Holy Name Highlights
April 22, 2022
April 28- 3rd Grade Wax Museum
April 28- 8th grade Confirmation- 7pm
April 30- 2nd grade First Communion- 11am
May 4- Musicale- 1:30
May 5- May Crowning
May 5- Early Release @ 2:00
May 6- Butterfly Ball (father/daughter dance)
May 11- Racing Into Holy Name, 8:30-10:30 (PreK & Kindergarten event- more info to come)
5/15 Beech Grove Mother/Son Bowling
- 5/2 - 5/6 Teacher Appreciation Week (TAW)
Congratulations to the Following Families Who Have Registered For Next Year!
Abdul-Majid/Imel Family
Patrick and Amy Allen FamilyAmoles/Arenas Family
Anderson/Turpin Family
Alvarez/Olivares Family
Andrade/Torres Family
Anglemeyer/Campbell Family
Arredondo/Cavillo Family
Atwell Family
Bayer Family
Biggs Family
Bergman Family
Birdwell Family
Black Family
Blanchette/Tunny Family
Bozzelli/Hardesty Family
Brenchley Family
Butler Family
Caito Family
Carreto-Singh/Munoz Family-
Cervantes-Avendano Family
Chamblee Family
Chrisman Family
Coffman Family
Coffin/Spangler Family
Cook Family
Cummings/Plummer Family
Curd Family
DiCristofolo Family
Dillehay Family
Dillon Family
Downham Family
Drury Family
Eakman Family
Feller Family
Fields/Conklin Family
Friedericks Family
Fouts/Bartley Family
Gaither Family
Garcia Family
Gates Family
Gray Family
Mariah Green Family
Green/Schuck Family
Guevara-Esparza Family
Hatchett/Freeman Family
Heacock/Roof Family
Hollowell Family
Hornaday Family
Houston/Spear Epperson Family
Hubbard Family
Hubbs Family
Hurrle Family
Jarrell Family
Tyler and Kyle Johnson Family
Kedra Family
Kegley Family
Kingston/Allen Family
Lamping Family
Leavell Family
Courtney and Melissa Lewis Family
Lewis/Martin Family
Linton Family
Lisby Family
Lopez/Moreno Family
Marcum Family
Martinez-Gaspar Family
Mathis Family
Mayer Family
McGee/Johnson Family
McClain/Hines Family
McMillan Family
Medina Family
Karla and James Miller Family
Moncayo Family
Monroy/Gutierrez Family
Fr. Jeffrey and Ellen Moore Family
Lorin and TJ Moore Family
Morgan/Greenberg Family
Morris Family
Muselman/Meek Family
Nunez/Aguilar Family
Oropeza Family
Pacheco Family
Parker Family
Pastrick/Palmer Family
Phillippe Family
Phipps Family
Price Family
Raasch Family
Randall/Turner Family
Ratcliff Family
Reyes Family
Jeff and Lisa Rizzi Family
Robinson Family
Roller Family
Romero-Vidal Family
Rowie/Pimental Family
Rowland/Davis Family
Sanchez/Ventura Family
Schacht Family
Schad Family
Schmidt Family
Schmidt/Wymer Family
Schultz/Green Family
Shanahan Family
Shaw Family
Sheets Family
Simmons Family
Smith Family
Spearing Family
Stafford Family/
Stahley Family
Stuck Family
Sullivan/Burgess Family
John and Elaine Sullivan Family
Taylor Family
Thomas Family
Tonte/Daniels Family
Towe Family
Valentine/Sherlock Family
Velandingham Family
Vodney Family
Voeller Family
Walker Family
Warner/Alexander Family
Watson/McKinney Family
Weliever Family
Whiteley Family
Wolford Family
Jeff and Amy Wright Family
Mariah and Nicholas Wright Family
Volleyball Clinic Grades K-6
1st Day School Supplies
The teachers love this concept! It really is exactly what they have asked for. We have found students who have everything we ask for on the 1st day of school have a more confident transition. If you want to purchase from 1st Day School Supplies, please use this link to shop: https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=37066
*Note- There is also a $15 book fee for each middle school student to purchase novels that students will need throughout the year. This can be paid to Mrs. Beeson in the school office.
The order deadline is July 1st to purchase with 1st Day School Supplies.
There will be an early release day on Thursday May 5. Extended Care hours are 2-5:30(6)
Our last day of Extended Care is Wednesday May 18.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us!
Mrs. Miller
This Week's Rosary Winner
PTO News
Spring Flower Pick Up
The PTO Spring Flower pick up day is Tuesday, April 26. Flowers will be in the Narthex by 1 pm. Thank you for your purchase!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is quickly approaching. Please see the schedule and following sign up geniuses to see where you can help. If you are looking for any of your teacher’s favorite things, the Room Parents have a list they can share with you.
Monday: A coffee and tea bar will be set up for the teachers from Silver Linings Coffeehouse courtesy of Eckstein Shoe Store.
Tuesday: We will have an assortment of classroom supplies for the teachers to shop from. Donations accepted! Favorites include: Sharpies, dry erase markers, Post-it notes and Ticonderoga #2 pencils
Wednesday: We would like to provide a snack break by restocking the teacher’s lounge.
Thursday: Time to thank our teachers! Send in a thank you note or special treat specifically for your teacher.
Friday: Time for our Annual Fiesta Luncheon! Please see the following sign-up geniuses for requested food, supplies, and volunteer opportunities to help cover lunch and recess duty so that the teachers may get a few extra minutes to enjoy their lunch break.
Food & Supplies
Volunteer Opportunities
Sign Up Genius for Butterfly Ball
Holy Name Father/Daughter Dance
When: Friday May 6th 7-9 pm
Where: Holy Name Cafeteria
Bring your dad or an important father figure in your life.
$10 per family
Contact the office to RSVP
Please Click the Link Below to RSVP
Roncalli High School is looking to fill positions in our maintenance, grounds, and custodial areas. Both full and part time positions are available. Benefits are available for all full time positions as well as tuition discounts to the school. Ask us about our part time positions with full time benefits and tuition discounts! If interested, please contact Dave Gervasio at 317-787-8277 ext. 246.
Myanmar Outreach Coordinator
Roncalli High School is hiring a Myanmar Outreach Coordinator. The position is part-time with flexible hours. Main duties include facilitating translation of school communications. This person would also serve as an in-person translator at school events, serve as an ambassador for the school and also as a liaison with Myanmar families. The Myanmar Outreach Coordinator would also assist with establishing partnerships within the community. Establishing relationships and providing outreach are vital to this position. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and resume to Terese Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement at tcarson@roncalli.org.
Join Roncalli for Roar on April 30, 2022!
You are invited to be a part of the Survival Safari Adventure! Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 30, 2022
Over 500 members of our Roncalli Community will gather together on Saturday, April 30 to celebrate Roncalli and raise money for tuition assistance. Hundreds of families benefit from the proceeds raised at this fun filled event. Get your tickets today to join us at this FUNdraising event: https://e.givesmart.com/events/jWo/.
Roar High Stakes Raffle Tickets!
Less than one month remains before we give away $10,000! Click https://tinyurl.com/y6ps8vpz to purchase your Roar raffle ticket to win $10,000. Act now as quantity is limited - only 350 tickets will be sold!
Contact Andrea Wagner (awagner@roncalli.org) or Aaron Hommell (ahommell@roncalli.org) with questions.
Roncalli--Making a Difference
Roncalli's Academic Summer Camps
Roncalli will offer multiple academic camps this summer! For the first time, a Psychology Camp (June 6-9) will be offered for students going into grades 6-8. Drafting & Woodworking Camp (June 13-16) is back, and it's going to be for students in grades 5-8. A Coding Camp (June 13-16) will also be offered for the first time this summer, and students going into grades 6-8 are welcome to attend. Grades for all camps indicate the grade students will be in for the 2022-23 school year. Please contact Allie Ross at aross@roncalli.org for all official camp details.
It's Not Too Late--Get Your Roncalli Application Completed Today!
The Roncalli Class of 2026 continues to grow, and it is not too late to get your Application for Admission completed! Visit https://apps.roncalli.org/application to get started. Contact Allie Ross at aross@roncalli.org with any questions. Let's go, Royals!
Royal Swim Club
Roncalli Latino Outreach Coordinator: Juanita Castellanos
If you are a Spanish-speaking family, and would like assistance with anything having to do with Roncalli, please contact Juanita Castellanos at jcastellanos@roncalli.org or (317) 787-8277, ext. 225.
Help provide the gift of Catholic Education!
To find out more about an Indiana state tax credit, or to donate to the Holy Name SGO, please visit www.IndianaTaxCreditScholarship.org
Lunch Menu
Monday, April 25th
Hot Breakfast Choice: French Toast Sticks
A) Pepperoni Bosco Stix
C) Cobb Salad w/turkey strips
E) Ham Sandwich on a whole grain bun
F) PRK3-2nd-Power Up Pizza Pack/3-8th Grade sack lunch with mozzarella cheese stick, chocolate chip muffin, cheez its and strawberry banana yogurt
Hot Side: Carrots
Mandarin Oranges
Tuesday, April 26th
Hot Breakfast Choice: Blueberry Mini Waffles
A) Chicken Tenders for Prk3-2nd grade/Drumsticks for 3-8th grade
C) Cobb Salad w/turkey strips
E) Ham Sandwich on a whole grain bun
F) PRK3-2nd-Power Up Pizza Pack/3-8th Grade sack lunch with mozzarella cheese stick, chocolate chip muffin, cheez its and strawberry banana yogurt
Hot Side: Seasoned Potato Wedge
Wednesday, April 27th
Hot Breakfast Choice: Cinnamon Waffles
A) Papa John’s pepperoni pizza
C) Cobb Salad w/turkey strips
E) Ham Sandwich on a whole grain bun
F) PRK3-2nd-Power up Pizza Pack//3-8th Grade sack lunch with mozzarella cheese stick, chocolate chip muffin, cheez its and strawberry banana yogurt
Hot Side: Green Beans
Thursday, April 28th
Hot Breakfast Choice: Pancakes
A) Walking Taco
C) Cobb Salad w/turkey strips
E) Ham Sandwich on a whole grain bun
F) PRK3-2nd-Power Up Pizza Pack/3-8th Grade sack lunch with mozzarella cheese stick, chocolate chip muffin, cheez its and strawberry banana yogurt
Hot Side: Corn
Friday, April 29th
Hot Breakfast Choice: Apple Frudle
A) Grilled Cheese
C) Cobb Salad w/turkey strips
E) Ham Sandwich on a whole grain bun
F) PRK3-2nd-Power Up Pizza Pack/3-8th Grade sack lunch with mozzarella cheese stick, chocolate chip muffin, cheez its and strawberry banana yogurt
Hot Side: Capri Blend Vegetables
Nondiscrimination Policy
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email: program.intake@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
De conformidad con la Ley Federal de Derechos Civiles y los reglamentos y políticas de derechos civiles del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE. UU. (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés), se prohíbe que el USDA, sus agencias, oficinas, empleados e instituciones que participan o administran programas del USDA discriminen sobre la base de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, discapacidad, edad, o en represalia o venganza por actividades previas de derechos civiles en algún programa o actividad realizados o financiados por el USDA.
Las personas con discapacidades que necesiten medios alternativos para la comunicación de la información del programa (por ejemplo, sistema Braille, letras grandes, cintas de audio, lenguaje de señas americano, etc.), deben ponerse en contacto con la agencia (estatal o local) en la que solicitaron los beneficios. Las personas sordas, con dificultades de audición o discapacidades del habla pueden comunicarse con el USDA por medio del Federal Relay Service [Servicio Federal de Retransmisión] al (800) 877-8339. Además, la información del programa se puede proporcionar en otros idiomas.
Para presentar una denuncia de discriminación, complete el Formulario de Denuncia de Discriminación del Programa del USDA, (AD-3027) que está disponible en línea en: http://www.ocio.usda.gov/sites/default/files/docs/2012/Spanish_Form_508_Compliant_6_8_12_0.pdf. y en cualquier oficina del USDA, o bien escriba una carta dirigida al USDA e incluya en la carta toda la información solicitada en el formulario. Para solicitar una copia del formulario de denuncia, llame al (866) 632-9992. Haga llegar su formulario lleno o carta al USDA por:
(1) correo: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; o
(3) correo electrónico: program.intake@usda.gov.
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Current Family Incentives!
* If a new family schedules and takes an individual family tour based on your referral, your children will earn an out-of-uniform pass. Be sure they mention your family!
* If a new family enrolls for the 2022-2023 school year based on your referral, we will waive your family's registration fee. If you have already paid that fee, we will reimburse you. Be sure they mention your family!