Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
School Counseling Office
SENIORS: please check your email and fill out the google form sent by Ms. Driscoll for scholarship and postsecondary plans. The link is attached here as well. This form MUST be completed by April 25th to ensure recognition of your accomplishments in the commencement program. See Ms. Wise or your school counselor for more information.
The summer and fall applications windows are now open for all of our partner institutions! For more information or links to apply, please click HERE.
Spring End Of Course Exams (EOC's)
In April, THS will be administering the state End of Course (EOC) Exams. During that week, students will be on a modified schedule with the EOCs being given in the morning each day. It is very important that testing students arrive by 7:45 as it is a timed test. Non-testing students will report at 10:00. Students who are scheduled to test will receive an email with their schedule and locations for testing.
The testing week schedule found below. Non-testing students do not need to report until 10:00. Any students that do not have transportation at 10:00 can ride the bus. The Cafeteria will be available for study hall from 7:45-10:0
Please bring a CHARGED CHROMEBOOK to school for each test.
Additional information about EOCs can be found here.
Yearbook and Senior Pictures
If you need to submit a SENIOR PORTRAIT please click on 'Yearbook Snap' at the top of the order page and use the code talawanda2023. The deadline to submit a senior portrait to the yearbook is March 31st - if no picture is sent to the yearbook, we will be using your school ID portrait! If you have any questions or struggle with the upload process, please email yearbook@talawanda.org and we can help you out!
Drama Club
THS Drama will be holding auditions for our presentation of student written one acts right after school on April 5-6 in the PAC. Five short plays were written in Mr Lykins Creative Writing class. We are looking for 12 performers. These will be presented without full staging and memorization is not necessary. Rehearsal time will be limited as well. The show is April 21st at 7 pm. For auditions, just come prepared to read from small parts of scripts or feel free to bring something you've prepared.
National Honor Society
NHS Seniors: NHS graduation stoles may be ordered from Ms. Alfonsi in room 315 at THS by April 21, 2023. The cost is $25.00 each, and the graduate keeps the stole. This year, we will wear white stoles to contrast with the blue graduation gowns everyone will wear. It is fine to borrow an NHS stole from an older sibling or friend, but please make sure it is white. See image below. We will NOT wear the light blue stole from the past. Please contact Ms. Alfonsi directly with questions at alfonsic@talawanda.org.
Please bring cash or a check payable to Talawanda High School by April 4
Community Letter Writing Session
Community Letter Writing Session
Hosted by: Talawanda Community Advocacy for Public Education,
Ms. Carla Blackmar and Dr. Pepper Stetler
Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 4PM
Link: https://miamioh.zoom.us/j/8152897583
Description: T-CAPE and a group of concerned citizens are excited to announce the first of what we hope will be many Community Letter Writing Sessions. Join Dr. Pepper Stetler and Ms. Carla Blackmar for a fun, short, but also informative session on March 26th at 4PM on writing letters to our elected representatives. We will have pre-developed talking points, facts, research, and contact information available for attendees. The idea is for you to write your letter while on the Zoom call and ask questions as needed. Please note all the efforts to influence our elected officials non-partisan and separate from TSD. Public education is a non-partisan issue and exists for the good of society.
THS Flyers
Calendar of Events
Spring Break
March 27th-31st
THS Calendar of Events 4/2/23-4/8/23
Sunday, April 2nd
No Scheduled Events
Monday, April 3rd
3:00pm Talent Show Rehearsal, PAC
3:00pm Key Club, Room 218
Tuesday, April 4th
2:50-3:45pm Art Club, Room 603
2:50-3:45pm Tribune, Room 417
5:30-7:30pm Mock Trial (Premier League), Room 417
Wednesday, April 5th
12:30-2:05pm Band, PAC
2:10pm Drama Auditions, PAC
7:00pm Athletic Boosters, Media Center
Thursday, April 6th
1:15-3:00pm Honor Roll Celebration, Students Only
3:00pm Drama Auditions, PAC
5:00-7:00 Mock Trial (Premier League), Room 417
7:00-8:30 Mock Trial Ice Cream Banquet, Cafe.
Friday, April 7th
No School
Saturday, April 8th
No Scheduled Events