Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 14th October 2022
Year 4 did an excellent job leading our harvest, focusing on the theme of water. They told us about the story of Noah, performed a percussion piece, shared thoughtful prayers and led the singing for our Harvest songs.
At the end of the service every class was invited to bring up their donations for Ripon Community House and place them on the altar.
Year 4 took the items back to school and yesterday they delivered them to Ripon Community House. They asked how the food is used, how it is distributed and which items they receive most. The children even visited the shop area that is used to display items that families in crisis can access.
A huge thank you to all our families for your generosity.
Coffee and cake, meet and greet!
Year 2 Visit Ripon Fire Station
Year 2 went to the fire station on Wednesday and had so much fun learning all about fire safety and what excellent jobs our Ripon Fire department do for us. The children learnt how to hold the hoses and got to feel how heavy they were. The children were allowed to see all the different compartments inside the fire engine that held all of the fire officer's equipment and hoses. Then everyone had a go at sitting inside the fire engine and trying on a yellow helmet. The fire officers talked us through their uniform and why it was important to wear special protective gear in such a dangerous job.
Some children tried on the uniforms before doing some target practice! Year 2 all had the chance to turn on the hose and direct the water at a fire target to simulate aiming at a real fire and all were successful. Lastly the fire officers set fire to our Tudor houses that we had made prior to the trip to show the children how quick a fire can spread. This showed the children how the Great Fire of London started off as a small oven fire and then led to a much bigger disaster due to the houses being so close together, and made of dry wood. The children taught the fire officers a little bit about the Great Fire of London before we thanked them all for a lovely day and made our way back to school.
I loved seeing our Tudor houses burning. It showed how quick the houses would have caught on from each other in 1666. Skye
My favourite part of yesterday was shooting down the fire targets with the water hose. It was so powerful and we nearly wet the fire officers which was funny. James
I loved going into the fire engine and trying on the helmet, it was really big and heavy on my head. I had lots of fun with my friends. Glenda
I had an arm wrestle with one of the fire officers and I won! I also got to hold the hose and it was quite heavy, it made me feel happy and special. Kacper
Early Years get climbing
Early Years Play Area
We are so lucky in the Early Years to have finally got our climbing structure thanks to funding provided by The Anglican Diocese of Leeds. The children have been so excited watching it being constructed and now its finally ready for us to explore.
"I am going to make it a pirate ship."
"I can climb so high, all the way to the moon."
The children have been challenging themselves with exploring the climbing wall and it's been lovely to see them working together to solve problems and develop their play. We can't wait to see where their imagination will take them.
Book look!
Parent Consultations and Book Look!
On Monday 17th October or Tuesday 18th October, parents and carers are invited to come into classes at the end of the school day (from 3.10pm/3.15pm) with their child to look at the work that they have been doing. Parents only need to come on one of the sessions.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Stars of the Week
Arjun for following instructions, trying new things and being kind and friendly.
Jackson for the fantastic effort that he is putting into his writing.
Year 1
James for superb effort in mathematics this week. Keep it up!
Year 2
Tobias for behaving brilliantly on our trip to the fire station and teaching the fire officers about the Great Fire of London.
Year 3
Sammy for always showing his fantastic manners and always being respectful, kind and smiley in class.
Year 4
All of Year 4 for their fabulous work on their Harvest Worship.
Year 5
Ava for her enthusiasm doing independent work; focused, determined and diligent.
Year 6
Lola for participating well in maths, thinking carefully and explaining her understanding of division clearly.
Invitation to Worship
Dates for Class Worship Autumn 2022
Wednesday 18th October - Year 3
Wednesday 2nd November - Year 2
Wednesday 9th November - Year 6
Wednesday 16th November - Year 1
Wednesday 30th November - Year 5
Bonkers about Conkers
Dates for Diaries
Monday 17th October - Meet and Greet 9am (details above)
Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th October 3.10pm - 4.00pm - After School Book Look
Wednesday 18th October at 9am - Year 3 Class Worship (Y3 parents welcome to attend)
Wednesday 19th October - Nursery, Reception and Year 1 visit Piglets' Farm
Wednesday 19th October - Parent Consultations
Thursday 20th October - Parent Consultations
Friday 21st October - Staff training day; half term break begins
Monday 31st October - School opens
Wednesday 2nd November at 9am - Year 2 Class Worship (Y2 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 3rd November - Community Day
Wednesday 9th November at 9am - Year 6 Class Worship (Y6 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 10th November - Year 3 visit to Bradford
Wednesday 16th November at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship (Y1 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 24th November - Year 6 visit to Crucial Crew
Monday 28th November - Riding Lights Theatre Visit for Reception/Y1/Y2/Y3
Wednesday 30th November at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship (Y5 parents welcome to attend)
Friday 2nd December - Money Day
Friday 16th December at 10.00am - Key Stage 1 Nativity
Friday 16th December at 3.15pm - School closes for Christmas Break
Wednesday 4th January - School reopens for Spring Term
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Twitter: @riponcathschool