Wildcat Foundation
Year-end Report, December 2021
Please Give.
When you give to the Wildcat Foundation, your donation is an investment in k-12 students throughout the MASD and in the future of our shared community. Donors allow the foundation to provide funds for some amazing programs and projects; all of which support student learning throughout the District.
For the current academic year, the Foundation committed nearly $120,000 in grant funds. This would not be possible without YOUR support.
Gifts to the Wildcat Foundation's annual appeal will benefit the 4,500 students enrolled in the District, and allow the Foundation to continue to provide grants to open doors and explore pathways in education, culture, wellness, and athletics.
You may learn more, and make your secure donation here. Thank you.
Find Us at 600 S Norway Street
Thank You!
Thanks to all who supported the Wildcat Foundation throughout the 2021 calendar year. Individual donors, participants and event volunteers; corporate and EITC investors, your combined efforts allow us to do what we do in support of our MASD schools and students. Thank you!!
The Wildcat Foundation
Aesop's Fables--Watch it Now!
This production is brought to your virtually, and intended for younger audiences. Since the virtual production precluded Wildcat Theatre from raising funds through ticket sales and program ads, the Wildcat Foundation is supporting their efforts by providing you the opportunity to make a financial gift to insure that high school theatre productions will be available to enjoy next year.
Grant Funding, it's what we do.
Grants for the 2022/2023 school year will be awarded in March, but you must apply to be considered for funding. If you represent a MASD k-12 interest, and wish to receive grant funds, please complete and return this application by end of business, January 7, 2022.
Completed applications must align with our mission: To strengthen the educational, cultural, wellness, and athletic programs of MASD.
Students face challenges and gain skills and confidence in the MMS Plus program, funded by the Foundation.
Students design/build water filtration systems in 8th grade Design for Change class, supported by the Wildcat Foundation through the Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program.
Wildcat Foundation grant supports Cheer Camp; helping to build teamwork, skills, and confidence.
Wildcat Foundation Night is returning LIVE--Won't you join us?
View our event brochure for further details and to register for, or support this exciting event.
There are many opportunities for you to create a positive impact on our schools and students through Wildcat Foundation Night
- Sponsor the event
- Donate an item for inclusion in our auctions (live, silent, and online)
- Purchase a $100 raffle ticket with the chance to win $250-$5,000! (license and permit #21-265 and 21-265A)
- Register and bid for online auction items. This site will be live, February 10- February 25, 2022
- Purchase a ticket and attend WFN on February 25!