Tioga Family Bulletin
February 5, 2024
Translating: Did you know?
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January Fun at Tioga
2nd Graders Working Hard!
Ms. Mullen's class was working hard as a class to grow their brains during this community circle.
3rd Grade ACE Students
3rd Grade ACE students celebrate their accomplishment after creating and sharing a proposal with the Bensenville Community Foundation to bring buddy benches to Tioga!
PBIS Winners
Students in grades K-1 who won the last week of the Attendance HERO Challenge got together to play a game of BINGO!
PBIS Winners
Students in grades 2-5 who won the last week of the Attendance HERO Challenge got together to play a game of Blooket!
100th Day of School
Kindergarten students participated in 100th day of school activities. Here they build a pyramid with 100 cups!
100th Day of School
Kindergarten students participated in 100th day of school activities. Here they are counting by tens to make an ice cream craft!
100th Day of School
Kindergarten students participated in 100th day of school activities. Here they build a pyramid with 100 cups!
100th Day of School
Kindergarten students participated in 100th day of school activities. Here they are making necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal!
100th Day of School
Kindergarten students participated in 100th day of school activities. Look how much fun they had!
Important Upcoming Dates
- 2/5: My Conference Time opens - Please schedule a conference with your child's teacher!
- 2/6: PTA Meeting at 5:30 PM in the Tioga Library
- 2/14: My Conference Time closes
- 2/15: 4th Grade Field Trip to the Tivoli Theatre
- 2/16: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 2/19: No School - Presidents' Day
- 2/22: Family BINGO Night
- 2/28: Spring Picture Day
- 2/28: Special Education Parent Group from 6:00-7:30 PM at Tioga
- 3/1: No School - Countywide Teacher Institute Day
- 3/5: Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year
- 3/7: 3rd Grade Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- 2/9: Superhero Day - dress like your favorite superhero
- 2/23: Cozy Day (1st grade students voted) - wear pajamas and/or bring a stuffy
- 3/8: Tie Dye Day - wear something tie dye
5Essentials Survey
Each year, District 2 administers the Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide an opportunity for teachers, students, and parents across the District to have a role in improving their schools.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey provides a comprehensive assessment of school organizational culture with actionable reports to help drive school improvement on five "essential" indicators of success:
Between Tuesday, January 30, and Friday, March 29, parents will be asked to take the 15-minute research-based 5Essentials survey to help identify strengths and weaknesses in their school’s climate and learning conditions.
Parents that participate can be entered in a raffle to win a seasonal Family Pool Pass for this summer. Please let your child’s teacher know if you take the survey.
Parent Teacher Conference Information
Spring Conferences – February 16, 2024
All parents are invited to attend Spring Conferences. Conferences will be held in person at Tioga with your child’s classroom teacher. If your child is also in ACE, parents should sign up for a separate conference with the ACE teachers.
To make signing up for a conference easier, Tioga School will use MyConferenceTime.com. Parents can sign up beginning on February 5th for Spring Conferences online using their computer or mobile device. Simply follow the instructions listed below.
To schedule your preferred time for a parent/teacher conference:
Choose the name of your child’s teacher.
Select the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on “Sign up.”
Submit the requested information.
If unable to attend in person, parents may contact their child’s teacher to inquire about virtual options.
Please contact the school office if you need assistance. Please sign up early for the best selection of times. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, February 14th.
Lost & Found
Tioga's Lost and Found is very full! Encourage your child to check the Lost and Found in the cafeteria for any missing items. There are several pieces of clothing, lunchboxes, water bottles, gloves/mittens, scarves, hats, and more! Parents and/or guardians are also encouraged to look through the Lost and Found during Parent/Teacher Conferences on February 16 to claim any lost items!
If you haven't already, please clearly label your child's items so that they can be quickly returned to them if they are lost. Some items that are easy to label are lunch boxes, reusable water bottles, and books. You might even consider labeling clothing items if you're able to write a name on the tag!
Valentine's Day Information
Students will be able to celebrate Valentine's Day in their classrooms on Wednesday, February 14th. Classroom teachers will be in contact with families about what the celebrations will look like.
If you child will not be participating in the Valentine's Day celebration, please let your child's teacher know so we can find an alternate setting for them during the celebration.
As a reminder about all celebrations, students are not permitted to hand out edible items to their classmates. Instead, below is a list of alternative ideas for students:
- Bouncy balls
- bookmarks
- crayons
- erasers
- fake mustaches
- keychains
- mini books
- mini mazes
- pencils
- fidgets
- stickers
- sticky hands
Bus Lane and Staff Parking Lot Reminders
As a reminder, Tioga's bus lane (front drive off Memorial) and staff parking lot (off Mason) are closed to parent pick-up and drop-off during arrival and dismissal. This is especially important as we have seen a number of families attempt to utilize the bus lane to pick up their children. Not following Tioga's safety procedures creates a less safe environment for pedestrian traffic and slows down the arrival/dismissal process for all families.
Please contact Tioga's main office with any questions.
February Breakfast and Lunch Menu
PTA News and Notes
E-Learning Days
eLearning Days will begin an hour later than normal school days to provide teachers planning time to adjust their instruction for eLearning.
On eLearning Days, K-8 students will log into their Chromebooks that they already bring home daily, go to their Google Classrooms through their Classlink page, and join eLearning from the Google Meets link(s) posted there. Attendance will be taken, and students will then be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day.
An eLearning Day counts as a regular school day, and does not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year.
Parents will be notified no later than 6 a.m. if the District is closing its schools and holding an eLearning Day. (No announcement means it will be a normal school day.)
- Click here for the District's eLearning Plan.
- Click here for the District’s eLearning Day Parent FAQ.
School Closing Notifications
The District’s mass notification system contacts all student households when a school must be closed for emergency reasons such as extreme weather. In these situations, parents/guardians will receive a phone call, email, and/or text message no later than 6 a.m. if their contact information with the school is up to date. Please make certain your proper contact information is on file with the school to ensure you are notified through this system.
SEL Class Information from Ms. Lincoln
SEL Newsletter
February SEL Newsletter
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602