@HSD Health Update
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Modifications to COVID Questionnaire
The District Pandemic Response Team, which is comprised of the central administrators, nurses, and district physicians, frequently receives new guidance from the NJDOH; hence, the recent changes to our Daily Survey and Decision Tree. After several meetings, it has been decided that the 01/08/2021 NJDOH guidelines grouping symptoms into two categories did not align with the district’s medical goals and we are reverting to our previous question format that excludes students and staff for a single symptom commonly associated with COVID-19.
Went from two symptoms back to one symptom for exclusion, though some may be able to remain in school pending consultation with the school nurse. (Refer to the Decision Tree)
- Siblings will not be allowed to remain in school when:
- Anyone in the household has a pending COVID-19 test.
- There is a positive COVID-19 case in the same household.
- A household member has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and is isolating without a COVID-19 test or medical guidance.
Returning to school after symptoms consistent with COVID-19 with NO known exposure:
- A negative molecular test, e.g. PCR, NAAT, LAMP is acceptable. However, their healthcare provider must assure the negative test and provides written medical clearance to return. For review: Types of COVID-19 Tests
A rapid (15-min) negative antigen test is not acceptable.
Return before 24 hours will not be accepted.
Phase II Planning Update
- Overall Response rate: 93%
- Overall 4-Day, In Person, No Cohort: 81%
- Overall Full-Remote: 12%
- Elementary 4-Day, In Person, No Cohort: 89%
- Elementary Full-Remote: 7%
- HMS 4-Day, In Person, No Cohort: 82%
- HMS Full-Remote: 10%
- HMHS 4-Day, In Person, No Cohort: 71%
- HMHS Full-Remote: 18%
Based on the closing survey numbers, we are now working to analyze classroom spaces to determine the estimated physical distancing and furniture needs for Phase II. HSD has invited the Camden County Department of Health to visit HSD to review our COVID protocols and provide guidance and feedback on plans. We anticipate having the final Phase II Survey Selection available in Genesis on/around February 18.
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools