Wildcat Weekly
October 28, 2022
Contact Information
Website: https://www.ksb.kyschools.us
Location: 1867 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 897-1583
Fax: (502) 897-2850
Facebook: facebook.com/KYschoolfortheblind/
Twitter: @KSBWildcats
Principal's Message
K/1 students took over our principal's office this week as part of their unit on school helpers.
Have a great weekend KSB families!
Upcoming Events📅
- No School-Monday, November 7 & Tuesday, November 8
- Freshman/sophomore concert-Thursday, November 17, 1:30PM
- Thanksgiving Break-Monday, November 21-Friday, November 25
If you have any change in phone numbers, home address, a change in bus routine or you need someone added/removed from your child’s safe pick-up list; please contact Beth or Linda in the front office.
Are you signed up for OneCall? KSB uses OneCall to send school information, including our Weekly Wildcat. If not, please contact Beth Baker at beth.baker@ksb.kyschools.us or 502-897-1583
Reporting Student Absences
A parent/guardian should call the KSB Office (502-897-1583, ext. 0204) for each day their child will not be at school to report the nature of their child’s absence. If possible, please call the school before 7:45 am. A student’s absence can only be reported to the KSB Office.
Excused absences:
- Medical appointments which cannot be scheduled at non-school times
- Death in the family
- Student illness
- Unavoidable transportation issues
- Other just and legitimate causes, as determined by the Principal
Classroom Connection📓
Social Studies 🗺️
2nd Graders are working on their geography skills. We are learning to locate the compass rose and use it to help orient the map, locate and identify continents and oceans, and use a key or legend to understand what information the map is presenting. We are also using the map to help us track the journey of Edward as we read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. 5th Graders are wrapping up their unit on Democracy before we jump into the American Revolution. They are working to use higher level vocabulary, utilize their resources, and gain a deeper understanding of how the United States of America was formed.
Middle School:
6th grade social studies students have started learning about ancient Egypt and the Nile River Valley. We have gone into detail about the Sphinx and the ability to build these massive pyramids on a grand scale. 7th grade social studies is finishing Mesopotamia and will begin studying ancient Egypt. 8th grade has continued their study of various governments and have started to dig deeper into the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches.
High School:
Integrated Social Studies just started their ABC books on U.S. History. World History class has been talking about the Renaissance and will be starting on the Protestant Reformation in the coming weeks. Last, U.S. History started a new project after researching important symbols and landmarks in the United States. Students are recreating these in Minecraft and then sharing the information that they learned in the virtual world.
Art & Music 🎨🎼
Our time with KMAC clay artist Suzy Hatcher has now come to an end for the year and the students in the classes made some awesome pieces during these sessions. The pieces will be packed up to be taken home soon! We hope that the students and their families can find a place in their homes for these to put on display or they can be saved and given away as great Christmas gifts! Our next KMAC artist will be Lizzie Gulick. She is a fiber artist, and she has some great projects planned that will take us to Christmas break. Stay tuned for more about projects and plans as well as a quick bio of Lizzie in the next KSB art portion of the newsletter. Ms. Roark's Arts Appreciation class has been creating felted acorns out of wet felted balls with acorn caps attached and are now in the process of making felted leaves. The end project will result in the acorns and leaves being adhered onto napkin rings for the students to take home to enjoy. While this class does focus on creating art at certain times, we also focus on many aspects and categories of the arts so if there is a break in our creating, we are learning about other things within the subject that might include music, dance, or drama.
Fun Fact: The Mona Lisa has her own mailbox in the Louvre because of all the love letters she receives.
KSB Music
The music department has been scaring up some good things this month! The younger elementary students are learning about major and minor, turning some of our favorite songs into their spooky alternatives. We’re also practicing playing percussion instruments in a group and learning the importance of listening in an ensemble.
The middle schoolers are mostly working in ensembles and adding to their repertoire. We’re excited with how well they are getting their pieces together! It’s a challenge having all 8 instruments sync up and recreate a song we all know.
The high schoolers are working toward their goal of performing later this semester and are making a lot of progress. There will be a ton of variety in both concerts. Speaking of, now is a good time to mention our upcoming performances. November 17th will feature our 9th and 10th graders at 1:30 PM in the cafeteria. December 16th at 9:30 AM in the gym will be packed with performances! We will feature all of our elementary students along with 11th and 12th graders. We haven’t forgotten our middle schoolers! They’ll be performing next semester on their own concert. We’re proud of our students’ efforts to prepare for these concerts and look forward to having them perform!
Fun Fact: None of The Beatles Could Write or Read Music
Mental Health Matters 💚
- Your best is always enough
- Everything will work out for you
- You always make a difference
- You are unstoppable
- Your needs are important and matter
- You can trust your journey
Student Life 🍎
Our formal Recreation program is back on track, provided everyone can stay healthy!! 😊 Please refer to the KSB Residential Parent Webpage for the schedule and any changes. This is a live document therefore it can change as situations or staffing issues evolve, so be sure to check regularly.
When going through your child’s clothes to make the switch to colder temps, please remember that the residential program accepts any gently used clothing that you may have and no longer need. You may donate your gently used clothing, accessories, shoes, etc. to the dormitory as a tax deductible donation. You would receive a letter as a receipt of the charitable donation that can be used on your taxes. If donating, please clearly identify the items and send them to Allison Chandler, Residential Director. Please accept our gratitude in advance for any donations.
Athletics 🎽
The KSB Varsity Goalball Team competed this past weekend at The Tennessee School for the Blind Goalball Invitational. Teams competed against Goalball teams from Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The Boys Varsity Goalball Team finished the weekend 4 and 1. The Girls Varsity Goalball team finished the weekend 3 and 2. Individual game scores were as follows:
Boys Varsity Goalball Scores:
- KSB (8) – Alabama (3)
- KSB (1) – Illinois (3)
- KSB (6) – Missouri (2)
- KSB (9) – Mississippi (5)
- KSB (5) – Tennessee (3)
Girls Varsity Goalball Scores:
- KSB (6) – Alabama (8)
- KSB (5) – Illinois (2)
- KSB (1) – Missouri (2)
- KSB (10) – Mississippi (4)
- KSB (5) – Tennessee (3)
Athletics FYIs:
- Our final week of Goalball Practice is the week of October 31 – November 4. Teams will practice on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.
- Student – Staff Goalball game will take place on Thursday, November 3.
- Teams will depart for the NCASB Conference Championships on Friday, November 4.
- Wrestling and Cheerleading sign ups are under way! Last Day to sign up and turn in paperwork is Friday, November 18. Please contact Jess Belcher with any questions!
Upcoming Athletics Schedule:
Week of October 31: Goalball Practice - Monday through Thursday (3:00 to 5:00)
Friday, November 4 – Saturday, November 5: NCASB Goalball Conference Tournament @ Missouri School for the Blind, St. Louis, MO (Students will need to be picked up at KSB on Sunday, November 6 – details to follow closer to time)
APH Connect Center 🏢
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes
Wednesdays, November 16th, December 21st, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
In this a 5-part webinar we will share how to navigate the process of getting your child the appropriate support at school. This will cover the evaluation, present levels, annual IEP goals, accommodations and supplements and the service deliver model.
Register Here for Navigating and Negotiating Successful IEP and 504 Outcomes
Ask the Advocate
Wednesdays, November 30th, December 28th, 2022, 7:00 – 8:30 PM EST
Answering questions families have to better understand the processes, procedures and parent rights in a 504/IEP. When parents are better informed they will be better equipped to navigate and negotiate successful student outcomes.
Register Here for Ask the Advocate
ONH 101: Collaboration (Part 3)
Monday, October 31, 2022, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EST
In this webinar, providers of various disciplines will share strategies they use when working with a child who has been diagnosed with ONH. They will also discuss how collaboration with a teacher for students with visual impairments is key for promoting skill development in all environments. Collaboration is the conclusion of the ONH 101 series – What is ONH (Part 1) and Strategies (Part 2).
Register Here for ONH 101: Collaboration (Part 3)
Career Conversations
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 PM EST
Join us and meet Casandra (Cassie) McNabb, a professional blind Embalmer. In a funeral home, the embalmer is responsible for embalming and preparing the bodies of the deceased for funeral services as well as burials or cremations. Join us to meet Casandra, ask her what is involved in her profession, and learn how her blindness doesn’t prevent her from working in this unique profession.
Register Here for Career Conversations
The Department of Education wants to hear from you! OSEP Listening Session Parents of Children who are Blind or Low Vision ages 3-21
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 7:30 – 8:30 PM EST
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) project officers want to hear from families of infants, toddlers, and students with visual impairments. Topic areas will range from working with schools and service providers to the unique needs of infants and toddlers (IDEA Part C), to orientation and mobility and the Expanded Core Curriculum. Families will be encouraged to share ideas, concerns, and questions.
Register Here to join in the Conversation with the Department of Education
Looking for more event opportunities? The ConnectCalendar is a one-stop resource for all events in the field of blindness and low vision. You can also submit events to share with the community and we’ll help spread the word.
APH Family Connect
Newsletter background shows drawings of pumpkins on an orange background.