4-H Friday NewsBlast
2021 Cass County 4-H Summer Workshops
Be sure to get signed up! Workshops are filling up fast!
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for 4-Hers to give back to their community.
Our office has built and established vegetable gardens on the Cass County fairgrounds! The Cass County Extension Enrichment Garden will be used for years to come as a teaching garden where Cass County youth will learn through hands-on experience about plant science, the environment, and healthy living. The produce will be donated to local food pantries in the community.
Club leaders, please contact Lauren lstohlmann2@unl.edu or 402-267-2205 if you are interested in having your club members volunteer to care for our garden during the summer. We are flexible as to how many hours your club would be able to volunteer. What better way to get some community service hours than to play in the dirt? π
2021 Special Garden Project **SEED PACKETS AVAILABLE**
π Click the picture to register! There is no charge for the seed packets!
Enroll Enroll Enroll!!! π Statewide enrollment deadline JUNE 15TH
Horse Advancement Level I & II Training & Testing June 18th
πββοΈNebraska Extension Marathon KidsπββοΈ
3D Modeling via Zoom
3D Modeling via Zoom
Youth must be at least 8 years old to participate.
Learn how a 3D printer works & create your own 3D printed design. Within this workshop, you will create an account and use free online software to learn basic computer aided design. Upon completion of your 3D model, you may email the instructor your file and the 3D print will be mailed to you at a later date. Offer is limited to residents of the continental United States and one 1-hr print per registered participant.
Upon registration, please select the preferred date for attendance.
June 9: 10:00 β Noon
June 10: 10:00 β Noon
June 11: 10:00 β Noon
June 17: 10:00 β Noon
Registration Link: https://web.cvent.com/event/9b6ba154-8ce8-4f0b-8fb8-9458d82f7001/summary?locale=en-US&tm=3JJlV_lW_TjkDXq9kl4DO5hW7IsvLI_d4sIv632qlKs
Code Camp via Zoom
Code Camp via Zoom
Youth must be at least 8 years old to participate.
If you can read, you can code!
Upon registration, please select your preferred class date.
June 9: 1-2
June 9: 3-4
June 17: 1-2
June 17: 3-4
Registration Link: https://marketplace.unl.edu/extension/programs/code-camp-webinar.html
Lets Keep Celebrating Earth Day!
Our planet is truly a magnificent place. Known as the Blue Planet due to its abundance of water, the Earth is an incredibly complex and vibrant ecosystem, where living organisms interact with each other and their environment to create the ideal conditions for life. We have it all: itβs warm but not too warm, lots of water but again, not too much. Itβs perfect! Let's protect it! π
Stock Seed Farms has donated pollinator mix wildflower seeds to help Cass 4-Hers celebrate Earth Day! We have a limited number of packets so act fast! Get your seed packets here: SEED PACKETS
**2021 Cass County 4-H Fairbooks**
Please check over the 2021 Cass County 4-H Fairbook! There have been changes made to the schedule and project areas.
- Each club will receive one Fairbook free.
- Additional Fairbooks are $2.00 each.
- Online Fairbook Link: 2021 Cass County 4-H Fairbook
We will have a few printed and ready for pick up, if you want more than 5 copies, please email tcavanaugh2@unl.edu so we can make sure to have them printed and ready for you.
**2021 Cass County 4-H Council Grant**
The Cass County 4-H Council seeks to promote and support positive youth development and club experience for youth in Cass County through offering grants to support club efforts. Grant applicants are encouraged to identify needs of the county, club, members, leaders, and/or volunteers. Grant applications can be found here: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/council.grant.2021.docx
Big Green 4-H Club Poultry Show May 22
For more info:402.200.0459
Spring Fling Dog Show June 5th
We are excited to be hosting a FUN 4-H Dog show at the Scottsbluff Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 5th! All 4-H youth are encouraged to participate! Register by May 13th for the show!
For more information regarding the dog show please click here: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/scottsbluff-morrill/2021-spring-fling-4-h-dog-show/
Animal Science Discovery Days May 27th & June 9th
Register online at: https://cvent.me/WY8DxL
More info:
Elena Stout 4-H Educator elena.stout@unl.edu
Ashley Benes, 4-H Youth Development Coordinator - ashley.benes@unl.edu
Silver Spurs 4-H Horse Show June 26
Trail Class will be run at the southeast corner of the main arena concurrent with the arena classes. Patterns will be given at registration in the morning. No one will be allowed on the course to practice before the class starts.
Nebraska 4-H Dress, Rules and Patterns apply to classes.
Concession will be available on the show grounds.
For more information:
Tracy Heathers (308) 883-3925
Susan Spicer (308) 882-1463
Gene Heathers (308) 883-0143
4-H Invitational Horse Show June 19 Buffalo County Fairgrounds
Indoor Arena
Speed Events will be outdoors β CALL BEFORE YOU HAUL
Buffalo County Extension Office 308-236-1235
Show Chair β Horse Project Action Team
Entry Fees-
$5.00 Office Charge, $5.00 per class or $25.00 for all day
Age Divisions (as of January 1 of the current year)
3 Divisions β 8-11 (Div. 1), 12-14 (Div.2) and 15-18 (Div. 3)
2 Divisions β 14 and under, 15 and over
Western Dressage Clinic
The clinic will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 13 and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 14 at the R.B. Warren Arena, Animal Science Complex, 3940 Fair St.
You can register online or by mail. To register online, please visit https://go.unl.edu/westerndressageclinic. To register by mail, please download the Western Dressage Clinic flyer at https://animalscience.unl.edu/western-dressage-clinic and fill out the bottom portion.
For more information, please contact: Anderson at kanderson1@unl.edu, Purdum at spurdum2@unl.edu, or visit https://animalscience.unl.edu/western-dressage-clinic
Giddy Up Gang Open Horse Show June 12, 2021
More information: https://www.giddyupgang4hclub.com/
Ft. Robinson Horse Camp Program
2021 Fonner Park 4-H State Horse Expo
2021 Tractor Safety Training
πNebraska 4-H 2021 Summer Camps
We have exciting news! Registration for Summer Camp 2021 is now OPEN! Check out our exciting 4 and 5 day overnight camp offerings at the NEBRASKA STATE 4-H CAMP in Halsey! Charter bus transportation option offered select weeks from Lincoln (UNL East Campus) and Grand Island (Raising Nebraska)! Click the picture for more information.
Currently, Trey has been awarded 13 Scholarships!
Nebraska Daylily Society
Weeping Water Whiz Kidz
UNL Legends
Susan T. Buffet
Maynard Jensen Memorial
Freel/Lepert Family 4-H
David Knabe Memorial
Renee Flanagan Memorial
Post 237 American Legion
Sam Mather Memorial
Berneice M. Hopper Foundation
Weeping Water Foundation Boosters
Joke of the Week π
2021 Cass County 4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar - Be sure to check often for updates!
- June 14, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Scottsbluff
- June 15, 2021 - Statewide Enrollment Deadline
- June 15, 2021 - ALL Animal ID sheets due & county only horse ID/level testing
- June 15, 2021 - 4-H YQCA Testing complete and turned in to Extension Office
- June 15, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Burwell
- June 16, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Columbus
- June 17, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Lincoln
- June 18, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - McCook
- June 22, 2021 - Presentation Contest
- June 28-29, 2021 - Life Challenge
- June 28-29,2021 - Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- June 30, 2021 - State 4-H Public Speaking Contest
- July 10-14, 2021 - Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
- August 2, 2021 Cass County 4H Dog Show - Sarpy County Fairgrounds
- August 7, 2021 - Fairgrounds clean up - Livestock buildings and grounds
- August 8, 2021 - Static Exhibit Entry Day
- August 9, 2021 - Judging day for static Exhibits
- August 11-14, 2021 - Cass County Fair
- August 14, 2021 - 4-H Livestock Auction
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie King, Extension Educator, kking19@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Tammy Cavanaugh, 4-H Staff, tcavanaugh2@unl.edu
Sandy Prall, Office Manager, sprall2@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLCassCounty/
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty