January 31, 2022
BHS is Remote Today Due to Mechanical Issue, Monday, Jan. 31
Brighton High School will be remote today due to a mechanical issue caused by the weather at BHS. Any students that have been picked up already by transportation will be returned home immediately. Further instructions will come directly from BHS. Please check your email.
This change is only for today, Monday, Jan. 31 at Brighton High School.There will be NO regular Snow Days with cancelled classes/closed buildings this year in Brighton Schools. If inclement weather warrants the Superintendent of Schools to close in-person schooling, students, faculty, and staff will follow the Remote SNOW DAY Schedule (note below) and attend classes remotely via ZOOM or Schoology. Teachers have already communicated their SNOW DAY Zoom or Schoology links with students. An e-news message, robocall, and e-mail will be sent to all families in the event school buildings are closed. If students signed up for REMIND, they will also get a REMIND message from Dr. Hall.
The following EXPECTATIONS are for all high school students:
· Bring home computer devices if we suspect a possible snow day may be called.
· Check teacher’s Schoology pages for a SNOW DAY ZOOM link ready to go for SNOW DAYS.
· Sign onto ZOOM links and attend all classes for the entire class period as per the SNOW DAY Schedule.
· Turn on Cameras so that proper attendance can be taken.
· Actively participate during the lesson.
Click the link to see open the Snow Day Schedule:
Be well!
T. Hall