My Teacher Librarian Gave To Me...
14 Days of Awesome Library & Technology Tools and Resources
My Teacher Librarian Gave To Me......mp4
Aaron telling us how to use Chatter Pix
Day 13...GeoGuessr With Shae B. .mp4
3rd Graders Using Daisy the Dinosaur App .mp4
We are using the Daisy the Dinosaur app for "Hour of Code" week. It is great for any age.
Third Graders Telling About Kodable .mp4
This week during "Hour of Code" week we have been using apps and websites to teach ourselves about coding. The app Kodable is one of the first ones we used. We love it at Van Meter!
Day 10....Hour of Code .mp4
Google Connected Classrooms Virtual Field Trips .mp4
Bring the world into your classrooms through Google+ with Google Connected Classrooms and amazing virtual field trips.
Virtual Field Trips - Google+
Day 8....Layar App and Website .mp4
Layar Tutorial
My friend Elissa Malespina created this awesome tutorial about using Layar! Check it out to learn how easy it is to use it.
Day 7...StoryBird.mp4
StoryBird is one of our favorite digital storytelling tools at Van Meter. They love using their imagination while creating their StoryBirds and have so much fun sharing them.
To create a new StoryBird, just browse through the art work by dozens of wonderful artists. Pick the one that you would like to use.
Once you select the art work you want to use, you have a choice to use it in a "Story" or "Poem".
To create your story, you just drag the art work into the pages and write your story in the blank parts. It is easy to add pages at the bottom and even switch them around.
You can even invite others to "Collaborate" with you in your StoryBird. You will find this menu in the left hand corner. This is also where you will "Publish" and "Save and Close".
Day 6...BiblioNasium .mp4
BiblioNasium is my favorite reading website. It connect students, teachers, and parents to reading, books, and each other. It is FREE to join!
At the top, you can search for books and authors. And they can be ANY books or authors....not just the ones you have in your library. They can even be eBooks!
Once you find the book you want, click on it to see the book information, recommend it, or see the reading level. You can also add it to your very own "Wish List" or one for the classroom.
You can add "Students" and then give them the information to log in to their very own BiblioNasium account. It is easy to click on each student to see their shelves and challenges they have set up.
You can also see the "Awards" they have been given for reading and their "Reading Logs."
The "Reports" feature lets you track the progress of your group as they read through a challenge that has been set up.
I also love how you can leave "Messages" with your students and each other. Today, there was a message to read this awesome Thanksgiving book. Thank you to Marjan and everyone at BiblioNasium....You have created something really awesome that makes a difference in the lives of our children. :)
Day 5...Prezi .mp4
With Prezi, you work on this movable canvas where images, symbols and shapes, diagrams, YouTube videos, music, and voice over can be added to created an exciting, fun presentation.
Here is an example that Mrs. Miller created....."Our Holiday Family Traditions". Click on the link above.
Collaborate with up to 10 people in one Prezi.
You can also search other Prezi's. This is awesome because you can reuse them and also get ideas from others.
Day 4 Tales2Go .mp4
Go to mackinvia.com to "Audiobooks" on left hand side. Click on "Listen Now".
There are thousands of wonderful audio books that are available through this Netflix like streaming service. You can search the audio books in a variety of ways that makes it easy to find what you want to listen to.
We love all of the holiday audio books that are available. These will be great to listen to with your family as you spend time together over the holiday breaks.
There is also an app available for iPhone and Android devices.
MackinVIA Backpack Tip .mp4
Day 3 Wonderopolis .mp4
Each day there is a different "Wonder of the Day". You can even "Listen" to it. Also, you can go back and read the past "Wonders of the Day" too.
It's fun to "Test Your Knowledge" for each "Wonder of the Day". Just think about how much you will learn by quizzing yourself on what you have read and listened to.
And check out "Try It Out" too. These are great ideas, especially with the holidays coming up and extra time with your family and friends.
You can subscribe to the Wonder of the Day. This is a fun way to make sure you don't miss learning some new and awesome.
Day 2....Learn About Tellagami! .mp4
Once you have Tellagami on your device, you will be able to make a Gami video....just like I did here.
You can find lots of ways to use Gami's at school and home. Check out the link below and have fun creating Gami's of your own.
StarWalk Kids Media in MackinVIA