Hornet Herald
December 2nd
Happy Friday!
Hello HHES Families,
It's hard to believe that it's already December. It has been fun hearing from students all about their family holiday traditions. There is one theme that comes out of these conversations and that is spending time with family. Our students let us know that this an essential and the very best part of any tradition.
Our annual food and toy drive officially begins on Monday, 12/5. If you are able to donate, please send items with your student to school. We will be accepting donations through December 16th. Our school has a goal of having 2022 items donated.
On December 8th, our 5th graders will be putting on show. The fifth grade production will include a beginning band concert and a musical revue titled, "Elfis and the Frozen Princess". The show will be in the HHES gym and begin at 6:30pm (5th grade students need to arrive at 6:15pm). We hope you will consider joining us.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Robertson & Mrs. Colpron
4th Annual Hockinson Tree Lighting
There will be holiday treats, a performance by our student band, and special guests.
Elfis and the Frozen Princess
We hope to see you there!
Would you consider hosting a student club and/or activity?
Being involved in school is an important part of a student's experience. We would love to offer our HHES students more opportunities to be involved in after school clubs. We need your help to make this happen.
If you are willing to host a club, but need help deciding on an activity to share with students, we can help! Would you be willing to host a Pokemon club, Magic club, chess club, board game club? Perhaps fly fishing is something you're interested in, would you be willing to share that with students? We could have a book club, sewing club, origami club, or pen pal club... Do you speak a different language? Would you be willing to teach a group of students? The opportunities are endless!
* Clubs will start the week of February 6th and will run for 4-6 weeks
* Clubs will run one day a week from 2:20 pm - 3:20 pm on Mondays or Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.
* If you are interested in adjusting your meeting time and meeting more than once a week, we will figure out a plan to accommodate you.
All volunteers will be required to adhere to HSD volunteer guidelines.
With your support, we would love to offer these opportunities to our Hockinson Community.
If you have any questions, please email bess.colpron@hocksd.org or call Bess Colpron at (360) 448-6420
PWT Upcoming Event!
On Wednesday, December 14th we will be having a Cookie Exchange for our teachers and staff at HHES. Staff will be able to box up a baker's dozen or two of their favorite cookies to bring home for the Holidays. We will also box up a dozen cookies for each Bus Driver.
Get creative, have fun! If baking is not your thing- we’ll gladly except store bought (from the bakery dept).
Please bring cookies to the main office by 10:30 am on Wednesday, 12/14.
Sign up to bring cookies below.
Important Dates
Character Trait: Helpful
December 5th-9th CogAT screener for Kindergarten & new 1st graders
December 8th 5th Grade Music Concert, 6:30pm at HHES
December 5th-15th Food Drive
December 9th Hockinson Holiday Tree Lighting
December 13th 4th Grade Salmon Presentations
December 19th - January 2nd Winter Break
Character Trait: Empathy
School Board Appreciation Month
January 3rd School Resumes
January 16th No School
January 20th Science Fair
January 27th No School, Semester Break
January 31st Report cards sent home
Do you want to volunteer?
Please use the following link to submit your volunteer clearance for the 2022-23 year.
Hockinson Heights Elementary
Website: https://hhes.hocksd.org/
Location: Hockinson Heights Elementary School, Northeast 164th Street, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: (360)448-6420
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonHES/