What's Happening ?? !!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: November 11, 2018 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians,
What an exciting couple of weeks. Along with all the learning, we have had some terrific events including many opportunities for families to celebrate with us. It has been great!!!
Here's What's Happening at Hawley.......
Fire Safety Day!!!
Halloween Activities, Celebrations and Parties (Oh My!)
- Tomorrow we celebrate Veteran's Day. Parking spaces all along the front of the building will remain available for Veterans as staff and volunteers will be parking at Caraluzzis.
- We are collecting non-perishable food items through Wednesday, 11/14, to assist a high school student with a community project. The donation box is in the main lobby and your support and generosity is appreciated,
- If we run a safety drill when you are in the building volunteering, please follow the drill procedures given to you by staff and model proper behavior (ex. standing with the group, no talking/listening for directions) Thank you.
- If you have some gently used clothing you are looking to get rid of, our nurse's office is looking for the following items: girls underwear, in a variety of sizes (small to large), leggings or pants for girls, mainly size 5-6, socks for both boys and girls, and any hand me down sneakers, either boys or girls, sizes 10-5. We utilize them in the event of bathroom accidents or recess snow/puddle/mud overindulgence ;0)
PTA Meeting / Principal's Coffee
The next PTA Meeting:
- will be at night
- child care for school-aged children will be provided,
- AND we are combining it with a Principal's Coffee for your 1-stop shopping ;0)
Thursday, 11/29 will be a PTA Meeting followed by a presentation by the principal on School Safety and Security.
We hope that this evening is designed to allow for more people to be able to attend and participate.
Monster Mash!!!
Dates to Remember
Mon, Nov 12: Hawley Veteran's Day Breakfast/Assembly
Tues, Nov 13: Picture Re-Take Day
Wed, Nov 21: Early Dismissal: 1:37 pm
Thurs-Fri, Nov 22-23: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Recess
Mon-Fri, Dec 3-7: PTA Holiday Bazaar
Funny Bones.......
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The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@hawley.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: 203.426.7666