STEM BITS & Personalized Learning
February 12, 2024
InCERT Yourself: The model for Personalized Authentic Learning
Personalized, Authentic Learning...what does it look like is one question I am often asked? "Show me what a personalized learning lesson looks like...I have to see it." Personalized Learning is not a special afternoon, or a guest speaker, or a period planned for once a week. It is a transformation in how education can look to meet the needs of ALL our learners. So what does personalized authentic learning look like...look no further than the partnership created between Washington State, the Appalachian Ohio Manufacturing Coalition, and area schools.
Dan Leffingwell, former Ohio Superintendent of the year, and new Dean of Engineering and Business saw a need and an opportunity. He saw labs sitting empy on Fridays at Washington State while seeing a need for area high school students to have access to equipment that was out of reach for most school budgets...Leffingwell was inspired to create the InCERT Yourself program where HS students from across the region attend Washington State on Fridays and work towards a credential in either Cyber Security, Industrial Welding, or Advanced Manufacturing. While there is an upfront cost for districts, districts are then reimbursed $1250 for each student who earns a credential.
Rather than students attending their home schools on Friday for a tradtional day, they earn a credentia in a career field of their interest. Authentic learning takes place with local industry partners coming in periodically and observing the work of students and finding future employees. Many of the spaces were developed with input from local industry so those students participating have their first foot in the door when they can say they trained on the same equipment as a high school student! Authentic learning is about engaging our learners in meaningful experiences that allows them to connec the "why" of school which has to change. For so long, we have asked students to conform to the structures of school when it should be the exact opposite. We should be transforming our schools to conform to the needs of our students, to the needs of our community. The inCERT Yourself is a perfect example of area school leaders doing just that.
If you are interested in this partnership and possibly how you can get involved with your school or start a similar program in your region, we will be hosting a site visit to Washington State on March 15, 2024 to see the inCERT Yourself in action. Look for registration form to come out soon.
TIES support for STEM Programs for FREE
TIES is pleased to assist STEM communities across Ohio in broadening their access to STEM tools. Our Opportunities for Ohio slide deck highlights some impactful STEM programs and resources, most of which are free. TIES is offering no-cost support to school districts, including professional learning and technical implementation support, available until June 2024 for these opportunities. For additional information, please contact
Check out Chris Woods' Daily STEM News...One of the very Best in STEM!
Chris puts out a weekly newspater to inspire students...A great way to inspire your kids.
Join Accomplished Author Jake Miller for his upcoming Webinars
Join Jake Miller, author of Educational Duct Tape as he shares his expertise in Personalized Learning and Educational Technology Integration.
What Makes a STEM Culture?
STEM is the buzz word for everyone right now. While it is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; it also describes an engaging approach to teaching and learning. STEM in the classroom or school setting involves a learner-centered approach to instruction that not only incorporates curriculum in an authentic context, but also engages learners in critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving.
STEM as a teaching and learning approach includes:
- Hands on/Exploratory
- Inquiry Based/Discovery
- Design Thinking Process
- Problem Based Learning
- Project Based Learning
With in each of these key elements of STEM in the classroom, the standard curriculum is weaved into the learning experience. At times, there will be a need for direct instruction and coverage of specific standards or topics; however, there is a mix.
When you examine the STEM Quality Rubric that measures schools for the STEM designation in Ohio, you see elements throughout the rubric of each of these practices. In order to create that STEM culture, we must transform into a learner-driven classroom.
In order to create this culture and honestly bring the excitement to your classroom, you have to allow students to be a part of the process...a Personalized Learning Process where we empower our learners to find their passion, explore it and grow with it.
Each newsletter going forward will provide details and information on what a STEM classroom or school looks and feels like. And guess what? You are not a STEM classroom or school just because you have a 3D printer or a STEM classroom or makerspace.
Seven Project Based Teaching Practices
How do I cover my content?
How do I plan for everything?
Where do I find everything?
All of that is fine....BUT you are taking away the work from your learners. Instead, ask yourself this question:
What decisions am I making that I could have the learners make? We overplan and we take a lot from our learners. See the teaching practices from the Buck Institute below. If you want to find out more, go to
Solar Eclipse Resources
AOMC Manufacturing Support Center and How AOMC
This facility is open to working with High Schools and adults to provide training that can provide the qualifications and experience to allow individuals to go into high demand advanced manufacturing positions.
The Ohio Valley ESC is currently working to see how we can connect our region with AOMC to allow our High Schools to connect their students with some of the training they offer. AOMC can also help connect students with internships and potential careers.
For more information, please reach out to the ESC and contact me at
Real World Problem Solving Opportunities for HS Math
From reviewing...this would even fit into an agriculture or engineering class where you could look at agricultural insurance or liability. Check out the link below.
START S.O.L.E. Info and Training Session Scheduled
What is Personalized Learning?
Personalized learning is a learner-driven approach to instruction that empowers students to take ownership of their learning. Using this flexible approach, educators help students:
Overcome obstacles by engaging the learners to take ownership in their learning and plan together with their teachers to meet their needs.
Codesign authentic learning pathways that prepare them for future success.
Accelerate learning through evidence of learning and feedback and a system of mastery learning.
Supporting Personalized Learning Across SE Ohio
Chad Miller, Personalized Learning Specialist, SE OH
Director of STEM and Personalized Learning, Ohio Valley ESC
Phone: (937)508-8680
Twitter: @CMill_STEMguy