Principal e-Note
Truman Middle School
September 11, 2023
Important Information about grades
Gradebook information for middle and high school parents: This year, we are streamlining the way that student progress and grades are reported for all middle and high school students. Below is additional information to help families locate the most current information about their student’s learning.
Where can I review daily work and assignments?
Canvas is the best location to view your child’s daily work/assignments and feedback on those assignments. Canvas will also best show you whether assignments have been submitted.
Where can I see my student’s official grades?
Infinite Campus displays all assessments that are counted into a student’s overall grade. It is the student’s official grade record. Infinite Campus is updated at least every two weeks if not more frequently.
Why can’t I see my student’s grades in Infinite Campus?
If you are not seeing grades in Infinite Campus, you need to choose “All Terms” at the top of the gradebook view. Some grades may show up in quarter 2; this is because all semester-long classes are set to be a rolling grade throughout the whole semester.
Why do I see some grades called “Preparation” and some called “Assessment”?
All gradebooks have two categories of grades: Preparation and Assessment. Preparation grades are practice assignments that are intended to prepare students for a future assessment; they are not calculated into the course grade. Assessments are measures of your student’s learning. They are calculated into the course grade.
Needs assessment
Our counselors work with students in small groups to meet their needs as indicated on a needs assessment survey. This survey will be provided next Thursday. If you want your child opt'd out of this survey, we need to know by Wednesday, September 13th. Please contact your child's grade level counselor. Their email addresses are below. Thanks!
2023-2024 school year reminders
- For AM drop off, the traffic flow pattern picture below indicates the best drop off point in the morning. The primary drop location is on the side of the building off of Robyn. The overflow location is the furthest left lane in the front of school. Please do not block the flow of traffic to get into the front lot. Continue on to the side parking lot/building as the front lot is overflow only. You may have noticed that I have been directing cars to the side entrance off Robyn when the stopped cars for the front drive/entrance is causing a backup to the intersection. I realize that this is not ideal for some but necessary to ensure that traffic can flow and buses can get onto the lot.
LHS home football games
We just wanted to communicate expectations for attending high school football games:
- Middle school students are welcome at games and must be accompanied by a parent and supervised.
- Students must remain seated if they choose to hang out on the hill.
- No outside sports equipment allowed.
- Watch and enjoy the game.
- Do not wander to off-limits locations or the visiting team's side.
- Students who do not follow our expectations will be asked to leave.
TPG General Meeting:
Truman Parent Group direct donation
Your Voice Matters: Strategic Plan Community Events
Lindbergh Schools invites all parents, staff and Lindbergh community members to participate in one of four community engagement events during the week of Sept. 11. Feedback collected during these events will inform the development of the district's next five-year strategic plan.
We want to hear from as many members of the community as possible, so please share this invitation and make every effort to attend one of the following events during the week of Sept. 11. We appreciate your feedback and support!
What: Lindbergh Strategic Planning Community Engagement Events
When: 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 12
Location: Truman Middle School cafeteria, 12225 Eddie and Park Road
When: 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 14
Location: Sperreng Middle School cafeteria, 12111 Tesson Ferry Road
Please Check Infinite Campus for Bus Route Changes
As we enter the third week of school, it is important that all families who use bus transportation log in to Infinite Campus on Monday, Sept. 5, and check their student’s pickup and drop-off times, and bus stop location. Routes will be adjusted this weekend, with updated information available on Monday, Sept. 5.
During the first weeks of school, the district works closely with our transportation provider First Student to make adjustments to bus routes, add new riders and create a schedule that is efficient, safe and reliable. Some minor adjustments may be possible as a result.
A good rule of thumb is to allow about 10 minutes of flexibility from the scheduled pickup and drop-off times, in case a bus is running early or taking a few extra minutes to arrive.
Lindbergh Distinguished Awards Banquet 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept 27
The Lindbergh community is invited to join the Lindbergh High School Alumni Association for a special evening, as we celebrate this year’s Distinguished Alumni, Distinguished Educators, and Hall of Fame Athletes!
Lindbergh Schools Foundation Community Breakfast Sponsorships
The Lindbergh Schools Foundation will host its fourth annual Community Breakfast on Friday, Oct. 27, and they are looking for businesses and families who would like to sponsor this community event! All proceeds benefit Lindbergh students and staff.
Upcoming Speaker Series
Gifted Association of Missouri Virtual Speaker Series: Parenting Gifted Children
7-8 p.m., Sept. 18
Please join us as Aisha Hasan speaks on the topic of “Parenting Gifted Children.” Parenting is hard, and parenting a gifted child has unique challenges. Learn about the important role parents play, the unexpected traits that can make parenting gifted children easier (empathy, gratitude, and mindset), and how to create a support network to enhance and empower your parenting skills.
LPAC Speaker Series: Promoting Equity in Special Education
6-7 p.m., Sept. 20
Please join us for LPAC's first virtual presentation of the year, featuring guest speakers Dr. Sheriah Mason, director of inclusion, equity and diversity for Lindbergh Schools; and Dr. Michael Maclin, executive director of equity for Special School District. LPAC is the Lindbergh Parent Advisory Council for special education.
Passcode: 275065
Nominate a Special Lindbergh Teacher for #TeacherProud Tuesday
Calling all students, parents, and community members: Lindbergh Schools wants your nominations for #TeacherProud Tuesday! Tell us about a teacher who works in our schools who has made a difference in your life, and they might be selected to be featured on social media as part of #TeacherProud Tuesday, a statewide social media initiative that is designed to recognize outstanding teachers and promote public education. On the second Tuesday of each month, Missouri school districts will recognize a #TeacherProud Tuesday honoree for going above and beyond, and making a difference in the lives of students.
Activity Fees
After school activities typically start up the week after Labor Day. Activity buses run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Clubs and activities are announced each morning and at lunches. A $10.00 yearly fee for activities is paid through our online system. Activities typically run until 4:00 pm. For a list of activities, see link below and contact club sponsors with any questions. When teachers return to us in August, we will continue to update our clubs and activities offerings and details.
Pay activity Fees here
Free Reduced Lunch information
It is important that families who qualify for free or reduced-price meals fill out an application for the 2023-24 school year as soon as possible. The free and reduced-price meals application is an electronic form, and will be available through the Infinite Campus Portal in early August. We will notify families when this form is available.
Filling out a form could also result in additional financial assistance for your family. In Lindbergh, those benefits include:
50% reduction in student technology fees
50% reduction in middle school and high school annual activity fee
Financial assistance for eligible Lindbergh Community Ed and Rec programs. This includes up to 50% registration reduction for many sports and activities.
Truman Core Values
Truman Bell Schedule
2023-2024 Lindbergh Schools Calendar
Student and Parent Guidelines
Students and parents, please read the guidelines document linked below that explains the expectations for students and parents. We strive for consistency in regards to the content of this document. All of the policies and procedures are in place to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students and staff. Thank you in advance for your partnership in regards to these guidelines.
Incident Reporting Forms
Contact Information
Assistant Principal
Special Education Coordinator
6th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Carolyn O'Daniel, Counselor
7th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Carrie Pulliam, Counselor
8th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Lindsay Markus, Counselor
Truman Middle School
Location: 12225 Eddie And Park Rd, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2470
Twitter: @TrumanFlyers