August 24, 2018
The Vanguard Kickoff was a HUGE success!
We also introduced our new mission and vision statements, supported by our 4 pillars (See the image above). We can't wait to see all the great ways you Transform, Innovate, Mentor, and Support to build capacity and impact student-focused learning this year!
The Vanguard Leadership Team
GaETC is Accepting Applications for the 2018 Innovation Grants!
Who: The opportunity to apply for an Innovation Grant is open to all Georgia teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of persons within a school setting.
What: A maximum of $10,000 in Innovation Grants will be awarded, with each individual grant not to exceed $2,500.
When: The deadline to apply for grants is September 15, 2018.
For Additional Details Visit: https://www.gaetc.org/domain/188
Upcoming Professional Development
Need Support? Help is just a click away!
Vanguard Leadership is working hard to plan a calendar of meaningful professional development opportunities for Vanguard members. If there is instructional technology related professional development that you would like to have at your school, please contact Mindy Ramon for support. We have resources available to provide training at schools for district provided technology such as SAFARI Montage, Office 365, Seesaw, Edgenuity, and more. You may also be interested in accessing the Instructional Technology Training site, which has a wealth of information about each of the resources the district provides.
Assistive Technology Using Personalized Learning Devices
At our Kickoff Event, Gigi Whiteside shared some of the awesome features available in Snap & Read and CoWriter. These are some of the assistive technology programs available to everyone in Fulton County that can help to personalize learning for all students. If you are interested in learning more, please sign up in Edivate. A list of courses is shown below. Anyone is welcome to attend. You do NOT have to be a special education teacher or a provider of special education services.
Microsoft Innovative Educator Teacher Academy
Help spread the word about this professional learning opportunity from Microsoft. This is a perfect opportunity for teachers who are not familiar with Office 365 to learn more.
Microsoft Innovative Educator Teacher Academy
September 20
Bear Creek Middle School
Interested teachers should register via this link ASAP. Spots are filling up. https://www.microsoftevents.com/profile/form/index.cfm?PKformID=0x4551033abcd
Vanguard Leadership Team
District Support
Heather Van Looy -
Instructional Technology Program Specialist
@HeatherVan Looy
Mindy Ramon -
IT Training Support Coordinator
Executive Committee
Megan Endicott
Associate Lead - Points, Events & Professional Development
Chanel Johnson
Associate Lead- New Member Support & Communications
South Learning Community & Achievement Zone
Christian Padgett
(1 Vacancy)
Northeast Learning Community
Megan Endicott (Interim)
(2 Vacancies)
Northwest Learning Community
Pam Kelly
Katie Pardee
Central Learning Community
Chanel Johnson (Interim)
(2 Vacancies)
Fulton County Vanguard Team
Vision: Through building colaborative relationships and supporting student focused learning, the Vanguard Team will positively impact student achievement.
Pillars: Transform, Innovate, Mentor, & Support (TIMS)