AIS Friday Flash
Friday, March 12, 2021
Summer Camp at AIS
KidzToPros summer camps have included a March discount on their camps for a $100
Register at and enter code FLY100 during checkout to receive $100 off each camp just for AIS students. Check out the flyer for additional details.Camps include:
- Wonder Robotics
- Play It All Sports
- MakerSpace: Electronic Gadgets & Wearables
- Roblox Obstacle Course
- Music Production: Beats, Scratches, & Tracks, Soccer
- MakerSpace: Games & Toys
- Minecraft Coding & Game Design
- Basketball
- 3D Modeling
- Art Skills
- Playwright's Guild & Film Studio
- Tennis
- Lego Robotics - 3D Mindstorms
- Coding Game Design
- Digital Arts & Graphic Design
- Python Programming & Game Design
- Web Design and more!
AIS 10th Annual Gala
What a fantastic and successful event, thanks to all of you! We raised over $126K at our 10th Annual event. Thank you to our Gala Committee, administrative staff, that one anonymous volunteer who made so much possible (thank you), and all our ticket holders and sponsors!
We have post-gala items still open for bidding until 5pm today! Use your gala bidder number or if you were unable to attend, you can register now. You have a couple of hours left to check out the open slots in our staff experiences, buy a book for the library, or a 20th Anniversary Student Brick! Thanks again for all your support! We have shared some of the fantastic videos and slideshows here and you may view on our AIS YouTube channel.
Bonnes vacances ! Have a great Spring Break! A Message from Jacques
It’s hard to believe that today marks a year since the pandemic officially hit Austin. One school year ago today, we were forced to shutter the campus and make a rapid shift to distance learning. I have been so impressed by the drive and determination of our amazing teaching staff, our administrative team, AIS families, and—of course—our rock star students! We have weathered this storm well thus far, supporting one another along the way, and I wish to extend my thanks to everyone at AIS for holding the course over the past year. Though there is light at the end of the tunnel, we are not out of the storm yet. During my weekly meeting with Austin Public Health this morning, our decision to move to distance learning was reaffirmed based on current data and the percentage of our community members who will be traveling and/or having contact with people outside of their family bubbles.
Please remember to take full precautions during this Spring Break holiday and to use the attached COVID-19 Quarantine and Testing Reference Sheet to determine dates for quarantine and/or testing if you plan to engage in any medium- or high-risk activities (e.g., travel by plane, visiting an amusement park, visiting with people outside of your bubble, etc.). At the very latest, you should plan to begin your quarantining and testing regimen no later than Sunday, March 28th in order to be ready for a return to campus on Monday, April 5th. I remain hopeful that this will be our last full-school shift to distance learning for the remainder of the school year. As of today, 100% of our staff who wish to be vaccinated have been referred to APH for vaccines; more than 60% have had at least one dose of the vaccines and over a quarter are fully immune. Though we will be on Spring Break over the next two weeks, our team will continue to work on the things that keep our fantastic AIS community safe. Thank you again to you and your family for doing your part as well! Have a wonderfully restful, joyful, and relaxing Spring Break!
Spring Break/School Closed-3/15 through 3/26
We wish you all a safe two-week break. The following week we will have a Distance Learning schedule. We look forward to seeing those who are cleared to return to campus on Monday, April 5th.
Post Spring Break Distance Learning – 3/29 through 4/2
Please refer to the February 12th email from Jacques regarding the Spring Break travel guidelines for AIS. In order to allow time for our community members to complete quarantine and testing after the Spring Break holiday, AIS will operate in Distance Learning mode at all grade levels from Monday, March 29th through Friday, April 2nd. All community members are expected to be back in Austin and have started quarantine no later than Sunday, March 28th. Please use the included Quarantine and Testing Reference Sheet to help you with your planning. In order for our community to return to campus on Monday, April 5th, AIS community members who have had close contacts or who are presumed to have had close contact (e.g., through airplane travel, attending crowded events, etc.) with COVID-19 must complete quarantine and testing by no later than the following dates:
- on or before Sunday, March 21st if you had close contact without wearing a mask (regardless of whether or not you will do testing)
- on or before Thursday, March 25th if you were wearing a mask, are asymptomatic, and you choose not to test
- on or before Sunday, March 28th if you were wearing a mask, are asymptomatic, and you do choose to test
Please remember that close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of another person for 15+ cumulative minutes during a 24-hour period. The test may be PCR or antigen and individuals may not return to campus before receiving test results. As a reminder, all COVID-related absences are considered excused this year.
Re-Enrollment for 2021-2022 is Open
Please check your email for information about re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year. Thank you for registering during the Early Commitment period from now through April 5th, to confirm our staffing needs and classes for next year. We recognize our community has been incredibly giving this year. While we greatly appreciate you logging into your Parent Portal to complete the enrollment paperwork by the 4/5 deadline, we will be delaying the usual 10% deposit usually due at processing until May 15th for all re-enrolling families who enroll before 4/5! Early bird registrations will also benefit from having their tuition installments run from Aug 21 to April 22. Registrations received after the April 5th deadline will pay the 10% deposit upon processing and will run on a June through February payment cycle. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mathilde or April who can assist you.
PTO Coffee - Thur., 4/1 9:00 - 10:00 am
Please join the Parent Teacher Organization for their virtual coffee on Thursday, April 1st at 9 am to mingle as a community.
2021-2022 School Calendar
During the January 26th meeting of the school’s governing body, the Board of Directors voted to approve the 2021-2022 school calendar, which you will find published on the school’s website. Next year, the school year will begin on Wednesday, August 18th, 2021, and will end on Wednesday, June 8th, 2022.
March Student Birthdays
Happy Birthday, bon anniversaire, and feliz cumpleanos to the following students with March birthdays: Rosha C., Aiden L, Elliana M., Aubrey M., David D., Julian D., Donovan W., Stanislas S., Barbara H., Neela C., Alexis C., & Teah M.
Save the dates
Mark these important upcoming dates on your calendars.
- 3/12 No School/Teacher In-Service
- 3/15-3/26 Spring Break
- 3/29 - 4/2 Distance Learning
- 4/1 PTO Community Coffee
- 4/7 Virtual Storytime Open House
- 4/8 Spring Alumni Event
- 4/12 Progress Reports
- 4/15 1/2 Day of School & Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 4/16 No School/Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 4/21 - 4/22 Kendra Scott Virtual Mom's Day Spirit Event
- 4/23 Fund Run Day
- 4/26-4/30 STEAM Week
Austin International School
Location: 4001 Adelphi Lane, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: 512-331-7806
Twitter: @austinintschool