Banyan's Cat Tails
Week of September 5th
Busy Week!
We hope that you are all staying cool in this terrible heat. We had some very hard working people at school all day on Friday tuning up our air conditioning at Banyan so we are hopeful for improved performance this week. It is going to be a hot one so make sure you are putting sun block on your kids and that they are coming to school with a reusable water bottle (with their name on it!) that they can fill at our filtered water stations.
This is going to be a really busy week. We have picture day and Back to School Night (grades 1-5). I am so excited for parents to have an opportunity to come to school and see our amazing classrooms and meet the best teachers on the planet. Please scroll below for more information about upcoming events.
Remember, you always have a choice, please chose to be kind:).
Allison Kennedy
Important Dates: Upcoming
9/5 NO SCHOOL Labor Day
9/6 Intro to Band Assembly for 4th and 5th Grade
9/8 GATE meeting for parents of already identified students (you should have received an invite by email)
Back to School Night 1-5th Grade (see below for more information)
9/9 First Safety Drill (Also a good opportunity to discuss what you will do in case of emergency at your house)
9/12 Apex Kick Off Assembly
9/12-9/22 Apex Fun Run Fundraiser
9/14 Country Harvest and Coaches Fundraiser
9/16 Mr. Softee in front parking lot after school
9/21 Room Parent Meeting
9/22 Kona Ice in front lot after school
Back To School Night
Schedule: (We will start on time and end on time-- please be on time)
5:45-6:00 Brief Welcome by Mrs. Kennedy in MPR
6:00- 6:25 Session 1
6:30-6:55 Session 2
Session 1 and 2 are the same. This gives a parent an opportunity to visit two classes if you have two students in grades 1-5. If you only have one student in these grade spans, you only need to attend the first session and then you are free to leave.
Picture Day
Speaking of picture day, we are looking for parents to help design each class page for the yearbook. If you are interested in doing a one page layout for the yearbook, let your child's teacher know.
District Advisory Committees
Banyan is looking for representatives for several district committees. District committees meet about one time per month and the parent rep reports back to the school site council (either in person or by written report) and collaborates with me (the principal) to get information out to the school community. We are looking for parents who may be interested in being a representative on the following committees:
SEDAC (Special Education District Advisory)-- Looking for a parent of a student who has an IEP or 504 plan to attend these meetings.
DELAC (English Language Advisory)-- Looking for a parent whos first language is not English. Meetings are held in Spanish and English but all languages are welcome.
AADAC- (African American District Advisory)-- This committee supports African American students and families
If you are interested in finding out more information or volunteering your time to one of these committees, please reach out to me (email-
Band and Strings are coming
Don't Forget to Follow us on Socials!
Facebook: Banyan Bobcats NP (PTA- Banyan Bobcats-- Private Group: Home of the Bobcats)
Instagram: BanyanBobcats
Twitter: @Banyan Bobcats
Location: 1120 Knollwood Drive, Newbury Park, CA, USA
Phone: 805 498 6641
Twitter: @BanyanBobcats