Kindergarten Team
Here to help your child grow!
Weekly Update:5/8
Dear families,
We have started the final countdown! Only 14 more days left! We know getting through the ene of the school year can be challenging at times. We appreciate your support from home. We can do this together!
Wednesday, May 10th: Walking field trip to Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
TOYS: Make sure your child leaves toys and Pokemon cards at home to avoid distraction.
PTA: please consider joining and supporting our PTA, who sponsored our field trips this year. We also have received grade centers and manipulatives for SLA and MATH. In addition, to help our staff morale, PTA is sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities. Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA by attending PTA meetings; here is the email for more information:
RAVE: If you want to submit a RAVE to any of our community members, please nominate that staff member by completing this form.
Kindergarten graduation will be taking place May 24th. More details to come.
Although Kinder students are not allowed to take library books home, please make sure your child didn’t take any library books home by accident. All books from the library are due by next week . Overdue notices will be sent home Monday, May 15th .
Monday, May 8th - Friday May 12th : Book People Book Fair
Tuesday, May 9th : Melody Afkami will present a dance class (Home Page - Melody DanceFit)
Thursday May 11th: Pizza during lunch with Mr. Barret because Kinder won the fundraiser!!!
Friday May 12th: PJ day!
Monday 15th : Popsicles during lunch
Tuesday May 16th: Talent Show - In school performance
Thursday 17th: Kona Ice After lunch
Friday May 19th: Field day
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
We are including here the Kinestemas movements for you to be able to review at home. The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z”, “ce, ci”, “k”, “x” and blends with “l” . Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo, kiwi, koala, kayak, mariquita, queso, mosquito, Clara, plástico, cubre, montaña, colina, valle, río, riachuelo, cascada, lago, estanque, accidente geográfico, volcán, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we are going to be working on:
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
El kiwi es una fruta con semillas. (K)
Las mariquitas tienen un ciclo de vida. (QUE QUI)
La niña Clara puede reciclar plástico (CL, PL)
El agua cubre mucho de la Tierra. (R blends)
Los volcanes son accidentes geográficos. (CC, GR)
A look at the week ahead:
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Community, our monthly theme. We are also learning digraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be reviewing material learned throughout the year.
SLA/SCIENCE: Students will be doing STEM activities and a memory book about the school year .
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What makes you happy?”
Encourage your child to repeat “I stand up for what I believe in”
Book recommendations:
“Tu cuerpo es tuyo”, by Lucía Serrano. It helps children learn they have the rights to their body.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Saray Maldonado
Carinna Diaz De Leon
Teresa Nemesio Gorriz
Grade Color: Purple!
Weekly Update:5/1
Dear families,
We hope you had a great weekend. We only have four more weeks to go 🙂!!! Incredible!! It's going to be sad seeing them move on to first grade after all the relationships we’ve built 🙁.
Huge thanks to everyone who came to Pachanga and a big congrats 🎉 to the highest raising grade, Kindergarten 💥! Stay tuned for all the fun reward dates ahead!
Wednesday, May 10th: Walking field trip to Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
TOYS: Make sure your child leaves toys and Pokemon cards at home to avoid distraction.
PTA: please consider joining and supporting our PTA, who sponsored our field trips this year. We also have received grade centers and manipulatives for SLA and MATH. In addition, to help our staff morale, PTA is sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities. Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA by attending PTA meetings; here is the email for more information:
RAVE: If you want to submit a RAVE to any of our community members, please nominate that staff member by completing this form.
STAAR test: May 4th is our last STAAR test: Please note no visitors will be allowed in school.
Volunteer video celebrating all the wonderful work our school does thanks to all of your support, this video was made by Ms. Vasquez.
Kindergarten graduation will be taking place May 24th. More details to come.
Although Kinder students are not allowed to take library books home, please make sure your child didn’t take any library books home by accident. All books from the library are due Friday, May 5t . Overdue notices will be sent home Monday, May 8th .
Book People Book Fair is Monday, May 8th - Friday May 12th .
Melody Afkami will present a dance class to Kinder - 5th grade on Tuesday, May 9th in the gym. Kinder - 2nd grade will attend 9:00 - 9:45 (Home Page - Melody DanceFit)
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
We are including here the Kinestemas movements for you to be able to review at home. The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z”, “ce, ci”, “k”, “x” and blends with “l” . Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo, kiwi, koala, kayak, mariquita, queso, mosquito, Clara, plástico, cubre, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100, Contando de 10 en 10
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés, Silabas trabadas con R.
Science: Pequeño planeta, La cancion del río
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs “-th and -wh” “-op, -et, -en, -ed”, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
El kiwi es una fruta con semillas. (K)
Las mariquitas tienen un ciclo de vida. (QUE QUI)
La niña Clara puede reciclar plástico (CL, PL)
El agua cubre mucho de la Tierra. (R blends)
A look at the week ahead:
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Community, our monthly theme. We are also learning digraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be able to apply mathematical process standards to collect and organize data to make it useful for interpreting information.
SLA/SCIENCE: Students will be working on rocks.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “If you had to give everyone in the family new names, what would they be?”
Encourage your child to repeat “I have people who love and respect me.”
Book recommendations:
El intruso, a story about a kid who feels intimidated by a ball in his bedroom. A reflection about group dynamics, changes, fear to the unknown and the spot that each of us has in this world.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 4/24
Dear families,
We hope you had a great long weekend. The weeks are passing us by- please stay abreast of all things coming up.
May 10th: Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
Make sure your child leaves toys and Pokemon cards at home to avoid distraction.
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
We are including here the Kinestemas movements for you to be able to review at home. The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z”, “ce, ci”, “k”, “x” and blends with “l” . Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo, kiwi, koala, kayak, mariquita, queso, mosquito, Clara, plástico, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100, Contando de 10 en 10
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Pequeño planeta
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs “-th and -wh” “-op, -et, -en, -ed”, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
El kiwi es una fruta con semillas. (K)
Las mariquitas tienen un ciclo de vida. (QUE QUI)
La niña Clara puede reciclar plástico (CL, PL)
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will observe the cycles in time in our various communities and the world. Students will observe and identify various cycles in their worlds including daily schedules, weekly routines, and other cycles related to time and chronology. Students will identify how things were in the past, present, and future and discuss how these cycles can be changed.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Perseverance, our monthly theme. We are also learning diagraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be able to solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums and differences up to 10.
SCIENCE: Students have worked on taking care of the Earth (reduce, reuse, recycle) and they will be working on water landforms.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What one thing do you do now that you usually need an adult for but would like to try to do all by yourself?”
Encourage your child to repeat “I can control my own happiness“.
Book recommendations:
El cazo de Lorenzo, by Isabel Carrier, a book about how to respect diversity.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 4/17
Dear families,
We hope you had a great Easter and a wonderful three-day-weekend!
Kinder graduation: Wednesday May 24th
April 21th: Botanical Garden
May 10th: Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
Make sure your child leaves toys and Pokemon cards at home to avoid distraction.
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please check the weather daily so that students are dressed appropriately for the weather in Texas.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
PLEASE have your child bring an object that we can reuse or turn into something else.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z”, “ce, ci”, “k”, “x”,“ñ” and “ch”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo, kiwi, koala, kayak etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100, Contando de 10 en 10
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Mariquita mariquita
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs “-th and -wh” “-op, -et, -en, -ed”, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
El kiwi es una fruta con semillas. (K)
Las mariquitas tienen un ciclo de vida. (QUE QUI)
Las mariquitas son insectos pequeños con manchas. (Ñ y CH)
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will observe the cycles in time in our various communities and the world. Students will observe and identify various cycles in their worlds including daily schedules, weekly routines, and other cycles related to time and chronology. Students will identify how things were in the past, present, and future and discuss how these cycles can be changed.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Optimism, our monthly theme. We are also learning diagraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed, -wh ” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be able to solve word problems using objects and drawings to find differences up to 10.
SCIENCE: Students will be working on how to take care of our planet by reducing, reusing and recycling. We will be using some problem-solving strategies to reuse some objects.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “Do you like it when other people share with you? Why?”
Encourage your child to repeat “Today is going to be a great day”.
Book recommendations:
El niño escarabajo / The beetle boy, by Lawrence David. A boy wakes up turned into a beetle and he wonders what is going on or why no one realizes. He feels alone and is worried that he is not going to be accepted by his parents. However, the day they find out, they show unconditional love.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 4/3
Dear families,
We hope you had a great long weekend.
Staff Wellness Challenge is an incentive program for our staff to prioritize their physical and mental health and well-being. This year we will be organizing the raffle baskets by grade level and now it is Kinder’s turn. Alexandra Chaves, room parent for Maldonado volunteered to take the lead on organizing the kinder basket.
April 21th: Botanical Garden
May 10th: Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
Make sure your child leaves toys and Pokemon cards at home to avoid distraction.
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please label water bottles.
Please check the weather daily so that students are dressed appropriately for the weather in Texas.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z”, “ce, ci”, “k” and “x”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo, kiwi, koala, kayak etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100, Contando de 10 en 10
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Mariquita mariquita
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs “-th and -wh” “-op, -et, -en, -ed”, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
El kiwi es una fruta con semillas. (K)
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will observe the cycles in time in our various communities and the world. Students will observe and identify various cycles in their worlds including daily schedules, weekly routines, and other cycles related to time and chronology. Students will identify how things were in the past, present, and future and discuss how these cycles can be changed.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Perseverance, our monthly theme. We are also learning diagraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be able to solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10.
SCIENCE: Students will be working on insects and their parts.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What are the best ways to make a fort?”.
Encourage your child to repeat “My challenges help me grow”.
Book recommendations:
Hilo sin fin, by Mac Bernett, a beautiful story full of tenderness and magic that deals with many values: generosity, kindness, effort, optimism and lack of interest for materialistic things.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 3/27
Dear families,
We hope you had a great time over Spring break. We are coming back fully charged to start our last 9 weeks of school. We can’t believe it! Time just flew by!
Staff Wellness Challenge is an incentive program for our staff to prioritize their physical and mental health and well-being. This year we will be organizing the raffle baskets by grade level and now it is Kinder’s turn. Alexandra Chaves, room parent for Maldonado volunteered to take the lead on organizing the kinder basket.
MAP Testing Window: March 20-31
April 21th: Botanical Garden
May 10th: Warren Wildlife Gallery! A small unique wildlife museum located in Central Austin.
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please label water bottles.
Please check the weather daily so that students are dressed appropriately for the weather in Texas.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j”, “h”, “z” and “ce, ci”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, zorro, zorrillo etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100, Contando de 10 en 10
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Partes de una planta, Petronila es una flor
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs “-th and -wh” “-op, -et, -en, -ed”, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
El zorro y el zorrillo son amigos. (Z)
Las plantas crecen de la semilla. (CE, CI)
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will observe the cycles in time in our various communities and the world. Students will observe and identify various cycles in their worlds including daily schedules, weekly routines, and other cycles related to time and chronology. Students will identify how things were in the past, present, and future and discuss how these cycles can be changed.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Perserverance, our monthly theme. We are also learning diagraphs, “-op, -et, -en, -ed” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, so, will, back, let, were…).
MATH: Students will be able to solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10.
SCIENCE: Students will be identifying plant needs and the life cycle of the plants.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What are the best ways to make a fort?”.
Encourage your child to repeat “My challenges help me grow”.
Book recommendations:
Tengo un volcan, de Miriam Tirado. A book of a Catalan author that teaches us how to deal with anger.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 3/3
Dear families,
We can’t believe it’s already March!!! We hope we have been enjoying this Spring weather. Thank you to all of our volunteers in making our walking field trip to the library a success! Students learned how to "sweetly ask" parents to take them to the library... IT'S FREE!!!
We are very excited to invite you to our upcoming Becker Choir performance. Grades K-2 will perform on Wednesday, March 8th, and Grades 3-5 will perform on Thursday, March 9th. Performances will begin at 600 PM. We hope to see you and your family there!
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please label water bottles and all jackets and coats and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days. We will try to go outside everyday.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
PE has a lot of fun activities going on this month! Check out their page at so students don’t miss out on all the fun stuff they have going on!
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu), “j” and “h”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, hielo, hola, hipopótamo, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100,
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: ¿Cómo está el clima?
These are some of the contents we are going to be working in the next few weeks: Diagraphs, SN blend sound, SP blend sound, SL blend sound, Word Family -ad, Word Family -an, Word Family -am, Word Family -at, Word Family-ap, op, en, et, ed, Rhyming words, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move
Sentences to practice writing: Some families have shown willingness to support their children in writing. Here are the sentences we have worked on so far. Feel free to practice them at home.
Rufino corre rápido. (R)
La foto es de Fátima. (F)
Dame ese dado. (D)
La boda es de Belén. (B)
Rita come turrón. (RR)
El queso es rico. (QUE QUI)
Vamos a ver la vaca. (es la de esta semana, trabajamos la V)
Mi tía Carmen come turrón (C)
La llave de casa es de Quico. (LL)
El yak es un animal mamífero. (Y)
El águila tiene garras afiladas. (G)
Mi amigo Genaro tiene una jirafa. (J)
El gato Hipólito come un helado. (H)
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students have been learning about location, flags and maps (the school, the city, the state of Texas and the USA). We are also still focusing on writing using complete sentences with an uppercase letter in the beginning, proper punctuation and writing in . As well we will work on location and maps (US and TX flags).
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Compassion, our monthly theme. We are also learning diagraphs, “sn”, “sp”, “sl” blends and the word family “-am”, “-ad”, “-ap” and “-op” and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut,I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, get, come, cut, if, what, where, when, so, will, back, let, were, must, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that …).
MATH: Students will be able to identify U.S. coins by name, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Students will differentiate between money received as gifts and as income and discuss skills required for jobs. They will distinguish between wants and needs.
SCIENCE: We will be working on the weather and how we measure it.
MUSIC: Ms. Sandragorsian would appreciate your support by letting your kiddos listen to and practice the songs listed below. Links to songs for Kinder:
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What sounds do you like best and why. Encourage your child to repeat “Today I am a leader”.
Book recommendations:
El pollo de los domingos / Chicken Sunday, by Patricia Polaco. Two African-American boys and their Russian American "sister" want to buy their "gramma" that special Easter bonnet she admired at Mr. Kodinski's shop. When they are wrongly accused of throwing eggs at the shop window, they come up with the perfect way to prove their innocence--and earn money at the same time. Vivid illustrations and captivating characters mark this inspirational blend of culture, friendship, trust, and love.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 2/24
Dear families,
Thank you to all who were able to attend our Family learning night. We had great fun and we hope you did too!
March 3rd: WALKING FIELD TRIP TO THE TWIN OAKS LIBRARY from 8:45 to 10:30. We will eat lunch there. We need four volunteers from each class to support us in ensuring we safely walk there and in helping to monitor stations while we are there.
We are very excited to invite you to our upcoming Becker Choir performance. Grades K-2 will perform on Wednesday, March 8th, and Grades 3-5 will perform on Thursday, March 9th. Performances will begin at 600 PM. We hope to see you and your family there!
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Please label water bottles and all jackets and coats and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days. We will try to go outside everyday.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
Community Experience Opportunities
African-American Heritage Celebration at the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center February 24, 2023 6:30 p.m. Location: Austin ISD Performing Arts Center, 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd, Austin, TX 78723. Featuring student performances and student hosts from Travis Early College High School
Celebrate Black History Month at Carver Museum ATX! Check here for the calendar of events.
More events from Do512 including Black History Month Kids' Day.
PE has a lot of fun activities going on this month! Check out their page at so students don’t miss out on all the fun stuff they have going on!
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll”, “y”, “hard-g” and “soft g” (ga, ge, gue, gi, gui, go, gu) and “j”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal, garras, águila, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some videos songs we have worked on this week:
Sla: Mes de la historia afroamericana. We have also played videos and read books about Michel Obama, Jean Michel-Basquiat, Ella Fitzgerald and Beyoncé.
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100,
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: (informational video)
Esl: Consonant Blends “lf”, word family -am, Rhyming words, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move, Martin Luther King Junior
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students have been learning about Historical Figures like Ruby Bridges and we are going to focus on some other characters too (Ella Fitzgerald, Michelle Obama, Jean Michel Basquiat, Beyonce...). We are also focusing on writing using complete sentences with an uppercase letter in the beginning and proper punctuation. As well we will work on location and maps (US and TX flags).
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story (about Martin Luther King) to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Compassion, our monthly theme. We are also learning “lf” blends (wolf, shelf…) and the word family “-am” (clam, slam, tram…) and some high frequency words (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, just, said, when, down, off, as, our, red, that, cut, …).
MATH: Students will be able to identify U.S. coins by name, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Students will differentiate between money received as gifts and as income and discuss skills required for jobs. They will distinguish between wants and needs.
SCIENCE: We will be working on habitats
MUSIC: Ms. Sandragorsian would appreciate your support by letting your kiddos listen to and practice the songs listed below. Links to songs for Kinder:
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What do you think you're going to dream about tonight?”
Encourage your child to repeat “I can work through my problems”.
Book recommendations:
Todos sus patitos, by Christian Duda y Julia Friese. A fable about tenderness, that talks about paternal feelings, different families and about the fact that there is nothing written that determines what we need to be or become.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 2/10
Dear families,
Welcome back! We are so happy to back to a normal routine after the drastic weather condition last week.
We had a lot of fun on our field trip to the Austin Science and Nature Centers. We had the chance to learn about many animals and feel a snake, a lizard, a bunny, a turtle among many other animals. We also got some play time and we dug some dino bones.
Becker family learning night has been postponed to Thursday, February 23rd at 5:00 - 6:30 pm.
February 13th - 17th - Week reserved for parent teacher conferences. Please see the SignUp Genius for your class to sign up for a time/slot that works best for your schedule. If you can’t make it that week, please contact the teacher to find a convenient time.
Friday, February 17th - Early Release Day - Students will be released at 1:30 PM
Student/Staff Holiday - Monday, February 20th - No School
We will notify the families if this day is changed to a school day due to the winter storm week
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Remember pick-up time is no earlier than 3:10 pm.
Please label water bottles and all jackets and coats and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days.
Please make sure your child is bringing enough food for the snack, but also be mindful that we only have a 5-10 minute break.
PE has a lot of fun activities going on this month! Check out their page at so students don’t miss out on all the fun stuff they have going on!
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Don’t forget to send your child with a jacket if the weather is cold. We will try to go outside everyday.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v”, “ll” and “y”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, llave, lloro, lluvia, ayuda, yo, mamífero, animal etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete, Números del 1 al 100, Contar hasta el 100,
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Los peces (informational video)
Esl: Consonant Blends “lf”, word family -am, Rhyming words, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move, Martin Luther King Junior
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students have been learning about Historical Figures like Ruby Bridges and we are going to focus on some other characters too (Ella Fitzgerald, Michelle Obama, Jean Michel Basquiat, Beyonce...). We are also focusing on writing using complete sentences with an uppercase letter in the beginning and proper punctuation.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story (about Martin Luther King) to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Compassion, our monthly theme. We are also learning “lf” blends (wolf, shelf…) and the word family “-am” (clam, slam, tram…) and some high frequency words.
MATH: Students will be able to classify and sort a variety of regular and irregular two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of orientation or size.
SCIENCE: We will be working on fish and their features.
Tip of the week: Ask your child, “If you drew everything that came into your head, what would you be drawing right now?”
Encourage your child to repeat “I am an amazing person”.
Book recommendations:
A book about frustration. Rabietas, Susana López redondo.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 1/27
Dear families,
We are back to our daily routine and we all have done a great job reconnecting with each other. We love seeing how our students know and remember what to do and what the expectations are. We can’t believe we are celebrating our 100th day at school next week.
Upcoming updates
Our next field trip is right around the corner: Tuesday, February 7th we are going to Austin Science and Nature Center. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you are interested in Volunteering! We are looking for max 3 chaperones per class.
We will be celebrating our 100th day of school January 31st with lots of fun activities in class. Encourage your child to count to a hundred and please view this document for the family project due Jan. 31st. We are looking forward to seeing all students with their 100 day cape!!!
February 13th - 17th - Week reserved for parent teacher conferences. Please see the SignUp Genius for your class to sign up for a time/slot that works best for your schedule.
Friday, February 17th - Early Release Day - Students will be released at 1:30 PM
Student/Staff Holiday - Monday, February 20th - No School
Please make sure your student is making it to school on time, our morning meetings start early and a lot of our social emotional lessons are being taught at this time.
Remember pick-up time is at 3:10 pm.
Please label water bottles and all jackets and coats and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days.
We will be celebrating Becker’s Family Learning Night on 1st February. Save the date! We hope you can attend and check out our Science Fair Project!
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Don’t forget to send your child with a jacket if the weather is cold. We will try to go outside everyday.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q”, “v” and “ll”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, vaca, ven, ver, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Los seres vivos
Esl: Consonant Blends “lf”, word family -am, Rhyming words, the Alphabet song, Animal Alphabet move.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students have been learning about penguins and polar bears, winter animals. We will also be focusing on writing and reading.
ELA: We are practicing how to ask questions about a story (about Martin Luther King) to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Integrity, our monthly theme. We are also learning “lf” blends (wolf, shelf…) and the word family “-am” (clam, slam, tram…).
MATH: We will be working on reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects or pictures.
SCIENCE: We will be working on animal types and needs.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “if your stuffed animals could talk, what would they say?”. Encourage your child to repeat “I get better every single day”
Book recommendations:
Siempre te querré, pequeñín, by Debi Gliori, a book about the eternal love from parents.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 1/20
Dear families,
We had our second week of Spring semester. We have so much joy to see the growth our students have developed.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Don’t forget to send your child with a jacket if the weather is cold. We will try to go outside everyday.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c”, “q” and “v”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, vaso, vine, ventana, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: El método científico, Los seres vivos
Upcoming updates:
We will be celebrating our 100th day of school January 31st with loads of fun activities in class. Encourage your child to count to a hundred and please view this document for the family project due Jan. 31st.
We will be celebrating Becker’s Family Learning Night on1st February. Save the date.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be learning about Winter and its features. We will also be focusing on writing.
ELA: We will be asking questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Integrity, our monthly theme.
MATH: We will be working on reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects or pictures.
SCIENCE: We will be working on animal parts
Tip of the week: Ask your child “Do you like it when other people share with you? Why?”. Encourage your child to repeat “Today I choose to be confident”.
Book recommendations:
“Por cuatro esquinas de nada” por J Ruillier. A book about empathy.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update:1/13
Welcome back!
We wish you have had a great Winter break!
We are coming back with our batteries fully charged and ready to share some new adventures with our kids!
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr”, “c” and “q”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rico, turrón, que, queso, esquiar, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: El método científico
Upcoming updates:
We have been working on our Science Fair Project during this week and we have celebrated our second SOS day this Friday 13th.
We reviewed rules and expectations this week, please review with your child classroom expectations.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be learning about Winter and its features. We will also be focusing on writing.
ELA: We will be asking questions about a story to understand it better, learning the alphabet and talking about Integrity, our monthly theme.
MATH: We will be working on reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects or pictures.
SCIENCE: We will be working on animals: living and non-living things..
Tip of the week: Ask your child “Who did you sit down with at lunch time today?”. Encourage them to repeat “I matter”.
Book recommendations:
The “I” in Integrity, by Julia Cook.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 12/16
Happy Holidays Families!
We are ready for Winter break! Half of the school year has already gone by and we want to thank you for all you do and for supporting us in one of the most important tasks we have: education.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids have been learning about using capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names and writing a period at the end of the sentences. They are also learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr” and “c”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rápido, carro, dedo, corre, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca, boda, Belén, come etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Las cuatro estaciones
Health: Una comida sana
El invierno: El invierno está llegando, En Navidad turrón y mazapán
Upcoming updates:
Students will be coming back from the holidays January 10th.
Each classroom teacher will get in touch with the families to let them know about the Winter party.
Please review with your child classroom expectations before coming back to school.
Tip of the week: Ask your child “What was the hardest thing you had to do today?”.
Book recommendations:
On this link you can access 15 books that share about 15 holidays around the world.
We wish you a great winter break with your loved ones.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Happy Friday Kinder Families!
We can’t believe it’s only a few days till Winter break! Half of the school year has already gone by and we have built a beautiful community.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r”, “rr” and “c”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rápido, carro, dedo, corre, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca, boda, Belén etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Las cuatro estaciones
El invierno: El invierno está llegando, En Navidad turrón y mazapán
Upcoming updates:
MAP: We have finalized MAP testing this week and will be sharing the results with you soon.
Thank you for participating in our Book fair. The kids enjoyed visiting the library and looking at the books.
The last day of school before Christmas break is December 21st. Students will come back January 10th.
Each classroom teacher will get in touch with the families to let them know about the Winter party.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be learning about Winter holidays around the world.
ELA: We will be asking questions about stories to understand it better and talking about Empathy.
MATH: We will be working on the concepts of measurement: length, capacity and weight.
SCIENCE: We will be carrying out our Human Sexuality and responsibility lessons. The students will be working on hour of code, the weather and the clothes we wear each season.
Tip of the week: As your child “Did any of your classmates do anything funny this week?”.
Book recommendations:
On this link you can access 15 books that share about 15 holidays around the world.
We wish you a great winter break with your loved ones.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 12/5
Happy Friday Kinder Families!
We hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving break. We came back with our batteries fully charged and ready to learn together and have fun until Christmas break. We had such an exciting week before the Thanksgiving break! Thank you to all families who joined us during the family Thanksgiving luncheon.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
There are many sweatshirts and coats in the hallways in the playgrounds, so please make sure you label all sweatshirts, jackets and coats.
Student snack time is after PE at 1:20 during our independent reading time. In our efforts to increase independent reading, snack time is limited to 5 minutes. To maximize this time, we ask you to ensure that your child brings just one snack in a labeled box or bag.
Thanks you for supporting our PTA. Here is info on the Becker donor box.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f”, “b”, “r” and “rr”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like rápido, carro, dedo, corre, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca, boda, Belén etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Día y noche, Sol y luna, El Sol
El invierno: El invierno está llegando
Upcoming updates:
MAP testing started this week. We will be conducting MAP testing next week as well.
Book fair is next week. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the library will be open for sales all day beginning at 7:30. Students will be encouraged to go during drop-off, afterschool, and other times throughout the day.
We are so excited to share an interactive theater program by Creative Action, "Welcome Armadillo - Somos Comunidad " with your child at Becker Elementary! Please read this document for more information about the program, which consists of five sessions that are each one hour long.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be comparing, describing and explaining family traditions.
ELA: We will be asking questions about a storie to understand it better.
MATH: We will be introducing the concept of measurement: length, capacity and weight.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on seasons, the weather and the clothes we wear during each season.
Tip of the week: As your child “What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?”
Book recommendations:
Cuentos para educar sin estereotipos. With these 6 stories, your child will learn they have to be free when it comes to choosing their toys, a color, their clothes. ¡We are people with different likes and diversity makes us richer!
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 11/28
Happy Friday Kinder Families!
We had such an exciting week before the Thanksgiving break! Thank you to all families who joined us during the family Thanksgiving luncheon.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school and other important events happening in school.
All our field trips are sponsored by our PTA. Thank you for supporting our PTA!
Please label all jackets and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days.
Student snack time is after PE at 1:20 during our independent reading time. In our efforts to increase independent reading snack time is limited to 5 minutes. To maximize this time, we ask you to ensure that your child brings just one snack in a labeled box or bag.
Thank you for supporting our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day. Make sure you are using the reading log.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills (using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f” and “b”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like el, la, de, luna, mapa, sana, sopa, lupa, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca, boda, Belén etc. We have also worked on words related to what we are learning in Science: sol, luna, nube, estrella…
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Día y noche, Sol y luna, El Sol
Upcoming updates:
Please make sure you send the field trip consent form as soon as possible. Here are the links again and complete the human sexuality and responsibility form that each classroom teacher sent:
Human Sexuality & Responsibility Form - due Friday, December 2nd:
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be comparing family traditions and recognizing characteristics and structures related to informative text.
ELA: We will be identifying rhyming words and learning about high frequency words, also the initial consonants blends “sn”, “sl” and “sp”.
MATH: We will be introducing the concept of measurement: length, capacity and weight.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on recognizing patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. They will also be observing, describing and illustrating objects in the sky such as the clouds, the moon, the stars, the Sun and the Planets.
Tip of the week: Practice: Mind, Body and Soul Time: spend 10-15 minutes a day with your child.
Book recommendations:
A la cama, monstruos!, by Isabel Bonameau. A fun way to face and overcome night fears.
Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy Read-Aloud
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do. We hope you have a great much-deserved fall break!
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 11/11
Happy Friday Kinder Families!
We hope that you had a great week and that your kids were able to enjoy a different Tuesday this week.
Help your child keep all toys and cards home to minimize distractions at school. We have noticed many children bringing pokemon cards, pocket toys among others.
All students should come to school with closed running shoes. Students have P.E. Every day we do physical activities. It is difficult for students to run with slip sandals and hard boots.
Please label all jackets and check the weather so that students are wearing warm clothes on cold days.
Thank you for supporting our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box. Gracias por apoyar a nuestro PTA.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day. Make sure you are using the reading log.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills (using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t”, “f” and “b”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like el, la, de, luna, mapa, sana, sopa, lupa, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca, boda, Belén etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Math: contando del 1 al 20, numbers song in Spanish, Cuenta hacia atrás y muévete.
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Science: Día y noche, Sol y luna.
Upcoming updates:
Make-up Picture day is Thursday November 17th in the Library. Please tell your child’s teacher if you wish to have the picture retaken.
WEAR PURPLE for WORLD KINDNESS on the 14th! Please encourage your child to wear purple next Monday the 14th.
Please make sure you send the field trip consent form as soon as possible. Here are the links again:
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be working on comparing family traditions and work on recognizing the structure of informational texts.
ELA: We will be identifying rhyming words and learning about high frequency words, also the initial consonants blends “sn”, “sl” and “sp”.
MATH: We will be using comparative language to describe two numbers up to 15 presented as written numerals.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on recognizing patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. They will also be observing, describing and illustrating objects in the sky such as the clouds, the moon, the stars, and the Sun.
Tip of the week: Ask your child, “Tell me about what you read in class.” Encourage them to repeat ”There is no one better to be than myself”.
Book recommendations:
Malena the Whale, Davide Cali and illustrated by Sonja Bougaeva: A book that helps to overcome low self-esteem, Davide Cali and illustrated by Sonja Bougaeva
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update:11/4
Happy Friday Kinder Families!
We enjoyed everyone’s participation in our Character Day parade. We love to see their smiling faces :)
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day. Make sure you are using the reading log.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills (using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d”, “t” and “f”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short sentences with words like el, la, de, luna, mapa, sana, sopa, lupa, mano, timón, Tino, dado, nido, foto, Fátima, fino, foca etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Pumpkin song: Sarita tu amiguita: la calabaza
Upcoming updates:
Tuesday November 8th (next week) is student holiday as our campus will be a polling station.
Make-up Picture day is Thursday November 17th in the Library
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be working on capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names. They will also be making and confirming predictions using text features with the teacher’s help and they will be discussing the author's purpose.
ELA: We will be identifying rhyming words and learning about high frequency words.
MATH: We will be reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 15. We will compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures. Please find time to work on these numbers with your child.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on the objects in the space (clouds, moon, stars and sun) and identifying day and night.
Tip of the week: Ask your child, “What made you feel the happiest today?” Encourage them to repeat ”There is no one better to be than myself”.
Book recommendations:
Orejas de mariposa, by Luis Aguilar and Andrée Neves. Mara is special, and nothing or nobody will be able to put her down, because her mother has given her the key to rise above any type of criticism: self esteem, imagination and spontaneity.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 10/28/22
Dear families, we had a great week with a wonderful SOS day with loads of learning and fun. Thanks for making it possible with your help and support.
We are learning about pumpkins and its parts. Feel free to explore one at home using the five senses and talk about its parts (tallo, pulpa, semilla, cáscara, costillas, carne…).
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day. Make sure you are using the reading log.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills (using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n”, “d” and “t”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short words like luna, mapa, sana, sopa, lupa, mano, timón, dado, nido etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Pumpkin song: En mi casa una calabaza, Las calaveras salen de su tumba
Upcoming updates:
All about pumpkins!!!! For the next weeks, we will still be learning about the parts and life cycle of pumpkins during science. We are still missing some materials for our hands-on activities Sign up Genius Sheet . As always, thank you for your continued support!
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be working on capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names.
ELA: We will be identifying rhyming words.
MATH: We will be reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 15. We will compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures. Please find time to work on these numbers with your child.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on pumpkins! We will be observing and recording properties of the pumpkin, identifying its main parts and observing changes that are part of a life cycle.
Tip of the week: Ask your child, “who are the kids you talk the most with at school? Encourage them to repeat “I am courageous”: courage is our monthly theme, so having conversations about what courage means will for sure help them understand the importance of being courageous.
Book recommendations:
It’s OK to be different, Todd Parr. Está bien ser diferente, Todd Parr. This book delivers the important messages of acceptance, understanding, and confidence in an accessible child-friendly format.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Weekly Update: 10/21
Dear families, we started our 2nd 9 weeks of school. We have established our routines and procedures. We’ll refresh all our expectations and routines
National Principal Month: October is Principal Month. We are excited to celebrate principal Barrett and his commitment to Becker Elementary! Please feel free to create a card, bring a sweet treat or flowers for him with your child. Send it in their backpack so they can hand it to him personally during school. Kinder has decorated Mr. Barrett’s door with his picture and an adjective that describes him. ADD PICTURE
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day. Make sure you are using the reading log.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills (using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l”, “n” and “d”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short words like luna, mapa, sana, sopa, lupa, mano etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Upcoming updates:
SOS Day: STEAM day is coming up. We will be having STEAM day on Friday October 28th. All classes will be sharing a list with room parents of items needed for our activities. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Character Day/Costume Day: We will also be celebrating character day on Friday October 28th . Kiddos are welcome to dress up as their favorite character. Please make sure your child picks a book character costume and keep in mind that costumes should not be scary and no toy weapons are allowed. It would also be helpful to avoid full body suit type of costumes to help with going to the bathroom easily.
Field Trips: Kinder has been working on scheduling our field trips for the school year and families will be receiving information soon including a Parent Consent Form that needs to be signed indicating if your student is participating. We will also be sending reminders for each field trip ahead of time to ensure students have permission to attend and to secure enough parent volunteers to support our outings. Our first field trip will be at ZACH Theater to see Holiday Heros on December 2nd.
All about pumpkins!!!! For the upcoming 2 weeks, we will be learning about the parts and life cycle of pumpkins during science. We have updated our Sign up Genius Sheet with materials needed to help bring some of our hands on activities to life. As always, thank you for your continued support!
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be working on capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and in proper names.
ELA: We will be identifying rhyming words.
MATH: We will be reading, writing, and representing whole numbers from 0 to at least 15. We will compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.
SCIENCE: The students will be working on pumpkins! We will be observing and recording properties of the pumpkin, identifying its main part and observing changes that are part of a life cycle.
Tip of the week: Ask your child, who did you like to play with today? Encourage them to repeat “I am brave and I can accomplish my goals.
Book recommendations:
Two books that teach kids life skills, they deal with the power of words, the value of things, our attitude with others, selftrust, self esteem and dealing with frustration: De mayor quiero ser feliz 1 and De mayor quiero ser feliz 2, by Anna Morató y Eva Rami
Books to read when they miss you and it is hard for them to come to school: El hilo invisible, by Miriam Tirado; The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn; Siempre pienso en ti by Kathi Appelt.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Week 9 Updates: 10/14
Happy Friday!
Dramatic Play Decor: Pretend play is vital in early childhood. You may begin sending fall decor items and pumpkins. We will begin transforming our dramatic play areas into a Pumpkin Patch as early as soon as we get the materials. We would appreciate having parent volunteers to help decorate, set up and donate items such as real or artificial pumpkins (different colors, textures, sizes), fall leaves, hay bales, wagons, table cloths, corn husks, scarecrows, fall flowers, fall signs, etc. Thanks in advance for helping us make this meaningful experience a reality! See pictures below for some ideas that will inspire our Dramatic Play center!
National Principal Month: October is Principal Month. We are excited to celebrate principal Barrett and his commitment to Becker Elementary! Please feel free to create a card, bring a sweet treat or flowers for him with your child. Send it in their backpack so they can hand it to him personally during school.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills. (Using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing and reviewing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l” and “n”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short words like luna, mapa, sana, lupa, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Science: working on movement, magnets: push and pull
Math: working on shapes and numbers
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by ABC alphabet song and 1, 2, 3 Andrés
Upcoming updates:
Oct. 28th: Becker Book Character Day: Please make sure your child picks a book character costume and keep in mind costumes should not be scary and no toy weapons are allowed.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be reading non-fiction texts and identifying titles and simple graphics (text features) to gain information
ELA: We will be identifying and producing rhyming words and recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. We will also be working on one-syllable words. Also we will be identifying locations (over, under, near, far, left and right)
MATH: Students will classify and sort shapes based on attributes
SCIENCE: The students know that energy, force and motion are related and are a part of their everyday life. They will use the senses to explore different forms of energy such as light, thermal, and sound.
Tip of the week: Use food to make shapes and encourage them to eat the shape you say (ie. cut the omelet in different shapes -triángulo, cuadrado, rectángulo, círculo, rombo, hexágon and say “Now you may eat the… triángulo”. Encourage them to repeat “I am responsible for my actions”.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Week 8 Updates: 10/7
Thanks for another wonderful week and happy {purple} Friday, families! Thanks for encouraging your kid to wear our team color on Fridays :)
As a friendly reminder there won't be school on Friday 14th next week.
Picture Day: Tuesday, October 11th. Your students were sent home with flyers and order forms this week. You can also order online at using Picture day ID EVTJC4XM9.
One of the ways we are able to keep Picture Day running smooth is with volunteers. Please consider signing up for a slot if you can.Dramatic Play Decor: Pretend play is vital in early childhood. You may begin sending fall decor items and pumpkins. We will begin transforming our dramatic play areas into a Pumpkin Patch as early as soon as we get the materials. We would appreciate having parents . We would appreciate having parent volunteers to help decorate, set up and donate items such as real or artificial pumpkins (different colors, textures, sizes), fall leaves, hay bales, wagons, table cloths, corn husks, scarecrows, fall flowers, fall signs, etc. donate items such as real or artificial pumpkins (different colors, textures, sizes), fall leaves, hay bales, wagons, table cloths, corn husks, scarecrows, fall flowers, fall signs, etc. Thanks in advance for helping us make this meaningful experience a reality! See pictures below for some ideas that will inspire our Dramatic Play center!
National Principal Month: October is Principal Month. We are excited to celebrate principal Barrett and his commitment to Becker Elementary! Please feel free to create a card, bring a sweet treat or flowers for him with your child. Send it in their backpack so they can hand it to him personally during school.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home for approximately 20 minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 minutes every day.
We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills. (Using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s”, “l” and “n”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short words like luna, mapa, sana, lupa, etc.
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Science: working on movement, magnets: push and pull
Math: working on shapes and numbers
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on Abc alphabet song La letra N and 1, 2, 3, Andrés la Letra N
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be reading non-fiction texts and identifying titles and simple graphics (text features) to gain information
ELA: We will be identifying and producing rhyming words and recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. We will also be working on one-syllables words. Also we will be identifying locations (over, under, near, far, left and right)
MATH: Students will classify and sort shapes based on attributes
SCIENCE: The students know that energy, force and motion are related and are a part of their everyday life. They will use the senses to explore different forms of energy such as light, thermal, and sound.
Tip of the week: Ask your child something fun that they did this week. Encourage them to repeat “I am kind” before going to bed every day.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team 💜
Week 7 Updates: 9/30
Dear families!
We can’t believe it’s fall and October is already here. Time is flying and we have had a wonderful time with your kiddos so far!
Thank you for joining us for parent conferences. It was so nice to get to know you and your kiddos a bit better!
Thanks for helping us with our Science experiments last week. The kids had a blast and it wouldn’t have been possible without your support.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is once again a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home. 20 min
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 min. every day. We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills. (Using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m”, “s” and “l”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letters. We are practicing short words like lupa, pisa, supe, misa, lola, mapa, solo, lejos…
We have enjoyed hearing how students are practicing songs with academic vocabulary at home. Here are some songs we have worked on this week:
Science: working on movement
Math: working on shapes and numbers
Phonics: songs about the letters we have worked on by 1 2 3 Andrés
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be describing the elements in the plot including main events, from read- alouds and determining the sequence of the story (first, then, finally).
ELA: We will be identifying and producing rhyming words and recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. We will also be working on one-syllables words
MATH: Students will be able to identify, describe, classify, and compare two-dimensional shapes by their attributes. They will be able to count, write, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects.
SCIENCE: Students will use magnets to classify objects as magnetic or non-magnetic and explore the strengths of different magnets.
Tip of the week: Ask your child who they sit with and what they know about their partners. Encourage them to repeat “I am a good friend” before going to bed every day.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team
Week 6 Updates: 9/23
Happy Friday Families!
We have had a wonderful sixth week with you and your kiddos! It’s been such a joy to get to know each of them and continue building our community together.
Thank you families for decorating our doors. See how beautiful they look in the pictures below. Parents Conferences are next week. Please sign up for a time in the Sign up genius link we sent you.
Thanks for attending the “Back to school night”. We will be sending the link to our slides via Seesaw.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home. 20 min
Please support or wonderful PTA:
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
Thank you for taking the time to read at home for about 20 min. every day. We also highly encourage any fine motor practice activities that will help support their writing skills. (Using scissors, opening snack packages, using fingers to ‘pick’ uncooked beans, or pasta, etc.)
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish using the Kinestemas methodology. We have been practicing the 5 vowels and letters “p”, “m” and “s”. Encourage them to show you the movements that identify these letter. We are practicing short words like , misa, pisa, mama, papa…
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be describing the elements in the plot including main events, from read alouds and determining the sequence of the story (first, then, finally).
ELA: We will be identifying and producing rhyming words and recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. We will also be working on one-syllables words
MATH: I can identify, describe, classify, and compare two-dimensional shapes by their attributes. I can count, write, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects.
SCIENCE: Students will identify the way in which objects move. Students will use magnets to classify objects as magnetic or non-magnetic.
Tip of the week: Ask your child one thing they liked about the day and have them repeat “I am surrounded by people who love me” before going to bed every day.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team
Week 5 Updates: 9/16
Thank you for having another successful week.
We are celebrating Hispanic History Month 💃🏽. Thank you parents for decorating our doors with classroom doors with Latiné figures.
Parent conferences are coming up, please sign up for a time in the Sign up genius link we sent you.
Back-To-School Night: Will be held Tuesday, September 20th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.
Last week we read the book “Marisol Mc. Doland no combina” to identify and describe the main character. Thank you for taking the time to read it and talk about the importance of being bilingual and loving oneself just the way we are.
The kids are learning to form words using the sounds in Spanish. We have been practicing the 5 vowels and letters “p” and “m”.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students will be describing the elements in the plot including main events, from read alouds and determining the sequence of the story (first, then, finally).
ELA: We will be identifying and producing rhyming words and recognizing that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. We will also be working on one-syllables words
MATH: Students will be comparing numbers.
SCIENCE: the student will be able to know that objects have properties. We will be working on the states of matter and observing, recording, and discussing how materials change state by heating or cooling. We ask families to help their children bring in different examples of a solid, liquid, or gas throughout the week to tape to our anchor chart. (See our example chart below.)
To support us with some of the materials needed for our lessons this week, please visit
Tip of the week: Ask your child one thing they learned today and remind them of one thing you like about them before going to bed every day.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team
Week 4 Updates: 9/9
Feliz viernes!
We hope you enjoyed time together over the long weekend. We had a great 4-day week!
We are continuing to work on routines, community and respect. Last month’s theme was KINDNESS and the theme of the month is… CURIOSITY. Thanks for supporting us by having conversations around these topics at home.
Thanks a lot for your support, your snack donations and your collaboration with our science project about the 5 senses.
Reminders / Updates:
MAP tests: Math test will be administered next week
We appreciate you ensuring kids are bringing a daily snack in a labeled separate bag
As purple is our grade color, we are encouraging kids to dress in purple on Fridays! If you are able to, and have a purple shirt, we highly encourage students to wear it next Friday, until we get our Grade Level t-shirts in.
Don’t forget to send labeled headphones with your child
Remember to bring your family picture to class
Mark your calendars: September 20th will be Back to school night. September 26-30 is the week reserved for Parent Conferences.
Assemblies: They happen every Friday Morning in the gym. Please make sure your child is there to celebrate b-days, learn about the monthly theme, be in the know of school updates, and cheer the Becker chant.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students can recognize the author’s purpose when writing text and they can tell the difference between persuading, entertaining and informing. We have also been working on the vowels, syllables and words in a sentence.
ELA: The students will be working on SEL, improving their listening and learning about being curious through games, songs, and read alouds in English. They are also being introduced to some short vowel sounds.
SCIENCE: Students will know that objects have properties and patterns. We will be talking about size, length, weight, color, shape and texture.
MATH: Students will be comparing numbers for the next two weeks.
We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team
Week 3 updates: 9/2
Dear families,
Thanks a lot for all your support. We made it through the third week!!
We want to thank the families who donated some extra water bottles. This community rocks!
We appreciate you ensuring kids are bringing a daily snack in a labeled separate bag. If there is a family who can donate an extra box of healthy snacks, that would be wonderful in case a student eventually forgets to bring a snack.
BIG SHOUTOUT TO OUR BECKER PTA: They will be fully funding our field trips along with our class t-shirts!
Thank you to all families that sent labeled headphones to school. Please send headphones for your child to use at school. Headphones will remain in the classroom. ***We have received some bluetooth headphones, but would appreciate it if students could bring wired headphones.
We ask that children keep toys and cards home to minimize distractions at school and to ensure that none of these treasured items are misplaced, lost, or damaged.
Remember to bring your family picture for our family tree in the classroom. It helps children feel safer during school hours.
As purple is our grade color, we are encouraging kids to dress in purple on Fridays! If you are able to, and have a purple shirt, we highly encourage students to wear it next Friday, until we get our Grade Level t-shirts in.
A look at the week ahead:
SLA: Students can recognize the author’s purpose when writing text and they can tell the difference between persuading, entertaining and informing. Students read “Pete the Cat, too cool for school” and discovered that it is a book to entertain. We have also been working on the vowels.
ELA: The students have been working on SEL and improving their listening skills through games, songs, and read alouds in English.
SCIENCE: Students can recognize what scientists do and the tools they use (magnifying glasses, tweezers, scale, microscope). This week we focused on our five senses and how to use them to observe animals, objects and events. Next week we will continue to explore our 5 senses!
MATH: The students can count a set of objects. They can model, count, and write numbers.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved long weekend with your family! Thank you so much for supporting us with our kids’ education.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Kinder Team