May 2023
Meadowood Program Monthly Newsletter
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- Monday, May 29th - No School (Memorial Day)
- MTP Celebrations - teachers will provide more information
- Saturday, June 3rd - McKean Graduation
- Wednesday, June 7th - 8th Grade Move-Up Ceremony
- Thursday, June 8th - 5th Grade Celebration
- Friday, June 9th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
- Monday, June 26th - Meadowood Summer Program Begins
Parents & Guardians:
Due to technical issues experienced by some of the users, the administration window to complete the survey has been extended to Friday, May 19th.
If you were unable to complete the survey, please try again. Here are some tips if continue to have trouble:
Common Tech Concerns
500 Internal Server Error
If you receive a “500 Internal Server Error” when testing the links or resetting your password, your browser's cache may need to be cleared to fix the issue. These are the instructions for Chrome, but similar for other browsers.
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. At the top right, click More .
3. Click More tools Clear browsing data.
4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
5. Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
6. Click Clear data.
Dashboard – 0% Completion
The dashboard may display 0% completion, but you can see that the completed number of surveys per population is reflected. The tech team at Mosaic is looking into this display issue. Viewing via a different browser or clearing your browser cache will likely fix. We will be running numbers on our end and sending a survey completion update this week via email.
General survey errors
Should a user have trouble accessing a survey link, please suggest trying a different browser. As a reminder, the online surveys are cell phone accessible.
We are asking you to complete the survey to help us learn what parents and guardians think about our school. Your thoughts and opinions are very important. Through this survey, we will use your experiences and opinions to help us build on our strengths and work to make improvements.
The survey will only take about 15 minutes to complete and can be accessed by desktop, laptop, or mobile device. If you have more than one child in this school, please complete the survey with one child’s experiences in mind.
The Delaware School Climate Survey was developed by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Initiative (a partnership between the Delaware Department of Education and the Center for Disabilities Studies at the University of Delaware). There is no identifying information on the survey, so no one will know how you individually answered any of the questions. Information from completed surveys will be used by the University of Delaware to make a report for our school.
When completing the survey, please do the following:
- Answer every question
- Mark an answer that best describes what you believe about the situation described
- Complete the survey by April 30, 2023
- Complete only 1 survey per child
Please feel free to contact me, or your child’s teacher, if you have any questions about the
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions with us and helping to make our school a better place for all students.
To access the HOME version of the DE School Climate Survey by desktop or mobile device, please click the below PARENT SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY
Kathie Mattix
Special Olympics of Delaware Soccer
Students from across the county came together for a Special Olympics Soccer event at Kirkwood Soccer Complex this month. We are so proud of our athletes. Check-out Meadowood's Facebook page for more photos and videos.
Thank you to all the teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists, specialists, administration, and support staff for making both days a memorable event for our students - it truly takes a village. A special thank you to Coach Kaiser for organizing the two day event!!!
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month
Thank you to our wonderful Speech and Language Pathologists and student support staff for all you do! Mary Anne Terzaghi, Liz McCormick, Adriana Aldrich, Darian Beahan, Erin McCarney, Casey Brown, Keri Luckanavage, & Jackie Fulmer
SLP Appreciation Day, or National Speech Pathologist Day, is also celebrated each year on May 18th!
Principal Appreciation Day - May 1st
Thank you Kathie Mattix for everything you do for the staff and students! We appreciate you!
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 8-12th
Teacher Appreciation Week highlights the hard work and impact of the nation’s teachers and the ways they help shape the future of our society. This year’s theme, Teachers Drive the Future, celebrates the idea that teachers are not just educators—they are one of the key drivers for every child’s journey to their future.
Teachers are the ones who inspire and guide their students to become future leaders and open their eyes beyond academics. Teachers also help to instill values, shape character and empower our children to pursue their dreams and make a positive difference in the world.
Celebrate School Nurse's Day - May 10th
Over the Edge - May 11th
Meadowood has THREE teams that will be rappelling this year: Team Crying is Cool (Jennifer Taylor, Jackie Cole, and Megan Shellenberger), Team Carol Percy, and Team Mackenzie Frail and Brenna McCloskey. Click on the links below if you would like to donate to the cause!
Meadowood Program Summer School
- Dates: June 26th - July 27th (No School July 3rd & 4th)
- Monday - Thursday - Summer program will be 4 days/week
- Location: Students in grades k-12 will be at Forest Oak Elementary; Meadowood Transition Program (MTP) will stay in their building
- Time: 7:20-2:15