Patriot News
BCCHS Parent & Family Newsletter | April 2021
Dear BCCHS Family,
Spring is upon us, and the flowers are blooming. It's fantastic to have so many students on campus participating in athletics. Please know that we are still working with our teachers for a start date for on campus academic and activities support. We're targeting the first week of May for this to happen and will notify parents and students when it does.
On Tuesday, April 20th we will begin administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for 11th graders. Please help us to ensure our students are showing what they know on the test. The test is a College Readiness Test that California Universities and Community Colleges will use to determine readiness for college level math and English.
Our school scores are reflected in the California Dashboard and the better our students do, the better our reputation locally and with Universities and Colleges. We will be announcing incentives to help motivate our student tomorrow morning which our teachers will promote directly to our students. Please help us persuade our students to do their best and "Show What They Know."
The latest update on Graduation is that we will be able to consolidate the ceremonies from four to two ceremonies. We are still determining whether they will be on the same day or on June 3rd and 4th. We will finalize all graduation plans no later than May 1st. Thank you for your patience!
I want to reiterate how grateful I am for your patience, flexibility, and grace in what has been an incredibly difficult year for all of us. There is a light at the end of the tunnel which gets a little brighter the more students we have back on campus:)
Please join me for Coffee with the Principal on Monday, April 19th at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm for more information.
Ari Bennett, BCCHS Principal
April & May Attendance Challenge
We are currently in WEEK 1 of the attendance challenge. Thursday, 4/15, will be the end of week one challenge, which means Friday will be the drawing for prizes for WEEK 1. Good luck, patriots!
Here are the rules:
1. Every week, every student who has perfect attendance for that week will be entered into a drawing for prizes.
2. If you are absent from school one day out of the week, don’t worry you will get another shot next week.
3. At the end of each month the students from the weekly drawings will be entered into the end of the month drawing for Disneyland tickets or Six Flag tickets or a pair of Apple Air pods.
4. To be clear, you will be given a ticket (a chance to win) for each week of perfect attendance. So, it is possible to have 4 tickets (chances to win) in the final drawing if you have had perfect attendance all four weeks of the month.
We will announce the winners every Friday via Parent Square. The winners will be sent an email as well.
Added Bonus: The more you attend school, the likelihood that your grades will improve increases.
Dream it. Do it. Birmingham!
Class of 2021
Next week we have SBAC testing for our Juniors. The dates will be April 20-Apr 22. You will not have to check into a zoom class but expect your teachers to assign you work asynchronously. Also, on Friday, Apr 23, we will have a catch up day as well, so you will not need to log in to zoom.
Seniors, we hoped you enjoyed the senior sunset we had for you last month. Since so many of you were able to attend, we have another event planned for you on Saturday, May 1. DECISION DAY!!!!! Come drive through the campus again and receive a number of goodies we will have for you. All you have to do is share with us the exciting plans you have for yourself next year, whether it is community college, a 4-year university, trade/vocational school, or joining the armed forces. Let us celebrate your decision. The drive-through will be from 10 am-12 pm. Hope to see you there.
Registration Link will be on Google Classroom
11th Grade Students and Families,
As we move towards the end of the semester, we want to take a minute and say well done. You have worked so hard this semester adapting to new technologies and ways of learning. We are so proud that you show up every day ready and willing to learn.
As you know, the SBAC will be happening next week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This is a very important test, and we all encourage you to do your best and Show What You Know. You have been here every day working. Don’t let that effort go to waste.
Counselors have completed all their meetings for students with D’s and F’s, however there are still meetings with select groups of students. Watch your email for invitations! For those of you working through courses on Accelerate, well done! You are doing an amazing job!
There are only a few weeks left in the semester. Set small goals, like working for 20 minutes before taking a break, and tackle assignments one at a time. Your teachers and counselors are here to support you, please reach out when you need help!
11th Grade Patriots:
To keep you motivated for what's next in your Birmingham path, we are excited to select 5 students to win a CLASS of 2022 Grad Pack! The Grad Pack will include: cap and gown, tassels, the yearbook, senior photos package, and your sitting fees. All you have to do is be present, on time, and in testing mode! You will automatically be entered into the 11th grade drawing.
Good luck, Patriots!
Dream it. Do it. Birmingham!
Dear 10th grade Parents & Students:
The week of April 19th will be the 14th week of our 20-week semester, and the 2nd report card will be arriving in the mail. As I always tell my students using a sporting analogy, if our semester was a basketball game, we would currently be in the latter part of the third quarter. We know that in sports the only thing that ultimately counts is the score at the end of the game. In school, the only grade that ultimately counts is the one at the end of the semester. That final grade is the one that goes on the transcript and is then used to determine progress towards graduation and college-readiness.
The second report card is a good opportunity for students to reflect. It has been a long, challenging year of distance learning. Understandably, some students have really struggled, but many have adapted well and been really successful. A few have truly embraced the challenge, mastered new 21st-century computer skills and even flourished.
At the second report card, I ask my students if they are happy with their current grades, and if those grades will help them towards graduation and their career/college goals. If the answer is yes, then that student simply needs to maintain those grades until the end of the semester and keep up the good work. If the answer is no, there is still time to improve and get those grades up (nobody wants to have to take classes over in summer school). Reach out to your teachers! They are there to help you achieve.
As I end with a sporting analogy, we know of many exciting occasions where a team has been down late in the game, sometimes by a large score, and has come back to win. Was that easy? No, it is always preferable to not be behind. Making a comeback takes more work, but with determination and focus it can be done. Let’s encourage and support our sophomores to end this year strong and proud!
Dear 9th Grade Families,
We hope you are safe and well.
As we head into the final stretch of the school year, we want to remind you to encourage your child to attend classes each day and to stay on top of all assignments. We know this has been a very trying year, and we are rooting for you all the way to the finish line.
Students, please take any spare moments you have -- during SBAC testing (since 9th graders are not tested), during the Recovery Days, and during general downtime -- to check Aeries and make up all of your missing assignments. You will feel relieved after doing so, and you will be proud to know that you are doing everything you can to remain on track to graduate.
We also encourage you to spend time outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather. Eat well, (safely) socialize, and spend some time on your hobbies. Make a conscious effort to take care of your mental and physical health. Should you need any type of support, please reach out to your teachers, counselor, coordinator, and/or administrator.
We believe in you!
The 9th Grade Team
Vaccine Update
Starting today, April 15, vaccine eligibility is expanding to anyone living or working in L.A. County 16 and older. To date, about 1.5 million residents between 16 and 49 have received at least one dose of the vaccine, which means 3.5 million residents in this group still need to be vaccinate.
To learn how to make an appointment, what verifications you will need to show at your vaccination appointment, to sign up for a vaccination newsletter, and much more, visit: www.VaccinateLACounty.com (English) and www.VacunateLosAngeles.com (Spanish). Vaccinations are always free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status.
Stay Positive
It is the end of a weird and tough year. Some of you may be discouraged or feeling stressed especially with exams looming. One of tricks I used at the end of my nursing program was to provide myself with several positive messages. Don’t laugh—this really works.
Take a small piece of paper and write 10 positive statements to yourself. My statements included some of these: I am smart; I can do it; I am capable; I am enough; I deserve love; I am valuable; I am worthy of respect. And yes! You are allowed to use these statements.
Once you’ve written them down, tape them to your bathroom mirror and computer—where you will see them every day multiple times a day. Read them every time you see them. Somehow, the message sinks in and you end up believing your statements. Actually, all of those statements are true! You are capable, You are enough, You deserve love, You are valuable and You are worthy of respect.
Good luck with the end of the school year!
-Your BCCHS Nurse
Wellness Committee
Birmingham recognizes the significant relationship between student health and academic achievement. BCCHS is committed to the overall wellness of our students and our community. It is our goal to promote student health, prevent childhood obesity, and combat problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Parents are important partners in the school's efforts. To support and guide parents, Birmingham has prepared a brochure with resources, tips, and facts to help your children stay healthy.
BCCHS has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy was developed by the Wellness Committee which includes representatives of all stakeholder groups. If you are interested in participating in Wellness Committee meetings, please contact Wendy Bader at w.bader@birminghamcharter.com.
April Newsletter from the BCCHS Counselors
-Volunteer Opportunities
-Work Permits
-SAS Program Highlights
-Online Learning Tips
-Grade Level Updates from your Counselors
-Much more! Click on the link below:
Join Yearbook!
Interested in joining the BCCHS Yearbook Staff?
The yearbook application deadline is April 30th:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Jezebel Yangari at 112602@stu.birminghamcharter.com or Josselyne Berrios at 112192@stu.birminghamcharter.com.
Coffee with the Principal
Monday, Apr 19, 2021, 09:00 AM
Monday, Apr 19, 2021, 06:00 PM
Governing Board Opening: Community Board Member
Our BCCHS Governing Board is currently seeking interested members to fill a 2-year term as a Community Member.
We invite you to become part of our amazing community that truly cares about our students, parents, and staff! If you or someone you know is interested, please review the attached letter for qualification information.
April 15th at 7:00 pm
Hello Class of 2021!
Please join us for Decision Day Tailgate Drive Thru on Saturday, May 1st from 10am-12pm at Birmingham Community Charter High School! We are celebrating Seniors’ after graduation plans - whether that be a community college, 4 year college/university, a vocational school, or the military.
Special giveaways, free food from Belly Bombz Wings and Kona Ice for the first 300 Seniors, music, photo opportunity, and the Birmingham staff cheering on. Wearing your college gear and decorating your car is highly encouraged!
Students must pre-register for the event by 3:00pm on April 30th. They will receive a confirmation ticket that will be scanned to enter the event. Registration Link has been sent via google classroom and parent square.
REGISTRATION LINK: Will be posted on Google Classroom
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Current BCCHS Sport being streamed is BCCHS Football. Thank you