ICTM Electronic News
Volume 3 Issue 4 – April 2021
This month's newsletter is focused on helping educators identify, reflect on, and develop impactful ways of thinking about teaching and learning using examples from John Hattie's Ten Mindframes for Visible Learning.
Link: #INspirEDmath
ICTM May Webinar
7-8 PM Thu May 6
Updates and Initiatives for IDOE
Join IDOE Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning Robin Conti, along with Emily Bruning and Andrew Jones, as they share resources and communication strategies as well as upcoming initiatives, opportunities, and legislative updates that directly impact K-12 mathematics and STEM.
IDOE July Workshop
Productive Math Struggle
9 AM - 3 PM Tue Jul. 13 or Thu Jul. 15
Virtual or In-person
For any K-12 educator, administrator, or instructional coach, discover how to implement and support student productive struggle in the math classroom. This workshop will provide participants with key points from the Productive Math Struggle book, highlight action activities with demonstrations, and support intentional planning time.
Registration: http://form.jotform.com/210274445857965
Elementary Workshop
9 AM - 4 PM Mon Jun. 14 - Fri Jun. 18
Secondary Workshop
9 AM - 4 PM Mon Jun. 21 - Fri Jun. 25
This workshop will be offered using a combination of synchronous sessions via Zoom and asynchronous activities. Sign up and stay tuned for further details. Licensed Indiana teachers are able to participate in this free workshop.
Information: https://www.smore.com/yukes
Application (open starting 4/19): https://stemteachindiana.org/application/
Virtual Conference
May 4–6
This virtual conference is hosted by the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center’s Launch Years Initiative. Teachers will have opportunities to share resources and make progress on designing equitable mathematics pathways for their students. Registration is free with the discount code, LY2021.
Information: https://cvent.utexas.edu/event/ad3753fa-2761-4a57-a010-57e0643e3666/summary
Following the lead of the Greater San Diego Math Council, the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics has established a new Equity and Social Justice Committee that will provide training at Board meetings and will be responsible for a new department entitled "Courageous Conversations" in the ICTM journal, Indiana Mathematics Teacher. Look for the first article in the next journal, and, consider submitting an article!
Virtual Annual Meeting
Apr. 21 - May 1
Offered over two weeks to fit your busy schedule, the NCTM 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting will deliver everything you expect and more from an NCTM event. Registration also includes full access to all sessions for 60 days after the event! Strands include:
- Systemic Change;
- Agency, Identity, and Access;
- Professionalism and Advocacy;
- Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Link: https://www.nctm.org/virtualannual/
Make your case for attending: Justification ToolkitAnnual Meeting
Sep. 22-25, Atlanta GA
The 2021 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition features the theme Empowering the Voice of Teachers: From Critical Conversations to Intentional Actions.
Regional Conferences
Oct. 27-29, 2021, Phoenix AZ
Feb. 2-4, 2022, New Orleans LA
Mar. 16-18, 2022, Indianapolis IN (Hosted by ICTM!)
2021 State Mathematics Exam – CANCELLED
With much regret, the 2021 ICTM State Math Contest scheduled for April 17, 2021 is cancelled. As the Covid-19 vaccine is more widely administered in the coming months, please look for the contest to run again in April 2022.
2020-2021 ICTM Board
President: Michael Roach
Past President: Jean Lee
Secretary: Christine Taylor
Treasurer: Jennifer Jensen
Gina Yoder, Leigh Britt, Angela Miller, Doris Mohr, Diane Rodriguez, Scott Staley, Kyle Kline, Carla Milliman, Wendy Wells, Madison Schaffer, Bryan Passwater, Julie Evans, Don Balka, Bonnie Beach, Sheridan Rayl, Kara Benson, Ben Dillon, Ryan Flessner, Enrique Galindo, Jas’Minique Potter, Evan Rebar, Weverton Ataide Pinheiro, Jackie Fischvogt, Emily Bruning