SAC Corner
Issue No. 3
Tattling vs Reporting
Tattling - involves the intent to get someone in trouble for something insignificant or not impacting others
Ex. The teacher said to use 5 drops of glue, Pat used 8 drops of glue, Sam told the teacher that Pat used 8 drops not the instructed 5 drops
Reporting - involves informing the appropriate adult personnel of a danger to oneself or another, harm that has been done (physical, sexual, emotional), threats, or something that causes fear or concern.
Ex. Sam saw peers passing around a phone showing nude photos of Pat. Sam told the counselor what Sam saw.
When we post online we use the "THINK" acronym before posting. When questioning if you should report or not, use this acronym: HOLD
Hurt - has someone been hurt physically, sexually, or emotionally
Offense - was something offensive or expressing hate speech, racism, sexism, or insulting?
Law - did something illegal happen?
Danger - is anyone or could anyone be in physical danger? Has something caused anyone to feel unsafe physically, emotionally, or sexually?
Make Those Phone Screens Grayscale!
Using grayscale phone settings can reduce anxiety and problematic phone use. Likely because the grayscale is less gratifying and reduces the appeal and desire to continue using the phone. The reduction then is coming from a decrease in screen time as a whole.
Screen Time
The kids who had 4+ hours of screen time per day did catch up to their peers in most areas by age 4, except for communication and problem solving.
This makes sense since we know these are crucial years that children absorb the world around them to figure out how to exist as a human. It also makes sense as we got a much more niche example when we saw screen time skyrocket for all ages in COVID and the "return to normal" skyrocketed anxiety, social worries, communication and confrontation avoidance, etc.
- They're never too old to monitor their screen time hours.
- Look for ways to give kids communication and confrontation skills
- have the kid tell the server everyone's orders for the table
- have the kid call an schedule their dr. appts rather than book online
- tell your child the plan for the day and ask them to repeat it back
- ask before teaching: if you get a flat tire, ask your kid how they think you would fix this before teaching them out - let them hone and practice problem solving skills - Before helping a kiddo, pause and ask if this help is absolutely needed or if it could accidentally rob the kiddo of a developmental opportunity for coping skills, problem solving, or communication skills
Another study here:
Coping with a Verbally Abusive Teenager
It's important to address the behavior, especially if teen may have an underlying mental health issue. For example, developmental disabilities and mental health disorders can make some teens more prone to this.
It is important to set boundaries, enforce consequences, teach emotional regulation, teach coping skills, and possibly explore both individual and family therapy. It's important to explain to the kids that they are engaging in it (they may not realize the weight of what they say).
Although most teens will engage in defiance, am abusive teen can take it to a higher and more dangerous level. Remember, these kiddos do not have fully developed brains. The part still cooking? Decision-making and impulse control.
Gen Z Going To Work
- COVID led to a period of time where people, especially Gen Z, were only working/schooling remotely. The reduction in human interaction (interviews, meet and greets, networking, etc.) meant these people where not able to see how different people who had been there interacted with one another and therefor couldn't pick up on certain things. This has a lot to do with vibes, acceptable and expected conduct, and all the unspoken things that sometimes baffle us when someone does not realize them.
- Communication/Confrontation is a major weakness in the generation and is often handled with informalities or avoidance.
- Gen Z will address within the company informally, such as "Hey"
- Gen Z will not decline an offer made by a company, not to be disrespectful but because they are unsure how to and are nervous
- Gen Z may want to text, not realizing companies prefer email
- Gen Z isn't always sure if they should email, text, use Slack, use Teams, talk to a mentor, talk in person, etc. and they may need guidance straightforward to tell how to communicate or confront
- Quiet Quitting - in an attempt to handle "burn-out" employees redefine their work-life balance by not focusing on work constantly, not being the hustle or rat-race. Workers still work hard and productively, but working the "bare minimum" of hours (i.e. only contracted hours you are paid for and obligated to).
- Bare Minimum Mondays - in the same vein as quiet quitting and 4 day work weeks is the trend of bare minimum Mondays. This idea is meant to ease into the work week and does not prioritize productivity and rather self-care.
When: November 7, 2023
Time: 6:00PM- 7:00PM
Where: Virtually via Zoom
Register Here: https://njpn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuce-orjwvGdI1dtRj6ESUqiaHZFIFlNS5#/registration
Being Proactive
Resource for: therapy, BIPOC specific resources, free therapy, suicide, crisis, substance use, LGBTQIA+, & more
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Issue No. 6: https://www.smore.com/0xp39
Issue No. 7: https://www.smore.com/xhqf10-sac-corner
Issue No. 8: https://www.smore.com/5kw2u
Issue No. 9: https://www.smore.com/5z3n9
Issue No. 10: https://www.smore.com/2g9zf
Special Editions
Doxxing: https://www.smore.com/0x9nb
Tech Effect: https://www.smore.com/nvg73-sac-corner
Suicide: https://www.smore.com/p0fj5
Tragedy, Loss, Hate, & Fear: https://www.smore.com/8sqet
Haddonfield School District SAC - Holly Penna
Email: hpenna@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: A104 HMHS
Phone: 856-429-3960 . 1155