Updates from EUSD
2022-2023 School Year

- Message from Superintendent Andrée Grey
School Spotlight: Paul Ecke Central Elementary
- EEF Survey Information and Results
Dear Families,
It has been an incredible feeling on campuses as we celebrated Kindness Week and Inclusion In Action. The importance of both can not be overstated as we look to ensure all students feel their schools are places where they experience kindness, love and acceptance from their peers and adults. We appreciate all of the wonderful volunteers and staff members who support these events.
Also, over the last few weeks each of our grade level teachers has been provided a substitute teacher to allow for every teacher from the same grade level to engage in a district wide professional development day in the area of writing. It was powerful to have every teacher from the same grade level together for a day of learning. Each teacher brought writing samples from their students, our Teachers on Special Assignment reviewed a new writing rubric as well as facilitated conversations around shared best practices, grade level standards and next steps. It served as a great launch point for the new semester! For ways to support your child with writing at home, click here.
Finally, this week we once again hosted Parenting in The Digital World presentation for our families. We had over 100 families attend to learn ways to support their children as they navigate the ever changing world of technology. For more information on our presenter, Clayton Cranford, and to sign up for his newsletter with important parent tips visit https://cybersafetycop.com/clayton-cranford/. You may also view a pre-recorded version of the presentation using the links/codes noted below. Please note the video link will expire on February 18, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. per our use agreement.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership!
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.
Parenting in the Digital World
Access key: EUSD-ENG23
Parent handouts are available for download on the video's webpage.
School Spotlight: Paul Ecke Central Elementary
Each month, a school is spotlighted at our EUSD Board Meeting. Principal Wes Sechrest provided an update from Paul Ecke Central Elementary School focused on outreach and family support. Principal Sechrest shared the shift in parent/family outreach that is being conducted by the school’s community liaison. In reaching out to families directly, the information, feedback, and attendance at school-related events has increased dramatically. This supports the relationships our families have with our schools. Please click this link to view the presentation slides, which include this video of parents/guardians sharing the experiences and feedback. We continue to be thankful for the partnerships we have with our families!
EEF Enrichment Survey: Information and Responses
Thank you for responding to the EEF Enrichment Survey. This information and feedback informs program decisions at your school site. Please click this link to view the informational slides.
EUSD is Hiring
To view open positions in EUSD, please visit EdJoin.org!
Reporting of Positive COVID-19 Cases
Encinitas Union School District
Website: www.eusd.net
Facebook: facebook.com/encinitas-union-school-district
Twitter: @eusdtweets