Emerson Middle School News
Friday, December 22nd
Dear Emerson Families,
Wishing your family a wonderful and restful winter break. I hope everyone is able to spend quality time with those you love. Happy Holidays!
All the Best,
Emerson at a Glance
This Week
December 18th - January 7th - NO SCHOOL
2024-2025 Registration Dates Set
Mark your calendars! Here are important dates regarding registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
- January 16th, 2024 - Registration begins for ALL District 64 students. (This includes *Preschool and Kindergarten)
- March 22nd, 2024 - Registration closes
*Parents that are registering their child for preschool for the 2024-2025 school year, will not be invoiced for tuition and fees at this time
More information will continue to be communicated to families. Plus, all important info will be posted on our Registration Page as well.
WEMS - Friday December 22nd
2024 Worlds of Wonder Registration Dates
Registration information for Worlds of Wonder 2024:
- Registration will open at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024.
- WOW registration will close on Monday, June 3rd, 2024.
More information about enrollment fees, schedules for the sessions, and course descriptions will be shared soon. Plus, any time information is shared, it will also be posted to the Worlds of Wonder page.
Young Authors
Is your student an aspiring author? Here's a chance to let their creativity shine! The Young Authors Contest is a districtwide program for students interested in writing and publishing their work for others to read. It is running now through March 1st. Please see the guidelines for details and contact Mrs. Prokos with any questions.
Illness Reminders
Cold and Flu Season is here! Please do not send your student to school if they have a fever of 100 or above, vomiting and/or diarrhea, or if they feel too sick with a sore throat, cough, runny nose, etc. to participate in class. Keep them home, give them time to rest and do not send them back to school until they are 24 hours free of vomiting, fever, and diarrhea without the use of medication AND feeling well enough to participate in the school day. Please read this illness letter that was sent home earlier this year about the common illnesses we’re seeing this time of year. IDPH and CDC have asked us to remind you to make sure you and your students are up to date on your flu and COVID immunizations (and RSV vaccine for infants or older adults).
If your child will not be attending school due to illness or any other reason, please report it to the school absence line at any time and leave a message stating the reason for the absence. We want everyone to be healthy for the last week of school before break and want to help everyone have a healthy holiday season.
Thank you!
Emerson Spelling Bee
Did you hear the buzz??? The (Spelling) Bee is back!
The Emerson Spelling Bee will take place on Friday, January 19, in the LRC at 3:30 PM. See the flier for more details and to register your student. For questions, please email Mrs. Contreras (kcontreras@d64.org).
December S.O.A.R.S Update
Not only does winter bring about another round of MAP Testing but also the holiday season. To prepare for MAP Testing, students reviewed their previous MAP scores and set goals for the upcoming tests. Students were also given Tips & Tricks to help them reach their goals. For example, it’s important for students to charge their chromebooks, get extra sleep, eat breakfast, get to school on time, and keep a positive attitude for testing. Let’s go Eagles!
Aside from MAP Testing preparation, students had time during the extended homeroom to do some good for others. First, students made holiday cards for the local nursing homes. Residents enjoy receiving mail, and our students have so much creativity to share with them. In addition,
Emerson was collecting food and other items to send overseas to support the deployed men and women in the Delta Battery. Both of these projects were a way for students to think about others and lift them up during the holiday season.
We use the Second Step program to promote skills and attitudes that increase students’ success in school, help students get along with others, and prevent violence, bullying, and substance abuse. Second Step is based on research in three key areas: early adolescent development, risk and protective factors, and instructional practices to support the program’s goals. Each lesson is specific to and appropriate for each grade level.
Vocal Music Notes Newsletter
Here is this week's Vocal Music Notes newsletter. Have a good Friday and wonderful weekend!
Tips from the Emerson Green Team
The Emerson Green Team would like to offer some tips for a Greener Holiday Season.
- Recycle your old holiday lights at the Public Works Service Center, 400 Busse Highway, now through March 1, from 7 AM to 3 PM.
- Niles & Park Ridge both provide Christmas tree curbside pickup. Park Ridge picks up the week of January 8 on your regular garbage day. Niles picks up the first two weeks of January. Residents should place their trees on the parkway next to the curb the night before their regular garbage collection day.
- Only plain cards and wrapping paper can be recycled (no glitter, fluff, ribbon, 3-D decorations, or batteries in musical cards). Flatten paper and cardboard boxes so they fit inside your cart with the lid closed. Materials need to stay dry.
- Give the gift of composting. Park Ridge residents have a discounted plan with Collective Resource Compost.
- Check out this link for other ideas on how to give green gifts and reduce your holiday waste.
Emerson PTO News
January’s PTO meeting date has been changed from Tuesday, January 9 to Tuesday, January 16, 2024. The meeting will take place via ZOOM at the usual time of 6:30pm, using the same Zoom information as always:
ID: 409 120 4929
Password: Eagle
SAVE THE DATE - The 7th grade social will be held after school on Friday January 26, 2024 at Emerson. More information to come but mark your calendars! A big THANKS goes out to 7th grade parents Liz Kelly and Alyson Stewart who volunteered to co-chair the event. They are still looking for more help to both plan and work the event, so if you have not done so yet, please sign up to volunteer at the PTO website below:
Lakeview Bus Lines is Hiring!
Lakeview Bus Lines is actively hiring school bus drivers for their Niles facility. Experience is not needed for this position, their team of trainers will teach and train you to be a licensed and certified School Bus Driver.
- Starting pay $35/hr
- Healthcare benefits for full-time employees
- Paid vacation
- Flexible work schedules
Apply online at sunrisebus.com or scan the QR code on the attached flyer. Call to schedule an interview at 630-442-1004.
Emerson Middle School
Email: em-office@d64.org
Website: https://www.d64.org/ems
Location: 8101 North Cumberland Avenue, Niles, IL, USA
Phone: 847-318-8110