Extra Credit Assignments
Adding an Extra Credit Assignment
1. Add a new assignment
2. Select the category weight
3. Enter the Extra Credit assignment
4. In the ‘Max Value’ enter the amount of points the student can get, I.e ‘10’
5. In the ‘Scale Value’ enter 100, if it is an original assignment.
6. Under Assignment for Extra Credit Only? = Y
Extra Credit Example
In the example below, the sample extra credit assignment is defined with Scale Value = 100, Maximum Value = 10, and Extra Credit = Y.
Assignment Grades Without Extra Credit:
Assign 1: 90 Assign 2: 100 Assign 3: 100
Average grade is calculated as 290 (total) divided by 3 (the number of assignments). Average = 96.67
Assignment Grades With Extra Credit:
Assign 1: 90 Assign 2: 100 Assign 3: 100 Extra Credit: 10
Average grade is calculated as 300 (total) divided by 3 (the number of assignments, excluding the Extra Credit Assignment) Average = 100