22-23 SMHS Cheer Weekly Preview
Last Week in the Knight's Realm
JV girls at LCC 09/17
Team J Veezy!! Ready to lead the crowd at a moments notice!
MONDAY 09/19/2022
TUESDAY 09/20/2022
WEDNESDAY 09/21/2022
- V and F PRACTICE 1:00PM-3:00PM
THURSDAY 09/22/2022
FRIDAY 09/23/2022
SATURDAY 09/24/2022
TICKETS ARE HERE!!! I have sent some electronically and hope to have them all out by end of this week!
Join the Band!!
The month of September is the 9th month of the Gregorian calendar, but it is also a period of great transition. In September the last days of Summer are spent and the cool Autumn season begins. With the changing leaves and lower temperatures, the autumn equinox takes place. September is also home to many national and international holidays, including, Independence Day, National Grandparents' Day, Mexico's Independence Day and the beginning of Oktoberfest in Germany.
The two zodiac signs associated with the month of September are Virgo and Libra. People born from September 1st to September 22nd are members of the Virgo sign. As one of the zodiac's most understanding and caring signs, a Virgo can be easily spotted by their innate compassion. For those born from September 23rd to September 30th, they are members of the Libra sign. Those born under the Libra sign can be identified by their organized and harmony-driven personalities.
Brea R. 9/07
Baye U. 9/07
Gabe C. 09/11
Kirra 09/11
Gaby L. 09/12
Bree H. 09/14
Brooke B. 9/05
Competition Team Tryouts!! 09/19/22 and 9/23/22
PLEASE VISIT www.smhscheer.com under TRYOUTS tab for more information!!
SUNDAY-10/16 WASC Visit Cheer Performance
REMINDER!!! I fully understand that this event is on a Sunday...Please know that this is NOT mandatory and is only for 1 hour. We have been invited by our administration and I strongly encourage you to attend. With that said, you will not be penalized if you do not attend.
MANDATORY COMP CHOREO 10/19-10/20 @ 3:30PM-8:30PM
THE following is in effect and will be strictly enforced
If you leave practice early: You will sit out for the same amount of time you leave early and collectively this can add up over time.
If one practice is missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and sit out a portion of a game with her/his coach. However long will be up to discretion from the coach.
If two practices are missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and will sit out the entire game and meet with the athlete and parent to discuss disciplinary action, probation, and action plan.
Continuous absences will result in removal from the program. Please do not commit to our team if you can not attend practice regularly
SMHS CHEER SPOTLIGHT: Avery Hartman-Varsity
is a senior member of the varsity cheer team and this will be her fourth year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Avery:
Favorite color: Light Pink
Favorite food: Sushi and Poke
Hobbies: Hanging with friends and going to the gym.
Favorite sport(s): Watching football
Someone I look up to is my mom because she supports me and is strong and independent.
When I grow up I want to be a psychologist
Two words that describe you: Self disciplined and outgoing.
Kaylin is a junior member of the junior varsity cheer team and this will be her third year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Kaylin:
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite food: Burritos
Hobbies: Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Riding ATVs, & Going to the Beach.
Favorite sport(s): Cheer
Who is someone you look up to most? My Grandma because she is the sweetest and most caring person ever.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A physical therapist or a teacher.
Award(s)/Accolade(s): All American and Silver Honor Roll
Two words that describe me: Considerate and Driven
Climbing to the TOP
The art of topping stunts is a skill that’s difficult to master and complex to understand. Top girls are the face of stunts and pyramids, and with that honor comes responsibility and pressure. By no means are we complaining about being lifted in the air (and we’d be nowhere without our incredible bases and back spots!), but let’s be honest: being a top is harder than it looks. For instance. . .
1. Body control and flexibility are not natural.
As a top, you are required to know which part of the foot to stand on. You must be able to flip and spin with your hips while keeping your core tight and legs together. You need to have a good sense of timing, with the ability to pull your foot above your head on a single count. These things are almost impossible to learn overnight. They take time and repetition. How else would you be able to hit a Heel Stretch without moving the leg you’re standing on, or make a Full Up spin consistently to the front every time?
Top Girl Tip: Body control and flexibility take more practice than given credit for. Practice strength and stretching every single day (even at home!) to master this type of muscle control.
2. There’s a lot to remember in the air.
When you have to jump into a stunt with your weight in your arms, stand up quickly before initiating the spin, squeeze your legs while shrugging up through your shoulders, and land with less weight in your left foot until your base has secured a grip, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Keeping track of your many top girl duties takes extreme focus.
Top Girl Tip: Concentrate on executing your skills the same way every time so that your body becomes familiar with the precise movements and proper technique. This will allow you to focus more on performing, as your skills will happen naturally.
3. The pressure’s on!
Confidence doesn’t always come easily. You have to work hard to show poise in the air, especially for skills performed in front of an audience. If a stunt goes well, it’s up to you to smile and make the skills look sharp. If a stunt is struggling, everyone’s eyes are on you to see how you will recover, regardless of the reason the stunt is struggling.
Top Girl Tip: Simplify stunts by breaking them down into steps, and give each step its own mental reminder (shrug up, lock out, look right, etc.). You’ve followed proper progressions to get to the skills you’re performing, so keep a clear mind, and do the jobs you know how to do.
Hey There Knight Cheer Fam!
Welcome to Week 6!! Competition team had a GREAT first practice! Coach Heather and I are SUPER amped for the upcoming competition season! Over the next couple weeks our teams will be getting prepped for the exciting week of homecoming!!! Our very own Lauren Hainey(V Cap) has choreographed some great dance routines for V Squad! Principal Dawson and Assistant Principal Brown could not stop raving about Lauren's country dance performance! Kennedy Gardener(JV) and freshies Mya Press(Captain) and Kayden Hainey are also building their choreo portfolio by creating some super cute dance routines for their teams as well! We truly have a talented bunch! This coming week is a BYE week so NO GAMES!! Hope you all enjoy a relaxing Friday Knight off! HUGE THANK YOU to Nancy Gallagher(freshman parent) for getting a $1500 donation that will be used to pay for our Race for the Cure T-shirts!! We appreciate your outreach!! Our next big fundraiser is Cheer with a Knight on 10/13 and is coming quick.... Please keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities that will be coming soon from Booster Co-President Jami Hainey and VP of Fundraising Jen Aldrich. Please reach out if you have any questions! jamihainey@yahoo.com jenthebrat@aol.com If you have any suggestions on Newsletter additions I am all ears!
If you have not joined the BAND yet, please do so as soon as possible! The Band APP is officially our new mode of communication.
Looking forward to a great week!!
Remember to Keep it Classy and GOOOOO KNIGHTS!!