Sycamore Canyon Family Newsletter
August 23, 2022
Welcome Back!
Good evening Sycamore Canyon Families,
My name is Tylene Hicks, and I am the principal of Sycamore Canyon Elementary School. I wanted to share some important updates for the new school year:
On Wednesday August 24th at 8:30 AM, we will welcome our students back for a wonderful year of learning and growing. We have been working hard to get ready for you and I am certain that you will have a wonderful experience here at Sycamore Canyon. Your teachers cannot wait to meet you!
We have a great deal of information for you this evening and I encourage you to read closely.
Class Lists
The district will be posting the 2022‐2023 school year class lists online. The lists will be available tonight, August 23rd after 6:00 PM. To find your child’s class list, please visit the district website ( The lists will be password protected. The password for Sycamore Canyon is “success”. This password is case sensitive and only good for Sycamore Canyon School.
The staff and I have worked very hard on class lists for this school year. Many thoughtful conversations have taken place and careful decisions were made to ensure the best possible learning environment for all our children. We work to have an excellent balance of learning styles and ability levels, a balance of boys and girls, and good matches between learning and teaching styles. Your child’s previous teacher had an important voice in these placement decisions. Please realize that our staffing assignments can and often do change even after the school year begins.
Important Information
Safety at Sycamore Canyon is a top priority. We understand that our younger and new students may need assistance to their classroom lines during the first few days of school, so we welcome parents to walk their child to their designated morning meeting locations August 24th-26th. However, to ensure campus safety, starting August 29th, parents will be asked to say their morning goodbyes outside the gates. Minimizing our entry points and only allowing students on campus in the morning keeps our students and staff safe. Of course we always welcome and encourage parents on campus as classroom volunteers and for special events such as Back to School Night, Friday Flag Awards, community nights, Lunch on the Lawn, and PTA events. Volunteer applications are coming soon, and we continue to have a sign in process in the office for visitors. Thank you for understanding and ensuring our students' safety.
Arriving at School:
Our gates will open daily at 8:15 AM. Our school does not have supervision on campus prior to 8:15 AM. School starts promptly at 8:30 AM daily. Please be prepared for traffic and arrive early! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Breakfast and Lunch:
Breakfast and lunch will be available to all students for free during the 2022-2023 school year. Breakfast will be served before school between 8:00 and 8:30. Lunches will be served at grade level lunch times. Lunch times will be posted on the Sycamore Canyon School Website: Home - Sycamore Canyon School (
School Dismissal Times:
2:20 for Kindergarten-3rd Grade
2:46 for 4th-6th Grade
Staff will be on duty to ensure student safety. If you choose to pick up your child from school, you can meet them at the front of the school or at the street side gate on Settle Road. Please note that there are two lanes for drive-through pick up and drop off. Please be patient and courteous to other drivers and pedestrians.
Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
Patience and safety must always be on our minds as we work together to safely arrive and dismiss each day. With 330 students attending, we need everyone to work together to keep us all safe.We are so excited to see everyone!
Thanks for reading to the end! We look forward to seeing you Wednesday morning. Please enjoy these last few days of summer fun.
Stay Informed
Location: 10201 Settle Road, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 956-5400