The Core
November 5, 2021, Volume 13, Issue 13
Notes from the Principal
Hello Orchard Parents,
November is off to a busy start as we're working with a number of families on quarantining and close contact. Everyone has been really supportive. Thank you for helping to keep us all safe.
We will get through this pandemic but we still have a ways to go. I hope you will continue to help by having your child vaccinated. Please read through our nurses' article below for all of the up-to-date information.
Monday is Picture Retake Day - students need to return their complete original package to receive a retake. Students who are having their pictures taken for the first time can just show up.
Thankful Giving Letter - Please reread the Giving Tree article below, it has been updated to include donating through Konstella.
Lost & Found - We would appreciate it if families could redouble their efforts to label all clothing, lunch bags and water bottles too.
Are you interested in working at Orchard School? We have full-time and we have part-time positions available. Please contact me for more information.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back Saturday Night - you get an extra hour with your kids!
Have a good weekend, take some time to read with your child.
Mark Trifilio
Quote of the Week:
“Kindness – costs nothing but means everything.”
~ Anonymous
Giving Tree Updated
Exciting news! There is now third easy way to donate to this year's Thankful Giving project. In addition to being able to send in a check or gift cards, you can now also use the following link to make a quick donation to the Thankful Giving program through Konstella if that's easiest for you:
Please see the attached flyer for more details. Thank you in advance from Orchard's Guidance and Clinical Team for your generosity.
School Nurse Notes
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children-Resources
- Zoom Conversations: COVID Vaccines for Children. Join discussions with members of the Vermont Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. See dates and zoom links here.
- Video for Children: How COVID Vaccines Work
- But Why? Podcast for Curious Kids: Why is it a shot? Kids Questions about COVID Vaccine.
- Make an Appointment: visit HERE. Children will receive 2 doses of the vaccine, given 3 weeks apart. A child will be fully vaccinated 2 weeks after the 2nd dose.
- Any families without internet access or who would like assistance to make their appointment should contact the Health Department call center at (855) 722-7878, Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat and Sun 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- To speak with someone in a language other than English, dial the call center, then press 1.
- People who are Deaf or hard of hearing can make a TTY call to this number by dialing 711 or 1-800-253-0195.
Test to Stay
Please refer to Superintendent Young's Wednesday (11/3/21) email for more information. Follow these links for Consent and Registration (both need to be filled out).
- TTS Virtual Town Hall: watch this recording of Vermont health professionals and representation from the Agency of Education, explaining the process, science behind it and answering questions about the Test to Stay program.
Family Resources to Keep Accessible:
- First Call: 802-488-7777: phone support, crisis intervention, assessment, and referrals
- In Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
- Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 24/7.
- Outright Vermont: support for LGBTQ+ community
- Vermont 211: Vermont database of resources and services
Vision & Hearing Screenings:
Vision and hearing screenings are conducted annually on students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. We welcomed the Vermont Lions KidSight program, to perform photo screening on students in the required grades and we will have completed those screenings by next week. If your child was absent, we will follow up with traditional vision screening testing.
Vermont Lions KidSight program uses a photo screening digital device called a SPOT vision screener to objectively check for vision problems. The photo screener is a special-purpose camera; it takes a picture of a child’s eyes and by detecting special light reflexes from each eye, the device produces images that can help identify potential eye conditions.
If an eye concern is identified, we will send you the results of the photo screener along with a recommendation for further vision testing by a specialist. If you do not hear from us, your child passed the screening.
As always, please contact us if you have questions or would like follow-up vision or hearing checks.
Be well,
Kara Cassani, RN & Darcy Mazlish, RN
Orchard School Nurses
SBSD Elementary Health Services
p. (802) 652-7303
f. (802) 652-7354
A Dictionary for Every Third Grader!
News from the PTO
Square 1 Art: Square 1 Art went home last week. The pamphlet displays your child's art and shows a variety of options that you can order as cool gifts for that special family member or hard-to-buy-for person. With over 40 unique and useful keepsakes ready to purchase, your child's artwork is the perfect gift for any occasion or celebration. Nothing says “you’re loved” like “I made this art keepsake just for you!” Contact Kristin Mount at with any questions.
December PTO Meeting: Join the PTO meeting Wednesday, December 1st at 6:30. Topics for the month include playground updates, and budget, and some possible events for Spring, such as the play and an Artist Residency. The Zoom link will be shared in an upcoming newsletter.
Still not on Konstella? Konstella is a parent portal for people to connect with one another (e.g., to set up playdates), for community event reminders, and for committee sign-ups. Add your child to their classroom today!
Questions or Comments for the PTO? Please email