WMS Friday Forecast
December 20, 2018 - Week 17
Winter Break Office Hours
During winter break our office hours will be as follows:
- Monday, December 24th - Tuesday, December 25th ~ CLOSED
- Wednesday, December 26th - Friday, December 28th ~ Open 8:00 am-3:00 pm
- Monday, December 31st - Tuesday, January 1st ~ CLOSED
- Wednesday, January 2nd - Friday, January 4th ~ Open 8:00 am-3:00 pm
School resumes on Monday, January 7th.
Dear RedHawk Families:
As we enter into Winter Break, I want to take a moment to thank you. Thank you for your ongoing support of all we do at Wredling. Thank you for encouraging your child to be kind to others. Thank you for coming to us in respectful ways when there are problems. Thank you for volunteering at one of our many events where we need parent help. Thank you for supporting our PTO in our fundraising efforts this fall.
But most of all, thank you for trusting us with your kids. We take your trust seriously and work hard, every single day, to do the best we can for our RedHawk students.
I also want to express my thanks for an amazing staff here at Wredling. I am blessed to have an incredibly dedicated group of teachers, teaching assistants, secretaries, custodians, and assistant principals who deeply care for your children.
Have a happy holiday!
Mark Your Calendars!
The Carolers Provided Beautiful Music!
LRC Fines:
- Sugar-free drink mix packets (must be sugar-free)
Coffee Creamer
Styrofoam bowls
Paper Towels
Liquid Hand Soap
Disinfectant Wipes
Each item FROM THE LIST ABOVE is worth up to $2 in fines removed from your account. Present your donation to one of the LRC staff and they will credit your account accordingly. This is a great way to help others while clearing the fines from your account at the same time!
We teach to the bell!
Busses do not leave until 10 minutes after the bell rings so there is time for students to go from their 8th-period classroom to their locker and then exit to catch their bus.
Please remind your student of this expectation.
Don't miss out on a chance to have your official record of this school year in pictures! Yearbooks are ordered based upon the number that are pre-ordered and paid for by students. Only a few extra copies are ordered when the final order is placed.
To purchase a yearbook, please see Lucy Johnson in the Main Office. You can pay the $25 cost in one of the following ways:
- With a check - made payable to Wredling
- With $25 cash - bring to the main office
7th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts Coming!
Basketball Tryouts for our WMS Girls Team will be held right after winter break. They will be held after school from 3:40 pm - 5:30 pm on each of these dates:
- Monday, Jan 7
- Tuesday, Jan. 8
- Wednesday, Jan. 9
For girls who make the team, HERE is the schedule for the season.
Angst Follow-Up Session # 2
Preventing & Addressing Bullying: Lessons Learned and Resources for Parents
La interpretación en español estará disponible durante la presentación.
Reminder For All 8th Grade Parents:
Your 8th grader met with their High School Counselor on Monday where they gathered information about course selection, asked great questions and began the thinking process about next years schedule. During morning classes on Thursday, January 24 and Friday, January 25, 2019, students will be assigned a time to meet with their High School counselor where they will make their final course selections.
In addition to their visit to WMS, the high schools have also communicated the dates for their Future Saints and North Star Nights. They are scheduled as follows:
- St. Charles East Future Saints Night: Wednesday, January 9, 2019
- St. Charles North Future North Stars Night: Thursday, January 10, 2019
The purpose of these evenings is to provide information regarding the curriculum offered at the high school, as well as introduce students to the various activities/clubs/sports available to the class of 2024. If you have any questions about these evenings, please don’t hesitate to contact the high schools or access their school websites for more information.
East HS
Last Name Begins / Counselor
A - Cha / Mr. Mark Pereda
Chi - For / Mr. James Hawkins
Fos - Klo / Mrs. Katie Perkins
Klu - Mil / Mr. Jeff Bialeschke
Mim - Reg / Mrs. Jamie Swenson
Reh - So / Mrs. Kari Batka
Sp - Z / Ms. Maura Kenney
North HS
Last Name Begins/ Counselor
A- Cor / Mr. Matt Kirby
Cos - Hah / Ms. Megan Gow
Hai - Li / Ms. Laurie Moffitt
Lj - O / Ms. Amy Collins
P - Spi / Mr. Larry Nothnagel
Spj - Z / Mrs. Nicolette Karl
They all received the form below on Monday. We are providing access to a copy of this form for those who were absent or as a replacement to replace those that will not make it home or are wrinkled beyond belief inside a backpack!
District Calendar Updated
With Monday's snow day this week, the district has updated the D303 calendar. Four more 'Emergency Days' remain this school year and right now the last day of school is Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Click the calendar below for the downloadable version in both English.
Here is the downloadable version in Spanish.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the Redhawks
Website: Wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD030