ACHS Student Announcements
Local Scholarship Application for Seniors now available!
The Local Scholarship Application is now open and available to eligible Grade 12 students. Students can find the documents on the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025. No late submissions accepted.
Families can review the list of available local scholarships here.
We’re excited to host The College Funding Coach® for an interactive webinar: "Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College" on February 13th @ 6:30 PM.
Learn how to save and pay for college without sacrificing your retirement. Whether your child is heading to college soon or you have years to plan, this event is for you! This workshop will educate you on how to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Don’t miss out!
Register for your link to join the Antioch Community High School Workshop!
Support for families experiencing housing insecurity
Are you or another ACHS family experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity?
The federal McKinney-Vento Act helps protect the rights of students whose families are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. You can review those rights with the Illinois State Board of Education Housing Insecurity Fact Sheet and read more at isbe.net/Pages/Homeless.aspx.
You can reference ISBE's parent questionnaire if you want to consider if your student may be eligible for services.
Reach out to ACHS's McKinney-Vento liaison, Assistant Principal for Student Services Scott Leverentz (scott.leverentz@chsd117.org or 847-838-7767) with any questions.
Call For Volunteers: Mock Interviews
Antioch Community High School is again hosting Mock Interviews for students in Introduction to Business, Personal Finance & Life Resource Management (LRM). Students have been exploring careers, resumes and the interview process. Mock Interviews provide the opportunity for them to make these concepts real.
Mock Interviews will take place on Thursday, Feb. 13. We need YOUR help to make the project a success - can you help us provide this real-world life experience? This process allows our students to be both college and career-ready.
Please SIGN UP HERE for the individual period(s) you are available. There will be approximately 160 students interviewing over the day. The specific schedule for volunteers is as follows:
Period 1 8:00-8:50 4 volunteers needed
Period 2 8:55-9:45 6 volunteers needed
Period 3 9:50-10:40 8 volunteers needed
Period 5 11:40-12:30 5 volunteers needed
Period 7 1:30-2:20 11 volunteers needed (2 classes)
Period 8 2:25-3:15 7 volunteers needed
In our current economic times, many companies are looking for ways to connect with potential employees. If your company would like to participate in this Mock Interview opportunity, please feel free to share this email. We are eager to partner with the community to provide real connections for our students and local businesses.
Further information including student expectations, potential interview questions and a rubric “scoring guide” will be provided to confirmed volunteers before the Mock Interviews.
If you have questions, please do contact me at donna.corcoran@chsd117.org.
Sequoit Pride Online Spirit Shop
Looking for the perfect gift for the holidays? Look no further. The Sequoit Pride Booster Club online store is now open for business. You can access the store by using this link.
Sports and Activities Announcements
Please visit https://antiochsequoitathletics.com/ for up-to-date information.
College Visits to ACHS
All visits open to juniors and seniors, visit the CCC in room 157 for more information.
Students can view a full list of college visits in Maia.
Community Events
Come out and support one of our very own student's fundraiser! See flyer for more information.