Fugett Flash
Monday, October 2nd - Friday, October 6th, 2023
The wait is finally over! Our CARE CLUB Catalog is officially published. We are thrilled to offer these clubs to students during our Care Period on Thursday mornings.
A special thank you to Dr. Brown-Mitchell and Mrs. Mizak for their work on this catalog and clubs logistics. An additional thank you to all of the staff members who are voluntarily sponsoring these clubs. We cannot wait to get these clubs going, and some of the year-long clubs have already started initial meetings.
We will send out sign-up information and club start dates in a separate email later this week.
Showing ICARE with Bow and Arrow Tag! 😉
We wrapped up our first month of ICARE with a fantastic reward of Bow and Arrow Tag. Over 35 ICARE winners and their identified homeroom buddy were able to enjoy this event last Friday. As a reminder, students receive ICARE lessons every Tuesday and can earn CARE Cards for displaying ICARE behaviors throughout the month. We also reward staff with CARE Cards and monthly prizes. Our winner this month, Mrs. Carney Massey, actually selected to participate in the Bow and Arrow Tag as her reward!
We are thankful for our wonderful partnership with the YMCA and their generous participation and sponsorship of the activity this month. If you or your company would like to partner with Fugett for a student or staff reward one month please reach out to Dr. Werner. We still need sponsors for the months of December, February, and April.
Gettin' Outdoors with 6th Grade Science
It finally stopped raining towards the end of this past week, which enabled Mrs. O'Neill's Science classes the opportunity to get outside. A wonderful hands on learning opportunity at the EHS Outdoor Classroom.
Recognizing FMS Students of the Month for September!
6th Grade A Team
Ryann Martin
Eli Walli
6th Grade B Team
Lucy Bergman
Elliot Knupp
7th Grade X Team
Brandon Vibbert
Gionna Alexander
7th Grade Y Team
Teagan McGillian
Eric Pacitti
8th Grade Blue Team
Marely Villada-Ortiz
Matthew Kendro
8th Grade Gold Team
Eamonn McKenna
Ashlynn Enns
Parent Workshop Excellence in Education: A Restorative Approach by Dr. Howard
Please join parents and community members across the district for the Parent Workshop Excellence in Education: A Restorative Approach by Dr. Tyrone Howard on Wednesday, October 18 at Fugett Middle School. Choose from 2 workshop sessions: 10-11:30 AM or 6-7:30 PM. Registration is required to attend.
Please Check Backpacks 🎒
Parents: Please encourage your children to check their backpack for toys and water guns before coming to school after a weekend. We understand that backpacks may serve a dual purpose over the weekend, but any items in violation of the WCASD Discipline Manual will result in student disciplinary outcomes.
Picture Retakes 10/18/2023
Order Your Yearbook Now!
Any 8th grader interested in history field trips should fill out the attached iHistory form.
Jazz Band
Fugett Middle School’s Jazz Band is an advanced music group that plays a wide variety of music including pop, rock, funk, Latin, jazz, and blues. The Jazz Band is having auditions from October 18-25. Auditions are open to ANY and ALL students at Fugett Middle School who play a band instrument, and also those who play piano, vibraphone, electric guitar, bass guitar, double bass, or drum set. Rehearsals will begin November 2 and occur during homeroom from 7:15-7:45 every Monday, Thursday, and Friday in the FMS Band Room. See Schoology announcement or reach out to Mrs. Yagel for how audition music and how to sign up.
Spanish-Speaking Mental Health Resources
We are thrilled to announce the release of three new valuable resources to enhance mental health support for Spanish-speaking communities:
• Culture, Community, and Connection: 2023 BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit - The BIPOC Mental Health Month campaign and toolkit were designed to provide culturally responsive mental health information to highlight three core pillars of culture, community, and connection and how integral they are to BIPOC communities. The toolkit includes factsheets, worksheets, shareable images, and more that can aid community discussion and guide individuals to helpful resources.
• Selfies, Social, and Screens: Navigating Virtual Spaces for Youth: 2023 Back to School Resources - The Back to School campaign and resources were developed to help increase understanding of how online activity affects the mental health of children and teens. The factsheets, shareable images, and other materials in the toolkit can be used to help manage the challenges of virtual spaces and empower youth to make informed decisions for their mental health and well-being.
• New Mental Health Resources Hub in Spanish: Our Spanish-language resources hub provides a comprehensive collection of mental health materials to assist individuals, families, and others in accessing valuable mental health resources for the Spanish-speaking community.
We invite you to download our campaign materials, explore the resources on our website, and share them within your communities. Together, we can foster mental health awareness and support for all.
Please wait until 7:00 to let children out of the car. We have staff ready to welcome students every morning, but this role does not start until 7:00.
Drop Off/Pick Up for Families with Students at EHS and FMS
To serve you better, families may drop off and/or pick up East and Fugett students at either building, as long at you are using the typical drop off/pick up location.
ICARE - Weekly Update
Monthly Theme - Respect
Last week students learned about technology and how we communicate and display respect towards ourselves and others online. Themes of respect and disrespect in pop culture we also reviewed.
PTO Corner
Dining Night Out
Help support Fugett MS PTO by dining in or ordering out from Panera Exton THIS WEDNESDAY, Oct 4th from 4:00-8:00 pm. Use the code FUND4U when ordering online, on the app, or at a kiosk. See flyer for more information. You can also check out future Dining Night Out dates on our website.
Fright Night -
We are getting very excited for our most fun PTO night of the year! This year, we are splitting fright night into two time slots to give students the opportunity to really enjoy the event and create a safer departure experience. The two time slots will be 5-6:30 pm and 7-8:30 pm. Students will only be allowed to participate during one Fright Night time slot. We will be selling tickets through Eventbrite. Tickets will go on sale on Friday, October 13th. More info to follow.
We have a lot of different opportunities for volunteers for Fright Night! Please check out this WEEK of and DAY of Sign Up Genius to see how you can help!
PTO Meeting
We will be hosting a school-wide PTO meeting in the Fugett cafeteria on Monday, October 9th at 6:30 pm. Come out and meet your PTO exec board, and if you haven't already, the new principal!
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Check out our Website or Contact us!
Fugett PTO is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations to the PTO are fully tax-deductible.
FMS Sports This Week
🗓 Coming Up!
Fright Night: Friday, October 27th
Two Time Slots
5:00 - 6:30
7:00 - 8:30
💡 Reminders
1. FMS Carline Information
See attachment below for specific information regarding FMS carline directions and visuals.
Community Resources
All Community Resource information going in the Fugett Flash need to be approved by Dr. Sara Missett, Director of Elementary Education. Please include Dr. Missett's (smissett@wcasd.net) approval when requesting a flyer be included in the Fugett Flash. Thank you!