Senior Countdown
Fife High School Class of 2022 Info
May 26, 2022
Senior Event Calendar
Dear Seniors and Senior Families,
In this edition of Senior Countdown, you will find all of the information that was covered in the Senior meeting on May 24th. You will also find more graduation ceremony information, including ticket info and important dates.
Please make careful note of the upcoming events that specifically pertain to seniors listed below. The list below along with information regarding graduation, events like senior awards, etc., will be posted to the senior graduation info website at https://fhs.fifeschools.com/guidance_center/senior_graduation_info.
On June 10 another newsletter will be sent with graduation rehearsal and ceremony reminders.
Say thank you to Mr. Ross!
My name is Sarah Ross, my dad is Kent Ross, who currently teaches at SLMS. He's retiring this year after 30 some years teaching for the district. He's not the kind of person who likes a big to-do or to have events centering him, so there isn't going to be a big party or anything. I was hoping to collect some memories from students who had him as a teacher to put together some kind of memory book for him. Seniors, if you had Mr. Ross, we'd sure love to get a note from you that we can give to him! If you would like to write him something please send it to me at: byemrross@gmail.com thank you!
Senior Event Calendar at a Glance
5/26 - District Art Show @ CJH
5/26 - High School and Beyond (Xello) due. All seniors must complete their state required high school and beyond plan (this includes any Running Start students who are wanting to earn a FHS Diploma.
5/31 - Senior Filming Shula Video during Family
6/1 - Senior Awards Ceremony (students will be invited) @ FHS Gym 6:30-8:30pm
6/3 - Decision Day and Heart of the Trojan Awards Ceremony 9:30-11am
6/4 - Prom @ Foss Waterway; 705 Dock St, Tacoma 98402 8 - 11pm
6/7 - Music Department Concert 6:30pm @CJH PAC
6/7 - Senior Finals, periods 1, 3, 5 {regular school day}
6/8 - Senior Finals, periods 2, 4, 6 {regular school day}
6/8 - All Edgenuity, including WA State History, courses must be completed
6/8 - ESPY Awards Ceremony Fife HS Cafeteria 6:30pm
6/9 - Powder Puff Spring Fling Prelims 6:00pm
6/9 - Senior Checkout (all fines paid, Chromebook turn in). Graduation Tickets passed out upon completion. Running Start Student Checkout 8-2pm.
6/10 - Senior Day: Breakfast, Sr Video, Grad Walk, Spring Fling {full school day}
6/14 - Graduation Practice {REQUIRED} @ Washington State Fairgrounds, Puyallup; arrive by 9:45 / 10:00 am - 12:30 pm *Transportation on your own or sign up for bus (see below).
6/14 - Graduation Ceremony @ Washington State Fairgrounds, Puyallup; arrive by 5:30 pm
Ceremony begins 6:30 pm
6/14 - Grad Night (sponsored by Booster Club) @ 9pm leaves from Washington State Fairgrounds
6/21- - Diploma Pick Up (more info to come on this)
7/4- - Transcript Requests begin being processed (submit requests on the FHS counseling website)
8/1- - FHS Google Accounts shut down
Graduation Info, Tickets & Senior Checkout
Graduation practice is REQUIRED to walk in graduation. It will take place the morning of June 14 at Washington State Fairgrounds from 9:45am - 12:30 pm. Transportation is either on your own or sign up for bus (see below)
The Ceremony
Graduation will be held at the Washington State Fairgrounds on June 14. Doors open and graduates arrive by 5:30pm and then ceremony starts at 6:30pm. Tickets are required to enter, but it is general admission.Tickets
Seniors will be given up to 10 tickets upon completion of their checkout form on Thursday, June 9. If seniors need additional tickets, more can be purchased on Friday Juned 10 or Monday June 13 at the bookkeeps office. Tickets are $10. Tickets can also be purchased the day of graduation at graduation (tickets will not be sold the day of graduation at FHS).
Senior Meeting Slides from 5/26/22 Meeting
Check with your counselor if you are unsure about meeting graduation requirements.
Xello lessons due 5/25
11 Days Remaining!
Senior Awards Ceremony, June 1
Decision Day/Heart of the Trojan Awards June 3
Senior Breakfast/Grad Walk/Spring Fling, June 10
ESPY Awards, June 8
Prom, June 4
Graduation, June 14 at WA Fairgrounds
Senior Checkout, June 9
Check fines & turn in Chromebook
Submit checkout to get graduation tickets
Graduation is at the WA Fairgrounds, Park in the Gold Parking
Required Rehearsal, June 14 & 9:45am
Graduation Dress Code
Have you ordered your cap, gown, stole, & tassel?
Final Countdown!
Final Countdown!
It’s Not Too Late! College, Military, and Apprenticeships Are Still Possible.
With all that has changed these last two years, college or job training is more important than ever. A college degree, certificate, apprenticeship, or other training beyond high school can lead to a good job and higher wages. It's not too late to make a plan for more education after graduation.
You can go to college. Washington’s public community and technical colleges are open to anyone with a high school diploma or GED. Registration is open year-round, so it’s never too late to get started! Some four-year colleges are also still accepting applications for this fall.
You can get job training. Do you enjoy hands-on learning? Are you hoping to join the workforce somewhat soon? You may want to consider a technical college, career program, or apprenticeship.
Financial aid can help cover the costs. Completing a financial aid application gives you more options for the future. The Washington College Grant (WCG) gives more money to more people for more kinds of education, including public and private colleges, workforce and training programs, and approved apprenticeships. WCG is available year-round—if you meet the eligibility requirements, you have money waiting for you. Apply now for 2022-23!
There’s still time to make a plan for education or training after high school. Explore your options on the Washington Student Achievement Council website.
Interested in the Military? See Mrs. Thomas or talk to your local recruiter!
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans