@HSD Health Update
May 27, 2022
Current COVID Metrics
Masking To Remain Optional
- While HSD is not currently mandating universal masking, according to the CCDOH, schools should strongly consider universal masking for all students and staff while our region is at a High COVID activity level.
- We strongly recommend voluntary participation in our HSD COVID testing clinics and for all students and staff to get vaccinated and boosted.
- Students returning to school on days 6-10 must wear properly fitting masks, preferably of the KN95 variety.
- HSD is averaging approximately 3.86 cases per day (last week's average was 7.93, and the school year peak was 24.57 in January).
Event Information
HSD/Adler Pharmacy Vaccination Clinic
- This event will be held in the Central School All-Purpose Room for ANYONE eligible, including students, staff, and community members.
- First vaccine shots (Pfizer/Moderna/JJ) are available
- Boosters (Pfizer/Moderna/JJ) are also available under CDC guidelines
- You must pre-register for this event at the Adler Pharmacy website
- Click here for Clinic Set-Up.
Thursday, Jun 2, 2022, 04:00 PM
Central Elementary School, Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
COVID Testing
- COVID Testing remains free of charge regardless of insurance status for HSD students and staff at our weekly testing clinics.
- We recommend that students and staff complete the testing registration process so that there are no barriers to testing when/if the need arises.
- Students and staff must be fully registered a minimum of 48 hours before testing.
- Click here for testing registration and here for testing dates/times.
Report COVID+ Cases
- Click here to report positive cases of COVID-19 for students/staff.
Haddonfield School District
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools