November 22, 2022
AGS Office Staff
Jordan Seath, Assistant Principal
Melissa Welsh, Counselor
Tiffany Peeler, Counselor
Carol Manners, Secretary
Denise Bakker, Clerk
Barb Stinson, Clerk
AGS Staff Member of the Month
Mr. Tom Cavric, 6th/7th Science
AGS P2 Student of Month
Ayva Douglas, 7th Grade
8th Grade SRT Dodgeball Champions
Important Dates
Thursday 11/22 - 8th Grade SRT P2 Incentive
Wednesday 11/23 - Friday 11/25 - Thanksgiving Break
12/19 - 12/30 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
January 2023
Monday 1/2 - School Resumes
Thursday 1/12 - 1/2 Day Secondary Only (6-12)
Friday 1/13 - 1/2 Day Secondary Only (6-12)
Monday 1/16 - No School for Students
AGS Holiday Spirit Calendar
PTO Fall Fundraiser
Dear AGS Families,
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far to our fundraiser. We are only at 52% of our goal. With just under 1 week left we REALLY need your help. We can’t do this without YOU and we don’t want to do another fundraiser this year. If you don’t want to donate online, you can always send cash or check into school with your child’s name and SRT teacher on the envelope/memo line.
DON’T FORGET THE KIDS EARN PRIZES TOO! For every $100 their SRT raises the classroom name gets put into a drawing for a trivia day and a snack with a special guest. If we reach out goal the kids get not 1 but 2 prizes!!!!! The grade that raises the most will earn an after school fun day AND last but not least Mr. Rettenmund AND Mr. Seath have a special prize for everyone. Remember the paw print shaved in Mr. Rettenmund’s hair last year!!!!
To donate: Go to https://go.rallyup.com/agsfentonpto or text agsptofenton to 18552022100. Click on the DONATE button. Enter your donation amount and click proceed to check out. Choose the class option and enter your child's SRT teacher. Please consider using the tip option so AGS gets 100% of the donations. Then fill out your information and complete your payment, AND NOW YOU’RE DONE FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!
Your funds help us to provide services to the students and staff at AGS such as the Positivity Project, School Store, New books for the Library, teacher requests for classroom items to enhance the curriculum, dinners for teachers during conferences, field trip and office snacks, Staff Appreciation Week, assemblies for the school, 8th grade dance, 5th grade transition day, Beautification around the outside of the school and much more.
We CAN NOT do this without your support. We truly appreciate your donation to help our students and staff at AGS. Thank you!
There are prizes for donating!!!
For each $100 your child's SRT classroom raises, that SRT classroom will earn an entry to a prize drawing. At the end we will draw 3 classrooms at random to win the prizes.
If we reach the top goal of $7,200, there will be a SECRET school wide prize from Mr. Rettenmund and Mr. Seath. It’s top secret, so we won’t know until we reach that goal!
How do your funds help the PTO?
Our mission as a PTO is to support our students, teachers, administrators and staff by providing volunteers to events and sponsoring many different things such as: 8th Grade Dance, School Store, Beautification of the flower beds outside of the school and the center flower beds of Donaldson, teacher or school requests for classroom items, new books for the Library, help with field trip funding and snacks for the trips, Teacher Appreciation week, Assemblies for the school, 5th Grade Transition Day, Dinner for the teachers during conferences, Concession stands at indoor sporting events and much more.
AGS Community Partners
Dr. Wax Orthodontics
After School Tutoring (AST)
AST is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. AGS Teachers are present and transportation is available for students residing within district. A light snack will also be provided.
Please complete the brief form (linked below) if your child will be attending AST:
Please email Mrs. Seelbinder or Mrs. Sayer for more information.
Mrs. Seelbinder: mailto:jseelbinder@fentonschools.org
Mrs. Sayer: mailto:esayer@fentonschools.org
Theme of the Week 11/28: Kindness
Next week is the character strength of Kindness
You are generous to others, and you are never too busy to help out. You enjoy doing good deeds for other people.
Kind people think about the needs and feelings of other people, then help others because it is the right thing to do, not because they expect anything in return. Kindness is contagious — acts of kindness towards others lead to additional acts of kindness by those who have been helped.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
– Aesop
To practice and encourage the character strength of Gratitude with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.
7th Grade Mackinac Island Trip Information
Register Online Now!
Use the Code Below to Register:
Tour Web Code:
* A registration Fee of $45 is required to secure a place on the tour (this goes towards the total cost of your trip).
Any adult guardian who would like to attend the trip MUST have their fingerprints on file with the district. Adult registration/trip fee is the same as a child. You may check your fingerprint status with Stefanie Simons via email ssimons@fentonschools.org and for information on how to obtain them if you do not.
Information was distributed to students via SRT. Extra copies are in the office.
Further questions may be directed to Mrs. Burnau @ yburnau@fentonschools.org
FAPS Ski and Snowboard Club
Students & Parents (beginner to expert) at least 7 to join the club and participate in the group ski lessons. There are discounted tickets for 6 and under who want to go with parents.
Discount lift tickets & rentals at Mt. Holly. More info at the meeting or contact:
- Mrs. Loria - mloria@fentonschools.org (AGS/FHS students)
Mrs. Eastman- seastman@fentonschools.org (Elementary students)
If you are all set on information and just need to buy your cards:
- Get signed up…$25/per club membership card, or
- Sign up your first night out!
Fenton Elementary nights are Thursdays -----Mrs. Eastman
FHS/AGS Club nights are Fridays---- Mrs. Loria
Fenton Rotary Angel Tree Program
The Fenton Rotary Club will be sponsoring their Angel Tree project for children in need at the holidays. The Rotary Club gathers items for each individual child and delivers these items to the home.
If applicable, complete the form at the link below by no later than Wednesday, November 23rd!
On the bottom of the Google form, applicants must list the place of employment for all adults living in the household. If this information is not listed, the form may be delayed or ignored. Each request will be reviewed and checked for accuracy and not automatically approved.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school counselor or social worker.
Packages will be delivered on the morning of Saturday, December 17th. Please ensure someone is home and Rotary has a phone number to contact prior to delivery of packages.
Link to Google Form: https://forms.gle/G8cKB7Fzt5bwZNVA6
Andrew G. Schmidt Middle School
Email: erettenmund@fentonschools.org
Website: http://fentonschools.org/andrew-g-schmidt-middle-school/
Location: 3255 Donaldson Drive, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810.591.7700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fenton-Area-Public-Schools-110556712352619/
Twitter: @fentonschools
FAPS Sinking Fund Renewal
On November 8, 2022 Fenton Area Public Schools will be asking voters to consider renewing a Sinking Fund of .8707 mills for a period of 10 years. This renewal will not raise taxes, and will keep the funding levels consistent for the next 10 years. Please remember a sinking fund is to fund infrastructure projects or repairs as they arise. Please consult our website for more information on the projects that have been funded in the last three years with our last sinking fund.