The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent and Community Week at a Glance 2/5 - 2/9
"Little Miss Lemira 2023" Rockstar Queen
"Little Miss Lemira 2023" Rockstar Queen
"Little Miss Lemira 2023" Rockstar Queen
Lemira goes "Red" for the Cause!
Lemira goes "Red" for the Cause!
Lemira goes "Red" for the Cause!
Lemira Elementary School Updates:
Thanks for being a part of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
Congratulations to our students who received an award during our awards day programs. Special thanks to our families who came out to support our scholars!
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Plaza Church of Christ for donating clothing to our clothing closet. It is greatly appreciated.
Special thanks to the SC State and the Molina Foundation for donating books to each student in grade level 3 to add to their library collection.
School Announcements
1. Monday Feb. 6 is the last day to purchase your "Guys in Ties and Girls in Pearls" tickets. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
- Tickets are $15
- This includes one adult chaperone and one Lemira student.
- If there are additional Lemira siblings in the household, their tickets are $5 each.
- This event is for Lemira students only.
- Tickets will not be sold at the door.
- To enter, each individual must present a ticket.
2. Friday, Feb. 10 is a district Mental Health 1/2 Day.
- Students will dismiss at 11:00am
- If you have a change in the mode of transportation, please notify the school in writing.
- If a different driver picks up your scholar, please ensure he/she knows the car number or is listed in Power-School under your contact information. The driver will need to present his/her ID before the student is released.
3. Monday, Feb. 6th, students will receive a "Student Enrollment Survey Form".
- Please complete both section I and section II of the forms.
- This form is being sent out district wide and is needed in every enrolled student's records.
- Please complete and return no later than Monday, February 20th.
- Help your scholar's class win. The first homeroom class to return all of their forms first will win a class prize!
4. Tuesday, February 7th: Author Visit
- Children’s author Qwen Lewis will be visiting Lemira February 7th, 2023 to read to students in grades K-3rd.
- She will have her books available. If you are interested in purchasing, they will be on sale for $12.00. Your child will receive an autographed copy of the purchased book.
5. Attention 4th and 5th Grade Parents:
Tuesday, Feb. 7th will the last day to turn in any paperwork for the "District Shadow Day" to remove your scholars' unexcused absence code in Power-school for those who participated 2/2. After the given date, the coding will remain as absent.
6. Title I T & T
Family Report Card Review
Your child just received their report card for the second quarter. Now that you have reviewed them, use it to encourage him/her to finish the school year strong. Try these strategies for a discussion with your child about their report card:
1. Give your youngster and his/her report card your full attention. For example, find a quiet spot, put away your phone, and turn off the TV.
2. Find reasons to high-five your child. Maybe he/she brought up his/her writing grade or the teacher commented on how well he/she gets along with classmates.
3. Talk about ways he/she could improve. If his/her math grade dropped, he/she might double-check work for careless errors. Or if he/she needs to be more organized, share strategies you use, like keeping office supplies in different-sized containers.♥
7. EXACT Path: Students are encouraged to log into EXACT Path daily while at home. They have a dedicated time during the school day to work on their learning paths. However, we do encourage students to continue practicing their "Leveled" skills in their "Reading and Math" learning pathways. Students are recognized bi-weekly for their mastery progress and usage minutes.
8. Want to become a Volunteer?
We would love your assistance as a volunteer at Lemira. Please see the website for details.
Link: https://app.sterlingvolunteers.com/en/Candidates/Account/Register
9. Spirit Fridays:
* Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Important Dates
February 7th
Author Visit (Qwen Lewis)
Grades K-3rd
February 9th
"Guys in Ties and Girls in Pearls" Family Valentine's Dance
5:30pm - 7:00pm
February 10th
Mental Health 1/2 Day
Dismissal at 11am
February 20th - 24th
"Celebrating our Past - Black History Spirit Week"
February 21st
February 23rd
“Celebrating our Past" Black History Month Program
March 4th
Odyssey of the Minds Competition
(Upstate Visit)
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
Lemira Elementary School
Email: step8636@hotmail.com
Website: https://lme.sumterschools.net/
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LemiraLionDynasty
Twitter: @LemiraSchool