SAC Corner
Tragedy, Loss, Hate, & Fear (& Resources for Managing It)
Remember to work together. If the school notices your child is struggling we will let you know so you can check in at home too. If you notice your child is struggling with these things, give us a heads up so we can make sure we are paying attention to any signs your child may need a break or someone to talk to while at school. We can be in this together!
This special edition SAC Corner will have information & resources for various different struggles we are aware our community members are going through. It may not be applicable to everyone - and that is okay.
Violence, Crime, War
It is also possible to experience trauma from events not directly happening to you. Seeing graphic media coverage, hearing details, reading about something, relating to a victim/survivor in some way, etc. are all ways to experience trauma from these events. This is because it can shake our world view, make us question our own safety, make us question aspects of humanity and the world, and can cause fear we either previously had or fear we didn't know we could have.
Hate & Bias
We know victims/survivors/targets of these occurrences can experience trauma, but what people don't always realize is that witnessing these occurrences or even reading about them can cause trauma, fear, and questioning of safety.
It's important to stop hate in its tracks and to have resources to help those experiencing it.
Take Action
It doesn't mean you have to change your own views or perspectives. It's about trying to understand others as best we can knowing we can never truly have an experience other than our own.
Here are a few ways to give it a try: remember these are people sharing their experiences and perspectives and/or offering helpful or inspiring information.
See - Hear - Read Something, SAY SOMETHING
There is a huge difference between tattling, ratting, snitching and reporting. Tattling, ratting, and snitching is getting someone in trouble for something insignificant or that does not cause physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual harm to another living being.
Reporting is when you let proper adults (parents/guardians, administrators, counselors, teachers, police, etc.) know of something that has caused or could cause harm to another living being. Reporting can save lives. Even if it's your friend, intervene now before things get worse for them.
We have to watch out for one another. Did you know 61% of reports that averted attacks came from peers? You're more in the know than we are, so take the pressure, stress, and responsibility off your shoulders and out it on to an adult. We will take it from there!
Coping Skills & Help
Haddonfield School District SAC - Holly Penna
Email: hpenna@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: A104 HMHS
Phone: 856-429-3960 . 1155