spread many rocks on our school playground! The kindergartners' creations will magically appear at the Unity Point Cancer Center and other places in the community.
April 20, 2023
Dear families,
The end of school is approaching quickly. Our students and staff have worked hard all year with a focus on success. The same will be true for the remaining 20 plus days. In addition to learning that goes on in the classroom, the month of May comes with additional activities for our students. We are looking forward to field trips, field day, the 8th grade Honors Mass, our last day of school picnics, and the last day of School Mass led by the staff. Keep abreast of what’s going on by clicking the “Calendar” button every week at the bottom of this newsletter and frequently checking it from our homepage.
This time of year provides parents with many challenges— with all the school activities and the other ones children are involved in outside of St. Patrick. This undoubtedly extends your days and nights. Remember to enjoy these times with your family. However, please make sure that your children get as much rest as possible and are ready for each school day. The end of the school year continues to be important to their academic success. As each day is precious to you, we value that time with your children during this busy time of year.
You are in the middle of exciting times with your children. Take each experience that they are involved in and cherish it. As you help your children grow socially and academically during this time of year, focus on the gifts that God has given them and us. God has given us our children to enjoy and love. He has also challenged us to raise them with a strong Catholic faith. This may even be more critical during the busiest times of our lives. I believe that as adults our focus becomes our children’s focus.
Enjoy watching your children grow while celebrating what God has done in their lives.
Mr. Wiebers
P.S.: SHAMROCK SHUFFLE registrations are due MONDAY, April 24! Don't miss this fun family event! Share our Facebook post! Invite your friends and relatives.
What a wonderful experience for our students to celebrate Mass at Columbus with the other Catholic schools yesterday. Mass with so many of their peers emphasizes our focus on faith. Mrs. Stone's class will lead our next Mass on Wednesday, April 26. Come and watch these kindergartners as they proudly take their turn to get up in front of you.
It's National Volunteer Month! How fitting that our students and teachers are wrapping up their year-long service learning projects. Mrs. Schmitt's class presented 10 backpacks and 10 bike locks to Hospitality House this week. These leaders researched how to help people in our community and decided what to purchase with the money they raised at the pancake breakfast many of you attended in December.
Sign up by Monday, April 24!
Registrations are due on April 24 at 10 AM for placement of our t-shirt order. Entries are only $10 per person! Use the registration form that came home in backpacks or download one here.Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for serving breakfast again this year.
Share our Facebook Event to invite your friends and family to run, walk, and enjoy breakfast with us!
April 24-28 Is Cancer Awareness Week
We will be creating Cancer Ribbons for loved ones who are battling/have battled the many different types of cancers. We will also honor them by wearing different colored shirts each day of the week (with uniform bottoms). Thanks to our Student Cancer Awareness Committee members who have worked with Ms. Hill.
Ms. Hill’s homeroom will also be doing a toiletry drive this week to collect items for the Stead Family Children’s Hospital in Iowa City.
Hy-Vee Receipt Deadline
Receipts dated through April 23 are eligible for this year's percentage back to our school. All receipts are due to the school office by April 24th. Thank you for helping our school with your grocery and gasoline purchases.
Spring Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
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Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781