Peirce School Family Newsletter
October 2016
Principal's Message
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Our first month of school was a huge success! Peirce Panthers are following our core values - Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe & Be IB and our routines and procedures as a school are well underway. Students voted and named our mascot “Pickles” - be on the lookout for Pickles the Panther to visit school-wide events. As we work our way into October, please remember to send weather appropriate gear as students will be outside for recess daily - with fall comes cooler temperatures.
Below are highlights from the first month of school:
Friends of Peirce voted to financially support several components of our schools program including In-School Assemblies, Garden Materials, Arts Partners, Debate, Bollywood, Dance materials, Library Books, Teacher Stipends and support for our Band. The support of FOP allows us to offer quality programs despite financial setbacks with our school's operating budget. We thank FOP for the ongoing support!
Our first band is beginning through after school programs - we look forward to hearing the talent of our students as they are exposed to instruments! Band Scholarships are available for students who are still interested - reach out to Rich Daily at for more information.
Curriculum Night took on a new format, with students leading much of the evening by showing and explaining their classroom and their school to parents - we look forward to continuing our work with a student centered learning environment as we prepare for student-led conferences during Report Card Day.
Peirce Parents led our first Farmstand - with donations going to support the efforts of our garden, many parents shared recipes on dishes made with ingredients from our garden.
Peirce Parents and staff helped organize our Leveled Book Room - Thank you to everyone who was able to participate - our teachers now will have easier access to books for their students!
Students created kites with their wish for Peace to honor the International Day of Peace.
Students, Family and Community members participated in the Edgewater 5K, a community event which raises money for local schools.
Bollywood Dancers and Peirce Artists showcased work at the Edgewater Arts Festival.
A group of parents attended our Special Education informational session which highlighted changes to our Special Education Program and the use of co-teaching to support our students.
We had a wonderful turnout for Coffee with the Principal and great discussion on how we are moving forward as a school!
Anya Kompare was elected as our Parent Advisory Council chairperson, the next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 14th at 8:15am.
Students participated in a Fire Drill and Shelter-In Place Drill, they will also participate in a lockdown and bus evacuation drill in October along with a monthly fire-drill by the Chicago Fire Department.
International Day of Peace
CTU Work Stoppage
Student Fees
Please remember to pay your student fee! $50 for one child with a maximum of $100 per family. Student fees go towards the purchase of supplemental materials and supplies in the classroom such as math books, scholastic news, agendas, notebooks, etc. Send cash or a money order made payable to Peirce School.
High School Information Session & HS Fair
This years HS Information Session & Fair will take place on Tuesday, October 11th (In the event of a CTU Strike, the back-up date is on Thursday, October 27th) at Senn High School, located at 5900 N. Glenwood.
5:30-6:15 - Information on High School Application Process presented by Elementary School Representatives
6:15-7:45 - High School Fair - Meet Representatives from different high schools. Over 10 high schools invited- Von Steuben, Mather, Whitney Young, Jones, Payton, Notre Dame, Amundsen, and more!
All families from Andersonville, Buena Park, Edgewater, Lakewood Balmoral, Rogers Park, and Uptown are invited to attend.
Peirce 8th grade students will receive their High School Application folders during the 1st week of October. In the folders will include all necessary application information and high school eligibility letters. 8th graders will also receive their High School Application Coach assignments and be able to make their appointments with their High School Application Coach. Parents please ask your 8th graders about these folders and review all the information together with your child prior to your appointment. Thank you!
Any questions please contact Ms. Choe at
Edgewater 5K
After School All Stars
After School All Stars will begin on Friday, October 28th. This year, registration is online! Please complete the online form here by Thursday, October 6th. The form can be located through the homepage of the Peirce Website - Paper copies will be available for families and sign up support will take place on Tuesday, October 4th and Wednesday, October 5th from 7:30am - 8:15am in the main lobby.
Student Council Elections
An important component to Peirce School is student voice, last year our student council had several things that they worked on to improve Peirce, including but not limited to improvements in the lunchroom and the change of our dress code along with supporting several events throughout the school year. Student council elections will take place on Friday, October 7th - students will campaign to their classmates and votes will take place in student homerooms for classroom representatives. Best of luck to all students who are interested in running and being leaders in the school!
Restorative Approaches to Discipline & Behavioral Health Team
Parent Classroom Representative Sign Up
Join us on Social Media!
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook - Helen C Peirce School of International Studies is Peirce’s official Facebook Site. In addition, the “Peirce School PSO” has a site along with a closed group “Parents of Peirce” there is a lot of information shared on all 3 sites and are great opportunities to share and receive information along with networking with other parents.
Follow us on Instagram at peircecps.
Picture Day
Picture day is on October 17th & 18th, a letter will come home with classroom specific dates/times the week of October 10th. If students are absent on either day they will be able to participate in retakes on November 14th.
Halloween @ Peirce
All students in PK-8th grade are allowed to dress up for Halloween, wearing costumes that do not promote violence or scary images. All students will parade around the turf at 1:45pm and families are invited to watch the parade, rain or shine! Halloween is considered a Healthy Celebration day, please do not send candy or cupcakes - more guidance will be provided from classroom teachers on acceptable items to send in for class parties and celebrations.
48th Ward Halloween Celebration
Join the 48th ward for a Halloween Celebration on Saturday, October 29th. Families should meet in costume (or without) on the turf at 10:00am and then parade over to Gethsemane at 11:00am.
Save the Date!
4th Restorative Approaches to Discipline Parent Meeting, 8:15am & 6:00pm, Fieldhouse
4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Peirce
5th 4:30pm Boys Soccer @ Waters
4:30pm Flag Football @ Peirce
6th 4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Coonley
7th Progress Reports Distributed
4:30pm Boys Soccer @ Peirce
10th No School - Columbus Day
11th High School Fair @ Senn HS, 5:30 - 6:15 Informational Session, 6:15 - 7:45pm HS Fair
4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Peirce
12th 4:30pm Boys Soccer @ Peirce
4:30pm Flag Football @ Courtenay
13th 4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Kilmer
14th Box Tops Collection
PAC Meeting, 8:15am
4:30pm Boys Soccer @ Peirce
15th Oktoberfest @ Senn HS, 2:00 - 6:00pm
17th Picture Day
4:30pm Flag Football @ Peirce
18th Picture Day
4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Courtenay
19th 4:30pm Boys Soccer @ Rogers
20th Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm, Gymnatorium, enter through door 8
4:30pm Cross Country @ Horner Park
4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Waters
21st PSO Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
4:30pm Boys Soccer @ McPherson
24th 4:30pm Flag Football @ Jordan
25th 4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Peirce
26th 4:30p Flag Football @ Disney
27th International Literacy Night, 5:00 - 6:30pm
4:30pm Girls Volleyball @ Peirce
Back Up Date for HS Fair
29th 48th Ward Halloween Celebration, 10:00am, Peirce Turf
31st Halloween Parade, 1:45pm, Peirce Turf
4:30pm Flag Football @ Peirce
1st Pulitzer Speaker for students in MYP
3rd End of the 1st Quarter
4th No School - Professional Development Day
7th-11th Scholastic Book Fair
9th No School - Report Card Day/Student-Led Conferences, More information to Come
10th End of Quarter Learning Celebrations
School Tour & Open House for perspective families, 8:15am
11th No School - Veterans Day
14th Picture Re-Takes
*Please visit our school calendar on the Peirce website for more events happening throughout the year - please note that some dates/events might change throughout the school year.
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440