Thomas Jefferson School Newsletter
Winter Break 2023
Much Needed Respite
What a wonderful time of year to celebrate family, friends and the holidays. Students are excited about the upcoming break which will allow them to recharge their batteries and spend time with their grown ups.
We can't wait for the New Year in which we have so many adventures planned. Starstruck is returning in April and we are rebooting all behavior expectations with some amusing - yet educational - videos for the kids to watch. The short clips, starring staff members, will remind them how to act (and how not to act) on campus.
We are looking for a crafty person who can make us two bins to hold our StarBucks reward tickets. When the box is filled, grade level spans earn Otter Pops! If you can create something like the picture shown, please email Mrs. Deslaurier.
See you on campus.
Jennifer Deslaurier, Principal
End of an Era...
As you may have heard, Alliance Redwoods closed its campus to school groups for science camp. Thomas Jefferson is no longer able to attend as a 5th grade class starting this year and continuing into future school years. Although the Alliance Redwoods site is still home to church and private events, it is not staffed for a week-long school adventure. This is the end of an era, and is sad for many upcoming students, but the 5th grade team continues to provide adventures and memories with their other planned events throughout the year.
December 18th - Skate Night
December 18th - Crazy Hat Day
December 19th - Ugly Sweater Day
December 20th - Pajama Day
December 21st through January 7th - Winter Break - Students back on campus January 8th
January 8th - Kindness Focus, Reteaching of RISE Expectations
January 15th MLK Day
January 16th - School Site Council Meets to Approve School Safety Plan
January 23rd - PTC General Meeting
SAVE THE DATE for STARSTRUCK: Tuesday, April 9th approximately 5-7pm.
This is our once a year, entertaining performance that all the students practice and participate in.
Give back to TJ...
Join PTC - https://tjptc.ptboard.com/home
Join our Staff - https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1874250
School Site Council
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024, 02:00 PM
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, 750 Central Park Drive, Roseville, CA, USA
WE NEED YOU on the English Language Advisory COMMITTEE
Email Principal Deslaurier to join jdeslaurier@rcsdk8.org
Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024, 03:00 PM
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, Central Park Drive, Roseville, CA, USA
Character Traits and RISE
Positive acknowledgement is given to individuals, identified groups, classes and grade levels for students that follow RISE expectations.
Student leadership made almost 300 homeless hygiene bags!
PTC's Winter Wonderland was a hit!
Next Month's Rising Star Character Trait...
Speaking of Responsibility...
We have had a rash of non-preferred behaviors for about 2 months now. Three things to talk to your kids about:
- Foul language or language that is not appropriate for school
- Arguing with adults, interrupting instruction or ignoring direction
- Physical aggression, even during recess and PE games
These behaviors are not allowed at Thomas Jefferson.
Good news! We are planning to offer a course called Love and Logic to help parents navigate the challenges of raising successful future adults. Please click this link if you think you would like to join our class.
The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. All of our work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching, whole-child philosophy.
Monday, CrAzY HaT DaY
Tuesday, Ugly Sweater Day
Wednesday, Pajama Day
Independent Study and Absences Requiring Doctor's Notes
In order to help with absence verification, please bring a doctor's note when your student misses multiple days as a result of illness.
Need Help Finding Something?
RCSD School Calendar 2023-2024
Breakfast and lunch menus are here.
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (English)
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (Spanish)
Instagram @tjptc @rcsdjefferson
Facebook Thomas Jefferson PTC
STOPit Access Code: RCSDistrict
Actualizacion de Seguridad Escolar.pdf
Protocolos de Emergencia de RCSD.pdf
Transportation guidelines and procedures
What school does my child attend? https://www.myschoollocation.com/rosevillecitysd/