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Welcome to Booth Hill School
2023 - 2024 School Information (updated July 2023)
School Hours
Full Day -- 9:00 AM --3:45 PM
Early Dismissal -- 9:00 AM -- 1:50 PM
Delayed Opening --11:00 AM -- 3:45 PM (2 hour delay), 12:00 PM --3:45 (3 hour delay)
BOE policy requires that parents inform the school when a student will be absent. Please call 203-929-5625 to leave a message or email Mrs. Vetro cvetro@sheltonpublicschools.org, csavino@sheltonpublicschools.org AND the homeroom teacher.
Please give child's name, grade, homeroom teacher and reason for absence. Please be specific. A call will go out to the parents/guardians of any student who is marked absent without any prior notice. Students who are absent without any notification will be marked as "unexcused".
Students are expected to attend school each day school is in session for the entire day. Students arriving after 9:00 will be marked as tardy, unless on a bus. Being late to school is disruptive for all in the classroom. Please have your child to school on time each day. Students have 9 excused absences allotted to them. After the 9th absence, all absences are considered unexcused unless accompanied by a doctor's note.
Students who miss school due to family vacations will not have any work sent with them ahead of time. All work will be made up upon return to school.
If your child will be absent:
- Call 203-929-5625 (preferred) OR
- Email (all three) cvetro@sheltonpublicschools.org, csavino@sheltonpublicschools.org as well as the homeroom teacher
If your child will be tardy: 9:01 AM is tardy!
- Walk your child to the main entrance and sign them in using the form on the table in the vestibule
- If you had a medical appointment, please ask for a note from the doctor/dentist and hand it in
- Your child will be given a late pass to give to the teacher.
If you are picking your child up early OR changing their dismissal procedure for the day:
- Send in a signed note with the details, OR use the form below
- Call 203-929-5625 with the specific details of the change
- ONLY contacts in IC are approved for pickup, and all must have photo ID
Weather Impacting School
There may be days due to weather that school is unexpectedly dismissed early. Notifications will be posted on the Shelton Public Schools website (www.sheltonpublicschools.org) as well as communication through social media. Please be sure to have alternate transportation arrangements made. See the Shelton Public School System (SPSS) calendar to view the plan for making up weather cancellations.
Delayed openings will be communicated through the SPSS website and various news outlets.
The Principal will determine when the weather is too warm or cold for outside recess; always send your child prepared to spend recess outside.
Student Belongings
- Students may not reenter the building after dismissal to pick up forgotten items.
- Student cell phones must remain in backpacks and turned off during school hours.
- Students should not use smart watches to text during school hours.
- Please send your child to school daily with a refillable water bottle and snack.
- Be sure to label all student items including jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles, and lunch boxes.
- Items not claimed from Lost and Found by the last day of school will be packed and donated to charity.
Birthdays at Booth Hill
Birthdays are a special day for students and will be recognized during morning announcements. Celebrations of birthdays should not disrupt the school day or endanger any student with food allergies. Please see the attached guidelines.
Parents should communicate outside birthday party invitations directly with parents. Teachers will only distribute invitations when an:
A. an entire class is invited, OR
B. all of the boys or all of the girls are invited so that teachers are not put in the position of answering why some are invited and not others.
BHS will not share personal contact information; the PTO may compile a list of class email contacts (that parents can opt out of if they wish) to share with the class.
Bus Information
Bus transportation is provided for all students. Bus route information will be posted at http://www.sheltonpublicschools.org/transportation before the beginning of the school year. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times on the bus. Failure to follow expectations may result in a bus report and possible bus suspension.
Students are expected to ride their assigned bus each day (or be picked up at dismissal by a family member). All requests for bus changes should be made to the Shelton Student Transportation Service at 203-922-1311. Booth Hill School cannot make bus changes. Changes to a student's dismissal plan will NOT be accepted after 1 PM on that day.
AM Parent Drop-off Procedures
Side entrance doors will open at 8:45 and remain open until 8:59. All cars must use the side driveway. No cars may enter the bus loop during this time.
Cars will loop around in the playground area and children will exit on the right side of the vehicle. Have your children ready to exit the car quickly on the right so that the process is not held up.
There is no need to get out of your car; if you must, please park in front and walk your children to the main entrance and sign them in.
For safety reasons, only students are allowed to enter the building during morning drop off. All students are expected to be in their seats by 9:00 or are considered tardy (students who arrive on a SPSS school bus are NEVER marked tardy). If the drop off doors are closed, please drive around to the front of the school. Parents need to come into the building to sign their children in.
PM Parent Pickup at Dismissal Time
Dismissal begins at 3:45. Adults picking up students will park in the rear of the building after the playground rope is lowered for the safety of our students.
Any adult picking up a student MUST present a photo ID and must be listed as a parent, guardian, or emergency contact on Infinite Campus. Anyone not on IC will not be allowed to take the student home unless we have prior written consent.
All students are dismissed from the cafeteria.
When exiting, please be mindful of pedestrians crossing and all cars must yield to buses turning.
School Attire
Please ensure students are dressed appropriately for the weather. Most rooms in the school are not air conditioned so it can get quite warm in the beginning of the year. For safety purposes, students should wear closed-toe shoes and must wear sneakers on Gym days (flip flops and slides are not allowed). Students should dress for playing outside in all temperatures and weather conditions (with the exception of rain/snow) all year long. Please label all coats, sweatshirts, etc., and notify the teacher immediately if you notice something did not come home.
The SPSS Student Dress Policy can be found below.
SPS Technology Agreements
Below are the links to Shelton Public Schools' updated Technology Agreements - Acceptable Technology Use Policy & Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Take time to read, become familiar with the expectations and discuss with your child. The sign-off sheets will be sent home in the opening day packet. Return to school the following day.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Cafeteria Services
Effective this year, a lost or destroyed lunch card will lead to a $15.00 replacement charge. Please encourage responsible use of student lunch cards--no bending, no breaking!
Lunch and breakfast are available each day for all students. Breakfast and lunch menus can be found in every Bulldog Bulletin. Students may also bring lunch from home. IMPORTANT: If you do NOT want your child purchasing meals or snacks from the cafeteria, email the school and we will put a notice on his or her account. Otherwise, students will not be turned away from purchasing food.
Full Price: $2.00
Reduced Price: $.30
Full Price: $3.25
Reduced Price: $.40
Snacks may be offered later in the year, which must be paid for in full and do not qualify under free or reduced meals.
All families are asked to complete the free and reduced lunch forms that are sent home; some state and federal funding is determined by the percentage of students who qualify.
School Safety Drills
Safety drills such as fire drills, lockdown drills, shelter in place, and evacuations will take place at various times during the school year. At least one type of drill will be conducted monthly. Dismissal of individual students will not be allowed during these drills.
Medication Policy
Students are NOT allowed to carry medications. All medications administered in school must be brought to school by an adult. They must be packaged in the original pharmacy container with the name of the student, doctor name, medication name and dosage. Medication must be accompanied by a signed authorization from the physician and parent/guardian with the time to be taken, reason and duration. Over the counter medications must follow the same procedure.
Medication policies and forms are below:
Volunteers should make appointments to work in a specific room at a specified time with a particular teacher. Volunteers should not arrive a the school unannounced. Volunteers are at the discretion of the teacher; parents will not always be allowed to volunteer in the own child's classroom.
Before and After School Care
Parents may make arrangements for a private daycare or family member to care for their children. In addition, students can be transported to and from The Hide Out at 49 Mohegan Road (203-929-0744) or the Boys and Girls Club clubhouse at 1 Positive Place (203-924-7462).
Before and After School Care is available here at BHS and is run by the Boy's and Girl's Club. Please contact Jen DeLeon at 203-924-9329 to answer any questions and to register your child. All communication, management, and payments are handled by the Boy's and Girl's Club, not BHS.
Website: http://boothhill.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page
Location: 544 Booth Hill Road, Shelton, CT, USA
Phone: (203) 929-5625
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/517911611642322