Thompson Friday Forecast
August 16, 2019
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Welcome Thunder families to the 2019-2020 school year! I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to welcome our students to the new school year on Wednesday. I hope you and your family had an absolutely fabulous summer filled with memorable times! During classroom visits this week, I saw eager, enthusiastic students and teachers ready to begin the year! I am excited about the prospect and opportunities a new school year brings. It has been a pleasure greeting many of you as you drop off your children in the morning. I am also looking forward to partnering with our families to ensure the best possible year for our students. Thompson has great kids, great parents, and a great staff!
As I have said in other settings, I am honored to have the opportunity to be your principal. If I can ever be of assistance, please call the main office at 331-228-3100. I look forward to hearing from you!
We are pleased to welcome Detective Chuck Crumlett from the St. Charles Police Department to our school community! Detective Crumlett will be visible throughout the school day and often seen wearing his uniform. His police cruiser will be a regular fixture in our parking lot. He will help us support our students by encouraging them to make good decisions and working with them when they don’t. Additionally, Detective Crumlett will enhance the partnership between our school and the community.
Earlier this month I emailed parents this ‘News to Know’ document. Teachers have been reviewing our Thunder Way expectations with students over the past three days and students have been doing a great job following these expectations. Thank you for your support!
As a reminder, parents dropping off students in the morning should pull all of the way forward in the East lot and exit promptly to minimize any traffic snafus that typically occur during student arrival. Parents are also able to drop off their child on Indiana Street just west of the tennis courts and students can enter through the Door 5/gym entrance.
It has been an exhilarating first few days of school. Our staff is certainly excited to be back and our students have matched their enthusiasm. PTO parents were extremely helpful with our material pick-up days. Their willingness to volunteer is always appreciated. Thank you!
And thank you to the 8th grade web students who guided our new students and families at the material pickup days, neighborhood open house, and sixth grade orientation! Your bright smiles and enthusiasm were greatly appreciated by all!
As I have interacted with students over these last few days, I have noticed excellent behavior, attentive audiences, and eager learners. These are all student qualities that tell me our kids are excited to do the best they possibly can.
Enjoy your weekend!
School Pictures/IDS on Wednesday, August 21st
- Students will be given a card from their first hour teacher that morning with a specific appointment time.
- When the appointments are finished, we will make a building announcement in case any students forgot to get their pictures taken.
- Picture ID cards will be distributed in approximately two weeks. Students will continue wearing their pre-printed ID cards until that time.
If you did not receive an order envelope at material pick-up days, you can view all of the information and pre-order on-line if you would like. Go to www.ordercp.com and enter the school code 10065401. A copy of the envelope is also attached to this Friday Forecast. Or you can place your order after your child's proofs are returned.
Picture retake day is Wednesday, October 2nd.
PTO Thompson Spiritwear
Upcoming Non-Attendance Days
There will be no school for students on:
- Afternoon only - Friday, August 30th for a Teachers’ Institute Day. Students will be released at 12:10 pm on that Friday.
- Monday, September 2nd to celebrate Labor Day
Please call the main office if you have any questions at (331) 228-3100!
Curriculum Nights
The format for the night will give you the opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, learn about this year’s curriculum, and hear about classroom expectations while following your child’s schedule found in HAC. The evening will conclude by 8:15 pm. We hope all will be able to attend!
Let's Talk has launched!
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 has launched a new communication tool that aligns with our strategic commitment to provide opportunities for parents, community members, business leaders, and intergovernmental partners to regularly engage in the activities of schools and students.
Now, when you visit the district website or any of our school’s sites, you will notice a feature called “Let’s Talk!” highlighted in the bottom left-hand corner of the page. When you click on that button, you will be taken to a screen where you can access hot topics, district departments, and schools. Use those interest areas to submit a question, comment, suggestion, or compliment and we will respond to your message.
We appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!
Thompson Phone #s
- 331-228-3100 (main line)
- 331-228-3101 (fax)
- 331-228-3104 (health office)
SAVE THE DATE! Fox Mill 5K & Color Run Honoring Kayla Lehmann
Please join us for the Fox Mill 5K & 1-Mile Color Run/Walk on September 7, 2019 honoring Thompson graduate Kayla Lehmann. Kayla, who passed away on April 7, 2018, was a St. Charles East freshman who was passionate about music while also being an avid reader and gifted writer.
Proceeds from this year's race will benefit Kayla's Hope (www.kaylashope.org), a foundation that seeks to take away the stigma of depression and mental illness so that no one has to suffer in silence. For more information, to register, or to make a donation, please visit www.foxmill5k.com.
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, August 20 - Thompson Open House - 5:30 - 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, August 21 - School Pictures/IDs taken during the school day
- Friday, August 30 - School Improvement Day - Middle school students released at 12:10
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day - No School
- Tuesday, September 3 - 6th Grade Curriculum Night for parents - 6:30 pm
- Thursday, September 5 - 7th/8th Grade Curriculum Night for parents - 6:30 pm
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Email: kimberly.walters@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/