Mentoring Matters
Murrieta Valley USD Teacher Support Network-November 2021
Site Visit & Walkthrough Feedback
Jill and Sean have nearly completed our fall site visits and candidate walkthroughs. These are wonderful opportunities to connect with each principal to get feedback on candidate and mentor performance and ensure that any issues are remedied as efficiently as possible. They also provide an in-person communication option for connecting about program updates and support options. Since we instituted these sessions a few years ago, we have found that we have been able to be much more responsive to candidate needs and have been able to individualize mentor training more effectively as well.
Additionally, our walkthroughs give us a fantastic window into the experiences of our candidates. We have an opportunity to provide non-evaluative evidence of application using our Induction Walkthrough Form, which we share with the candidate and their mentor. Mentors are trained to use data and comments from the form during collaborative conversations to help candidates add evidence to their Continuum of Teaching Practice. They can then use this during their self-evaluation and reflection process in order to make decisions about possible areas of future inquiry and professional learning.
This year, Sean conducted all principal site visits for secondary and is completing walkthroughs for the secondary general education candidates. Jill is doing the site visits for elementary and walkthrough for general education multiple subject candidates. Rachel Duffy is supporting us by completing the walk throughs for all special education candidates.
Planning PD for Spring
We are putting together our spring schedule of professional learning experiences. We are finalizing our asynchronous Engaging Learning Environments session, which will feature many of the updated Teach Like a Champion strategies from the newly released version of the book. We also hope to offer many new after school sessions on a variety of topics relevant to the needs of our teachers, from basic classroom management to instructional tech. If there are specific workshop ideas you would like to see offered, please let us know so we can get these developed and on the schedule. Thank you!!
Upcoming Trainings for December
We have the following paid trainings coming up over the next few weeks:
Three Read Protocol for Problem Solving in Math (All Grades), Thursday, December 2, 4:00-6:00pm, Presented by Mary Vongsavanh
Difficult Conversations (All Levels), Thursday, December 9, 4:00-5:00pm, Presented by Sean McCarthy
You can learn more about the trainings and registration for the above sessions, as well as access our asynchronous paid online workshops by clicking HERE. We also have online training resources on a wide array of topics that can be accessed on demand 24/7 from the "Professional Development Buffet" in the Canvas PD Course HERE.
**Don't hesitate to recommend these or any of the above resources to teachers or other staff members who could benefit!**
Support Stats
As you may have heard, our program is far bigger than expected this year! Here are the current numbers:
Assigned Mentors: 61
Year 1 Induction Candidates: 36
Year 2 Induction Candidates: 19
ECO Induction Candidates: 1
Intern Candidates (Including STSP & PIP): 14
TPSL Candidates (Long-Term Subs): 6
CTE Clear Credential Candidate: 1
Modified Induction Candidates: 1
Other Candidates: 3
We are truly thankful for your support—have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance with staff!
Jill Buschhausen
ext. 5024
Erica Franklin
ext. 1028