St Cecilia's News
June 2022
Sharing God's love - Respecting and valuing each other - Becoming inspired learners for life
Not long until Sports Day!
I hope that you have had a lovely weekend and a good celebration of Father's Day.
The weather has turned beautiful once again, lets hope it continues this week so that we have some good but cooler weather for Sports Day. Excitement about the day is underway, the medals are arriving, we're packing up all the equipment and the children learnt their Sports Day chants on Friday morning. It would be wonderful if you could learn the chant too and join in on the morning!
We have the first of our Behaviour Policy reviews this afternoon, please see the RSVP section below if you would like to join us next week.
Best wishes for the week ahead, see you at Sports Day,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
Behaviour Policy Parent Workshop (Evening Option)
Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022, 06:30 PM
School Hall
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Sports Day for Years 1-6
School is only open for Nursery and Reception.
If you are parking at the event please use the field opposite the David Weir site, the car park at the centre has restrictions on it and will probably be full. Please park in neat rows so that we can get everyone in and out easily!
Please be patient and wait outside the gates to the track until the field is ready and staff are in place. We are there from 7am setting up and preparing the events.
Please remember that your child should:
- be in PE kit with a baseball cap
- have a bag with a water bottle and sun cream
- have a packed lunch unless you have ordered one from the school (no nuts as always!)
- please keep your child's packed lunch cold in the fridge overnight and pack an ice block if you have one.
- wear the house PE shirt or a house colour shirt if you have not moved to the new uniform as yet.
We do not mind some tribal face paint in house colours etc, it's a fun day!
Please join us for the picnic in the middle of the day, bring lunch with you, your child may join you, however children must not leave the venue or go upstairs into the cafe.
Safety first:
- Adults must wear the ID bracelet on arrival at the centre and for the duration of the event. We are sending 4 bracelets home with a timetable on Friday.
- Keep out of the trackside toilets - they are for children only - even if you have a child with you.
- Adults must always use the toilets inside the centre.
- At the end of Sports Day we will dismiss children who are going home by year group after a final head count.
- Please wait until your child's class are ready for collection and come forward one by one so that we can account for all children. We all need to work together to ensure the safety of the children at such a busy event.
Sun safety is very important
Please apply your child's sun lotion before they leave home, don't forget their face, neck, arms legs and chest. An all day or Once lotion with a high factor works best. Put a small bottle of sun lotion in their bags. Classes will reapply lotion during the day.
Spectator Conduct
- Keep back behind the event tapes at each event at all times - we do not want a child to run into you or to trip over whilst running at speed and the children need space to compete.
- Please remember that this is a family event with lots of children in attendance, smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted.
- Timing is always difficult and whilst we try to keep on time. We understand that this can be frustrating but please remain respectful if events are delayed, run late or are postponed until later.
It's going to be a great day, thanks to those parents and governors who have offered to support the class teachers and staff on the day - we appreciate you!
Classes for the next academic year
Nursery - Mrs Purton and Mrs Kelly (Friday)
R St Bernadette - Mrs Dean and Miss Fenner (Friday)
R St Francis - Mr Caulfield
Y1 St Andrew - Mrs Scripps and Mrs Martin (Friday)
Y1 St Joseph - Mrs Jack
Y2 St Thomas More - Miss K Moore
Y2 St Joan of Arc - Miss Norman
Y3 St Monica - Mr Morris and Miss Fenner (Thursday)
Y3 St Augustine - Mrs O'Dwyer and Miss Costello (Monday)
Y4 St Angela - Mrs Everton (Mon Tues) and Mrs Callaghan (Weds-Friday)
Y4 St Catherine - Mrs Parks
Y5 St Martin de Porres- Ms Humphrey
Y5 St John Bosco - Miss Fry
Y6 St Max - Mrs Buckley (Mon - Weds) Mrs King (Thurs-Friday)
Y6 St Teresa - Mrs Parsons (Miss J Moore's married name!)
The children will have some with their teacher before the end of term.
Mrs Kane has been granted a leave of absence next year, she will still continue with Chess Club. Mrs Purton will be teaching St Nicholas Class four days per week. Mrs Harrison is returning in December as a part-time SENDCo, providing additional support within the department.
We will be back in touch next week with details of which class will be with which teacher.
Our new teachers are shown below, all three teachers have worked with us this school year, it's wonderful to have them back with us on a permanent basis.
Welcome our new Staff for September 2022
Year Ahead Meetings
We have planned the following Year Ahead meetings.
Years 1&2 - Thursday 14 July
Years 3&4 - Tuesday 12 July
Years 5&6 - Friday 15 July
Each session will start with a briefing by the teaching teams, a news update from the Senior Leadership Team followed by a chance to meet your child's new teacher/s.
Please come along to the hall, we hope that these meetings will be from 08:50 to 09:30, we aim to start promptly, we realise that many of you are dashing off to work!
Holy Communion Going Forth Mass
The children can come to school in their special clothes that they wore on the day. Please pack your child's uniform in a bag so that they can get changed after the breakfast.
Father Rob will celebrate Mass, it will be followed by a breakfast under the early Years canopy. Mass will be celebrated outdoors. We regret that if it rains, Mass will have to move indoors to the school hall and will be for the children only. Can we ask for no more than two family members attend per child please, we have well over a hundred children this year, we need to be able to accommodate everyone.
If your child has food allergies, please make sure to pack a special snack for them. Whilst we are not taking individual photos we are hoping for a group photo will all the children together.
It will be lovely to celebrate this special moment in your child's faith journey with them in school.
Dates for your diary
Monday 20 June - World Refugee Week
Monday 20 June - Behaviour Policy Workshop (Parents) 1.30pm.
Wednesday 22 June - Summer Music Concert
Thursday 23 June - Sports Day at David Weir Centre for Years 1-6.
Tuesday 28 June - Behaviour Policy Workshop (Parents) 6.30pm.
Wednesday 29 June - Going Forth Mass at 9am
Monday 4 July - ECAs end this week. Y5 swimming fortnight begins.
Tuesday 5 July - Parent Teacher Meetings in school
Wednesday 6 July - Artsmark Day and Y6 Secondary School visit day.
Thursday 7 July - Parent Teacher Meetings in school
Thursday 7 July - Deanery Music Concert at St Elphege's Church
Friday 8 July - Y6 Campfire and BBQ
Wednesday 13 / Thursday 14 July - Y6 Performance at 6.30pm. (Ticket booking details to follow)
Wednesday 20 July - School ends at midday.
We have a Mass of celebration for the end of the academic year and a farewell to Y6 in the morning, and the clapping out ceremony at 11:40.
We return on Friday 2nd September 2022, dates vary for EYFS.
Keep an eye on Class Dojo for updates and reminders.
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566