Newsletter 2023, Term 2, Week 2
Tawa College
Message from the Tumuaki
Student Success
Tawa College students at Anzac Day Services
Ka maumahara tonu tatou ki a rātou.
We will remember them.
Tropical 7s Rugby Tournament
Kobie Barlow (Year 9) was selected to represent the Porirua Misfits U14s in the International Tropical 7s Rugby tournament which was held in Tampa Florida over Easter weekend.
The Misfits remained undefeated throughout the entire tournament, scoring 241 points while only conceding 12. During the tournament Kobie was involved in every game scoring 7 tries in total. They came up against Teams from across America and one team from Canada.
Congratulations Kobie one being a members of the first NZ team to participate and win the tournament.
NZ Māori Rugby League
Indoor Cricket
The Indoor Cricket Junior Interprovincial tournament was held over the holidays in Auckland. Daniel van Straaten, Kian Read (Year 13) and Carter Mason-Jones (Year 12) played in the U18 boys team, winning a close final over Northern Districts. Ava Conroy (Year 12) and Greta Abbott (Year 11) played for the U18 girls team, who were unbeaten throughout the tournament and comfortably beat Northern Districts in their final.
Daniel and Ava were were rewarded for strong performances by being selected for the New Zealand U18 teams, and will travel to Dubai in October to play in the World Cup.
Te Kohu o Tawa Kapa Haka
Tawa College’s kapa haka are excited to be working with a new Head Tutor, Te Kura Huia Arikirangi, whose extensive background in Māori Performing Arts precedes her.
Te KuraHuia is a graduate of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna and Te Kura a Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano. She went on to tertiary study at various institutes to follow her passion for kaupapa, reo and toi Māori. She has gained qualifications in Te Reo Māori, Performing Arts and Toi Whakarākai through Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Music Business and Creative Industries and Music Performance with UCOL Te Pūkenga, Māori and Pasifika Performing Arts at Te Whare Tapere o Takitimu, and she is currently a student at Toi Whakaari here in Wellington.
This year, Te KuraHuia stood on the Te Matatini stage with Te Rangiura o Wairarapa.
We are privileged to work with Te KuraHuia over the next few years as we continue to grow mana kapa haka at Tawa College. Our first major event on the calendar - the Regional Kapa Haka Competition on the 23rd of June!
Te Whakataetae ā-Kura mō Ngā Manu Kōrero
Congratulations to Stephanie Alataua (Tokelau, Tonga, Samoa), Ōriwa Duncan (Ngāi Takoto), Nevaeh Hickey (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Raukawa, Te Āti Awa) and Piper Totoro (Ngāti Porou, Tainui) who spoke on a variety of topics at our recent in-school Ngā Manu Kōrero/ Māori Speech Competition.
Reo Māori students from Years 9 - 13 were treated to a range of perspectives on topics important to Ngāi Māori and Ngāi Pākehā. We were taken back a millennium to the waka migrations, challenged on the impact of our actions upon Ranginui, Papatūānuku and their children, asked to explore identity and our sense of belonging, and reminded, for both better and worse, of the lessons the COVID pandemic continues to lay before us.
E ngā tūī korokoro, ko Piper koutou ko Nevaeh, ko Ōriwa, ko Stephanie, nā koutou ngā wawata o rātau mā i poipoi hai whakapātaritari i te katoa kia manaaki mai, kia manaaki atu i te taiao, i te tangata me tōna whānau, hapū, iwi. E kō mā, tēnā koutou otirā tēnā tātau katoa.
Languages Department - French : Le Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry
Le Petit Prince is an iconic golden-haired character as well as a worldwide publishing phenomenon.
Written and illustrated by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the Little Prince was first published in 1943. It is the most translated book in the world, with over 500 official translations.
This book appeals for the values and the message of hope it conveys. Le Petit Prince is passed on, given as a gift and shared.
This year, we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of this world-famous character, who continues his journey across generations and continents, with a new animated series (available on Netflix), event exhibitions and much more.
Find out more: The little prince turns 80!
This term, we will learn about this famous character and his story in our French classes.
The book can also be found in our school library.
Bon anniversaire au petit Prince !
We were honoured to receive a generous gift from the Mainwaring whānau of a wooden glass cabinet containing memorabilia like toys, games, and many other Japanese social and cultural items. Roger and Jennifer Mainwaring facilitated the exchange of people, ideas, and cultures between Japan and New Zealand through their decades-long involvement in the Nakano Society in Wellington. Your legacy and service will be remembered by our students learning Japanese in the years to come. Ngā mihi nui.
2023 Mosaic - Save the Date!
Put it in the calendar now. The annual Tawa College Dance Showcase “Mosaic” will be held on Tuesday 20 - Thursday 22 June. It promises to be an entertaining evening out. Keep an eye out for updates over the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you there!
Tawa College Formal Committee
Formal Dress Up Drive - 19th May during school hours and 20th May 10am - 2pm, in the Hall.
Students attending the formal are invited to come and try on items to wear to this year's event.
All items available for a koha.
Careers Appointments
Please email Mrs Wiltshire, kwiltshire@tawacollege.school.nz, to make an appointment.
Tawa Community Jobs Board
Are you looking for a local job in Tawa? Keep an eye on the Tawa Jobs Board here
Upcoming Careers Pathways Events at Tawa College
Wellington City Council Rangatahi Maori Pathways Programme
A group of Tawa College students spent a day exploring Parks and Recreation career pathway options with Wellington City Council. They learned about pools, parks and recreation centres as well as operations, horticulture and more.
A planting and restoration project day is planned later this term for Rangatahi Maori in Year 11. If anyone is interested in attending this day, or wants to find out more, they can see Mrs Wiltshire in T12 or email kwiltshire@tawacollege.school.nz for more information.
Learn to Teach Swimming
Train to be a swimming teacher with NZ Swimming and Easy Swim. This course is open to students in Years 12 and 13. It includes a three day theory and practical session based at Tawa College and Tawa School Pool on 16 -18 May and two or three practical teaching work experience sessions.
Students will gain an AusSwim Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Level 3 Certificate which is recognised in 10 countries as well as NZQA credits. Interested students need to see Mrs Wiltshire in T11 or Rachel Coward in T10 as soon as possible to confirm interest and register for the course.
STAR Courses
Now that we are into Term 2 there is a lot more happening in the Careers Department regarding short courses/taster days. Term 3 bookings for courses are now being taken also.
A reminder of some of the courses available:
Sales in Tourism, Flight Attending, Hotel Management, Uniquely Māori, Aviation, Cruise & Hotel
Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking, E-Sports Tournament, Code A Website, YouTube & Streaming, Intro to AI & Machine Learning, Intro to IT Hardware Building & Programming
Beauty Therapy, Intro to Hairdressing, Intro to Make-up, Intro to Barbering
Intro to Nursing, Intro to Paramedics, Intro to Auto (Porirua), Electrical (Petone), Plumbing (Petone), Carpentry (Petone); Intro to Youthwork, Intro to Animal Care/Vet Nursing, Intro to Maori & Pacific Performing Arts, Intro to Music, Intro to Screen Production, Intro to Commercial Dance, Intro to Cookery, Baking.
Don’t forget the very popular MOJO Barista Course incorporating TC Beanies work experience. This very popular course is once again proving to be sought after. Students can still register their interest in this course as we may make further courses available throughout the year.
Come and see Kath in T12 (Careers Department) to find out more about these great opportunities.
Tawa College SchoolDocs Policies
Please go to the Current Review tab on our SchoolDocs site and follow the Review Instructions to take part. Login details are:
Username = tawacollege
Password = dojustly
Tawa College Staff Vacancy
Accounts Administrator - full time permanent position - term time only
If you are interested in applying for the position please download an application form from the website and send this together with a covering letter and your CV to our Executive Officer, Freda Kelly @ fkelly@tawacollege.school.nz
Absence Reporting
Please report a student absence using one of the following three options:
1. Use the School App
2. Ring our absence line 232 8184 extension 1
3. Email absence@tawacollege.school.nz.
Please state your child’s name, form class and the reason for the absence. Please also ring the college office if your child plans to sign out at any time during the school day for an appointment.
An automated text message is sent by the Absence Manager each day after Period 1. Planned or extended absences of three days or longer require the prior written approval of the Principal.
All Year 9 to 12 students must sign out at the college office before leaving school for any reason.
Tawahi Yearbooks
Black Puffer Jackets
Free Period Products
The access to period products initiative aims to provide free period products to children and young people in all state and state-integrated schools and kura across New Zealand. Periods are a fact of life. Despite this, young people don’t always have access to the products they need to feel comfortable at school, engage in their learning, and manage what should be a normal and healthy part of life.
Poor access to period products can affect students’ attendance and engagement at school. Students also miss out on sporting and cultural activities and can feel embarrassed and ashamed about not being supported to manage their periods. This affects their achievement and wellbeing.
All people who have periods are entitled to come and collect two FREE period products each month. These are available in the A Block and D Block toilets, T Block and monthly packs can be collected from Mrs Lodge's office in the gymnasium. If you have any queries please email glodge@tawacollege.school.nz
Tawa College School Communication
The School App continues to be an accessible source of information about the school and is used by many caregivers to notify school of absence. It will also be used to push out information throughout the year and in emergencies - please subscribe via your app store.
The Tawa College website is for parents and caregivers to find information about the school.
E2Learn is the site for students to find information about the day to day running of the school.
Student Parking in the Tawa College Carpark
Senior students who wish to park in the Tawa College carpark on Duncan Street need to ensure they fill in a permission form and get it signed by their guardians. The form is available from the school office. Thank you for helping us manage this space.
Community Messages
Youth Search and Rescue YSAR
YSAR Trust (Youth Search and Rescue) is a non-profit charitable organization that offers a three-year training program for secondary school students in New Zealand. The organisation’s primary focus is on skill development, community service principles, and authentic outdoor education learning outcomes aligned with the Search and Rescue (SAR) and Emergency Management (EM) sectors.
Until the end of April you have the opportunity to support them (at no cost to you) by voting via the One Good Kiwi App or website or both (https://onegoodkiwi.nz/). YSAR can benefit from a % of the funding depending on the amount of votes they receive.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Tawa Business Group
Contact Us
Email: secretary@tawacollege.school.nz
Website: https://www.tawacollege.school.nz
Location: Duncan Street, Tawa, Wellington 5028, New Zealand
Phone: 04-232 8184
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TawaCollege