There Is Sunshine After The Rain
Making It Through Life’s Struggle by Patricia A. Saunders
There Is Sunshine After the Rain: Making It Through Life's Struggles
Sitting there with the pieces of your life around you, there seemed to be a pattern. There was faith, love, deceit, lust, and loss—in that order. You didn’t think you were deserving of love. That is why everything was being taken from you, and you were ready to give up on life. Through your poetry, faith, and learning from your past, you can rewrite the story. It was after coming through all the experiences and being stronger, you realized there is always a new chapter.
The book will take you on the journey of a young girl growing up in Connecticut, who had to take some stumbles along the way to come into her own and realize instead of tearing herself down for the decisions she made, there is a lesson.
Love is greater than anyone can imagine and can warm you like the sunshine after the rain. You went from the beginning, the journey, the test, and the testimony to say, “There Is Sunshine after the Rain.”
There Is Sunshine After The Rain: Making It Through Life’s Struggle
Genre: Poetry > Biographies & Memoirs > Women
Four Seasons of Love
Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry by Patricia A. Saunders
From Award Winning Author of There Is Sunshine After The Rain, the author has written her latest book of poetry that is organized into four chapters that compare to the four seasons. The poetry spans all the emotions that both men and women go through from being smitten, falling in and out of love, and grief of losing the love.
Read an excerpt from Four Seasons of Love - http://a.co/iLyvu9u
Listen to a BAN Radio interview with Patricia, go here.
Four Seasons of Love is an anthology of poetry that separates the emotions of love into four chapters that covers the seasons. Both men and women can relate to their first kiss, being smitten, wondering if its real and the heartbreak of loss. The author writes each poem to have the reader visualize, feel, and remember those feelings.
Four Seasons of Love, something that most have experienced or know. Going through each Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter in the cycles of love and loss.
Poetry is the window to the soul that exposes everything. The emotions that are stirred up within make you laugh, cry, and remember a piece of you on the pages.
Spring is the blossoming of love. Summer is when it is passionate. Fall, as the season changes, so do you. Winter can be so cold, but yet a beginning of a new chapter.
Four Seasons of Love made the Amazon Top 100 in (#78) in African-American Poetry
Four Seasons of Love is an anthology of poetry that separates the emotions of love into four chapters that covers the seasons. Both men and women can relate to their first kiss, being smitten, wondering if its real and the heartbreak of loss. The author writes each poem to have the reader visualize, feel, and remember those feelings.
Take a peek inside Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry - http://a.co/iLyvu9u
Book Excerpt: Dust to Dust
It was a cold winter morning
The service was beautiful
You looked like you were sleeping
When I kissed you one last time the warmth of your body gone and you were ice cold
The casket closed
We were led out of the church
Escorted into the cars
Tears flowed
Driving through a town I grew up in
Seeing places that held memories
The buildings aged, some torn down, and others changed
Entering the cemetery cars lined up
We are led out to the spot you picked
Flowers are laid upon your coffin
As the minister says “Dust to Dust” a sharp pain is in my heart.
You’re lowered into your final resting place
My heart is ripped out of my chest and lowered into the cold ground along with you
I will have no rest
I will be lost until I see you again
I know better I know you are at peace
What about me?
A cold January morning a piece of me died when I said goodbye
Dust to Dust
“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”(Bible, 2019)
Purchase Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry by Patricia A. Saunders
Excerpt: There Is Sunshine After the Rain
There were men who came into my life that I loved with all my heart over the years. One man after another disappointed me for specific reasons. I found some had wandering eyes, cheated on me with my best friend while I was away at school, or I found out that they said all the right things, but their actions spoke another.
My wall went up to protect my heart and my new love became my job. I strived to be the best at whatever position I had. The people at my job were my friends, my family, and my child that I never had. There was something still that I felt missing, and it was on a trip to California that I felt my calling. I came back to tell my elderly parents that I was leaving, and it was my father who looked in my eyes and said, “I won’t always be here.”
Something in his tone let me know that it was the right decision because I needed to become independent. I had family in California, so I had support. Within two months I had given notice at my job, packed two suitcases, sold my belongings and had a one-way ticket to California.
I knew no one except my family, and I slowly began to venture out to the unknown. I was working sometimes two jobs to make ends meet. Because I couldn’t go back to Connecticut. Because I didn’t want to fail.
My father’s health was declining and I would come back annually to see him. I had so much excitement to see him that I would just lie on the covers next to him. Just listening to him breathe and feeling protected from the storm. I remember like it was yesterday I came home after he had surgery. It was snowing and I went outside to shovel the snow. Being that I was the youngest, a girl, and my parents always paid a neighborhood kid to do this. Well the kids had all grown up and moved out of the neighborhood. I never had done this task of shoveling. Something that my father had done for years and made it seem like the snow was as light as a feather.
He sat and watched me and I struggled, but he stayed in the window from afar. It felt like the muscles within my chest had exploded and I was in so much pain, but I couldn’t let my parents down. I thought I had done a good job. While I was inside recovering from the ordeal, my father had changed clothes and slipped outside. Shovel in his hands and as the man of the house—no matter if he had a hole in his side, wasn’t to lift anything, and was supposed to be recuperating—he was still going to be the man and complete the task.
When I saw what he was doing, I lost it because of the fear he would injure himself. We got into the biggest argument. I was leaving the next day and we were still mad at each other. I kissed him goodbye and sat on the shuttle crying all the way to the airport. It was something within my being that knew that it was the last time I would see him. I wanted to become the protector and do everything in my power to show him I could be strong, I could provide, and I was the woman he raised me to be. He, being the proud African American patriarch of the family, not wanting to be seen weak, even in the months before his death wanting to be remembered as strong.
Within months he was in hospice, my mother had called to tell me to come home, arrangements were made. I spoke to him and he could barely whisper into the phone. I said, “Daddy, I love you. I got a new job paying me good. I will be able to take care of Mommy, it’s okay if you want to go. I was to leave on a Thursday morning and at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday while getting ready for work my mother called to tell me his condition. She placed me on hold because another call was coming in. She came back on the line, and I could tell by her tone something was wrong. I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong” and she said, “They said he’s expired.” She had to get off the phone and go to be with the man she called Honey. She had to see him before he was gone.
I sat naked on the bed, called my sister who lived close by, and said, “Daddy’s gone.” She rushed to my apartment and there I sat in shock. She helped me get dressed, she hugged me while I wept, and she took control of my life for the next seventy-two hours. She placed calls to get me home immediately, few words came out of my mouth, and she took time away from her family to bring me home. It was a blur from that point on while preparing for the funeral, making sure my queen was taken care of, and my king was laid to rest.
My father died eight days before my birthday and we laid him to rest on St. Patrick’s Day, aka, St. Patty’s Day. As I delivered his eulogy, I recited all the accolades about this man we all loved. The question that I proposed to the group was “Who will have my back now”? The minister, from the podium, answered "God will always have my back.”
As we drove to his final resting place, my brothers, nephews, and grandnephews came to hug me, each whispering in my ear that they would always have my back. The tears flowed, and my father was lowered into the ground as I said my final goodbye.
( Continued… )
There Is Sunshine After The Rain: Making It Through Life’s Struggle
Genre: Poetry > Biographies & Memoirs > Women
#UnwrappedLit: There Is Sunshine After the Rain: Making It Through Life's Struggles by Patricia A. Saunders. Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CpHlwJlX
#UnwrappedLit: This Too Shall Pass by Patricia A. Saunders. Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C2csrcxk
Black Pearls with Patricia A. Saunders
Intimate Conversation with Patricia A. Saunders
Patricia A. Saunders was born and raised in Connecticut before relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area nearly 27 years ago. She received her Master’s in Management from the University of Phoenix in 2011.
After the passing of her mother who had Alzheimer’s, Patricia decided if she inherited the disease she wanted her words to be her legacy and that all the words that she kept to herself were to be released.
Patricia's work has been featured on a Coast to Coast Book Tour at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Toronto Word On The Street, Sacramento Black Book Fair, Tucson Book Festival, Miami International Festival of Books and AARP Life@50+ Spring Convention.
Recently she was chosen among 100 authors from around the United States to participate in the Author’s Pavilion at the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Convention in Washington, DC.
Her latest book, Four Seasons of Love, covers all aspect of love broken into four chapters relate to the four seasons.
Patricia, a Supervisor in Silicon Valley, in her spare time she enjoys to travel, wine tasting, and spending time cooking for friends.
BPM: Please share something our readers wouldn’t know about you.
I love to watch documentaries and home decorating shows to get inspired.
BPM: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Loyal, Funny, and Confident.
BPM: Tell us about writing your first non-fiction book. What was the journey like?
It was therapeutic because it was after the passing of my mother. When decided I wanted to write a book I reached out to my niece who was also self published. She explained what she had done and sent a package for me to read.
I researched to find an on demand publisher. I wanted full control of my first book. The journey with the publisher was easier than expected I signed a contract, uploaded my manuscript, paying for a package that included formatting, cover design, copyright, marketing, and promotion.
I met my editor at an event and trusted her to work with myself on three rounds of edits.
Once everything was completed I review my proof and made the approval. Within 4 weeks I was shipped 25 copies of my book to present at my very first book signing.
BPM: Introduce us to your most recent work, Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry.
Four Seasons of Love is a book of poetry that I separated into four seasons. It covers all the emotions for both men and women. From the moment of attraction, falling in love, and everything in between. A reader who has never read poetry will be able to easily relate to the style of poetry. It captures your attention from the first page until the last. It is available on both Nook and Kindle.
BPM: Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?
Sure. There is poetry for those going through separation, grief of losing a love one and for those who need to move forward as well.
BPM: Did you learn anything personal from writing your book?
That it is never too late to fall in love. Upon doing my research to write I was observing couples of all ages.
BPM: Is writing easy for you? Do you feel lonely being a writer during the creative process?
I sit down and start letting the words flow onto the pages of my laptop. I rarely write anything down. I let my imagination run rampant from reading, watching television, and observations. I don’t feel lonely I have to have my solitude to let the creative side express.
BPM: Tell us a little about your creative process. Do you use a computer or write out the story by hand?
I use a laptop majority of the time to write. I have my journals next to my bed, in my car and packed for vacations so that if something motivates me I am either able to start writing the poetry or story.
BPM: Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips self-care for creative folks?
I try to burn candles, play music that brings an emotion to the surface and when I get overwhelmed I meditate.
BPM: Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present situation or journey.
When I wrote the piece called “Dust to Dust” I realized how far I had come from the beginning of my grieving process. I was writing about death but more of my poetry was about living, love and wanting to experience more of life.
BPM: What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
Time! I work a demanding full time job so planning time to write was challenging.
BPM: Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?
I love going to the hair salon and listening to women talk about how they met their mate, giving advice when they are going through something and laughing with them. I call them my Saturday morning crew. Various ages, background but the common thread love!
BPM: Do you have anything special for readers that you’ll focus on this year?
I am always sharing about my books and will have pop up sales.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
My next book which will take me out of my comfort zone is fiction.
Explore more of my books: https://www.amazon.com/author/patriciaasaunders
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Website: http://www.patriciaasaunders.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlessedPoetPat
Books: https://store.bookbaby.com/profile/PatriciaASaunders
Tour Page: https://www.smore.com/8x7ry-there-is-sunshine-after-the-rain
Publisher's website: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/four-seasons-of-love
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51920878-four-seasons-of-love
Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Four-Seasons-Love-Anthology-Poetry-ebook/dp/B0853CNGR8
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/four-seasons-of-love-patricia-a-saunders/1136544565
There Is Sunshine After The Rain Interview with Patricia A. Saunders
Explore books by Patricia A. Saunders:
Author Patricia A. Saunders was born and raised in Connecticut before relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area nearly 26 years ago. She received her Master’s in Management from the University of Phoenix in 2011. After the passing of her mother who had Alzheimer’s, Patricia decided if she inherited the disease she wanted her words to be her legacy and that all the words that she kept to herself were to be released.
Her work has been featured on a Coast to Coast Book Tour at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Toronto Word On The Street, Sacramento Black Book Fair, Tucson Book Festival, Miami International Festival of Books and AARP Life@50+ Spring Convention.
Recently she was chosen among 100 authors from around the United States to participate in the Author’s Pavilion at the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Convention in Washington, DC.
She is a monthly blogger of her own blog Blessed & Curvy who covers today’s hot topics. Also she is certified speaker with the Professional Woman Network for Women’s Issues & Diversity.
She released her first self published book Through the Fire (March 2012) which covered emotions from situations, circumstances, and life lessons that have influenced her over her lifetime.
On a mission to complete a book a year in case she inherits the ugly disease she released her second book Loving Me (2013) and third Let It Rain (2014) which is also self published and covers various topics from love, grief, self image, self esteem, bullying, and discovery of self love .
Her fourth book (2016) This Too Shall Pass was given it a five star rating by loyal readers. The book was inspired from three note cards she received after the passing of her mother when she felt like giving up on life, on the brink of losing her home and being unemployed that encouraged her to live for those who loved her.
Patricia's fifth book was released in (2017) titled, There Is Sunshine After The Rain. The non-fiction book includes poetry that was birthed after the tenth anniversary of her Mother’s passing. The reality that with every lesson that she has experienced through life, there was a reason is magnified in this incredible book. The storms of life will come, there are tests that all are faced with, but it’s how you respond that makes or breaks you.
Saunders chose poetry and nonfiction to let the readers know the thought process behind the poetry, tools to help others who may face the same circumstances, and it builds a relationship further between the author and those reading her words.
Her latest book, Four Seasons of Love (2020) is an anthology of poetry that separates the emotions of love into four chapters that covers the seasons. Patricia wrote each poem to have the reader visualize, feel, and remember their most intimate feelings and memories.
Patricia is a Supervisor in Silicon Valley, in her spare time she enjoys to travel, wine tasting, and spending time cooking for friends and family.
Visit her website: http://www.patriciaasaunders.com
Explore books by Patricia https://www.amazon.com/author/patriciaasaunders
BPM: What made you want to become a writer?
I wanted to leave my words as a legacy after I am gone in case I inherit Alzheimer’s, the disease that my Mother passed from.
BPM: How long have you been writing?
Professionally since 2012, but I have been writing since I was a kid.
BPM: What has inspired you creatively?
Reading great books, traveling, and experiencing life.
BPM: Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Yes, to a certain degree it helped through the grieving process after my mother passed and I find it therapeutic.
BPM: How has writing and poetry impacted your life?
I write poetry on any topic that touches me. I wrote about the killing of Sandra Bland, motherhood, faith and relationships. Through writing, it is like each book is a self-evaluation at each stage of my life.
BPM: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
That my decisions on relationships weren’t good and I kept choosing the wrong men. Writing made me look at the experiences life had dealt me and how I responded.
BPM: How do you find or make time to write?
It’s always in the evening throughout the night.
BPM: How did you choose the genre you write in?
Poetry didn’t have to be restricted. I felt free to let the words flow.
BPM: Have you considered writing in another genre?
Yes, this latest book is non-fiction.
BPM: Tell us about your book, There Is Sunshine After The Rain: Making It Through Life’s Struggle.
It’s a biography that spans my life so that the reader can understand what motivates me to write. I can stand in front of an audience and tell my story before reading a piece but a reader doesn’t get the same experience so I chose to write There Is Sunshine After The Rain. Available on Nook and Kindle.
BPM: What was your hardest scene to write?
Reliving a bad experience that happened to myself on a date while in college. Writing the scene so that the reader could visualize everything had me in tears.
BPM: Is there a specific place that you find inspiration in?
Recently I went back to Connecticut where I was born and tried to even find my mother’s gravesite. The connection to my roots.
BPM: Is there a certain theme or idea you’d love to work with?
I like to write about love and the various aspects of it.
BPM: Do you try to deliver to readers what they want or let your muse guide your writing?
I write to deliver a message that the readers can relate to and retain for years.
BPM: Is there one subject you would never write about as an author?
No. I write about everything in my work.
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
Currently promoting my books and of course writing in my journal.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Website: www.patriciaAsaunders.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/blessedpoetpat
Twitter: www.twitter.com/blessedpoetpat
Instagram: www.instagram.com/blessedpoetpat
Blog: www.blessedpoetpat.blogspot.com
Purchase There Is Sunshine After The Rain: Making It Through Life’s Struggle by Patricia A. Saunders. Genre: Biography and Poetry.
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