Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | January 27, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 1 | Early Release @1:15 pm
Thursday 2 | AG PAC Meeting @ 7:50 to 8:50 am
Friday 3 | Dental Screening - AM
Monday 6 - Friday 10 | Staff Appreciation Week
Tuesday 7 | AG Carnival Planning Meeting @ 8:15 to 9:15 am
Friday 10 | Popcorn Friday
Tuesday 14 | Vision Screening - AM
Monday 20 | Presidents Day - No School
Monday 30 | SSD Community Forum
SSD Community Forum
The Sherwood School District will be hosting a Community Forum on the topic of a potential education levy next Monday. Community members are invited to attend this forum to learn more about the education levy, ask questions, and share feedback.
Date: Monday, January 30th
Location: Ridges Elementary Community Room (next to main front entrance)
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Elementary Family Code Night, February 28th
We are excited to offer our first ever K-5 Family Code Night on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from 6:00-7:30 pm at Ridges Elementary! Come enjoy pizza, Hour of Code activities, and raffle prizes (devices will be provided). This night is open to all SSD students in grades K-5 and their adults.
For more information and registration link, please click on flyer image below.
Student Personal Devices
Since the winter break, there has been an uptick in classroom disruptions due to students' personal devices, such as cell phones and smart watches. Student often have these devices to help with after school communication and coordination. However, students should refrain from using them during the school day. This will help in making the classroom environment free from distraction.
If there is a need to communicate with your child during the school day (e.g., a change in the "go home plan"), please feel free to contact the front office.
- 503-825-5100
- Sandi Emmert - slemmert@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales - jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
Call for Volunteers - Chess Club
Call for Volunteers for the Archer Glen Carnival
If you are interested in volunteering for the Archer Glen Carnival, please contact Morgan or Lyndsey at the email addresses listed below. One of them will give you more information about this fun event and different ways that can you help make it happen.
Questions about the event can be directed to president@archerglenpac.org.
Questions about volunteering with PAC can be directed to our volunteer coordinator, Lyndsey Brewer, at volunteer@archerglenpac.org.
Free Vision Screening for All Students
We will be giving a free vision screening to all students at Archer Glen on Tuesday, February 14. The testing will be done by the Lions Club with volunteers using the SPOT screening devices. The test is painless, is done from a distance, and does not touch your child’s eyes or face.
Results come to us in about a week. Most children pass the exam, and due to the volume of paperwork, we will only send home results for students who do not pass the exam (results sent via backpack mail). If you want a copy of “passing” results, please contact our office to request. Screening results for all students will also go in their school file.
If you do not want your child to participate in this free vision screening (ie, if you want to opt-out your child) please contact the school office. If you have any questions about the vision screening, please call Health Services at 503-825-5093.
Financial assistance may be available if you need an eye exam and/or glasses for your child.
Free Dental Screenings for Children Age Seven and Younger
Dear Parent/Guardian: We will have free dental screenings by local Dentist Dr. JJ Bittner and/or Dr. Kendra Flann at Archer Glen Elementary on February 3rd for children age seven or younger who have not been to a dentist. This is a screening only and no treatment will be given. You may already have turned in a form to your school to say that your child has been to a dentist, or that the screening is against your family’s beliefs -- if so, your child will not be screened. If your child is screened, results will be sent to you in backpack mail and also go into the student file. If you wish to opt-out of the screening, please contact your school office.
For more information about the screening call Health Services at 503-825-5088. Good dental care contributes to the overall good health of our students!
All Volunteers will need to a) complete a background check and b) submit a proof of vaccination or receive approval for a vaccination exception.
- Background checks are completed online: Background Check Forms. Background checks may take up to 10 days to process.
- Proof of vaccinations are submitted to the Archer Glen front office in-person or via email (jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us). Vaccination exception forms, if needed, can be found here: Medical Exception Request or Religious Exception Request. Completed exception forms are emailed to Steve Emmert at semmert@sherwood.k12.or.us. Exceptions may take up to 14 days to process.
Classroom Volunteers are coordinated directly through the classroom teacher. Classroom volunteers will need to a) complete a background check and b) submit a proof of vaccination or receive approval for a vaccination exception. Reach out to your child's teacher to learn about volunteering in the classroom.
School Wide Volunteers, such as for school wide special events and programs, are coordinated through the HelpCounter app. To use the HelpCounter app, please follow these steps:
- Step 1 Submit your a) background check and b) proof of vaccination or exception.
- Step 2 Contact Lyndsey Brewer at volunteer@archerglenpac.org to make sure that your background check and vaccination information has been cleared. This generally takes two weeks to clear.
- Step 3 Download the HelpCounter App onto your phone
- Step 4 Create an account using the same email that you shared with the PAC coordinator
- Step 5 Set your volunteer preferences and sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen
Any questions about school-wide volunteer opportunities can be directed to Lyndsey Brewer, PAC Volunteer, at volunteer@archerglenpac.org
Resources for Parents of Early Learners
Early Learning Fair, Saturday, Jan. 28th, 9:00 am - 11:00 am at the Sherwood School District Office, 21920 Sherwood Blvd., Sherwood. This is an Open House event. Children are welcome to attend this event. Children 0 -5 years old.
School Board Recognition Month
Community-Based Events and Announcements
Early Release Wednesday
Archer Glen PAC
AG PAC Facebook
AG PAC Website
Background Check 22-23
Helpful Information
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
- Sandi Emmert | slemmert@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales | jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Updates
- Eagle Update January 20
- Eagle Update January 13
- Eagle Update January 6
- Eagle Update December 16
- Eagle Update December 9
- Eagle Update December 2
Helpful Information
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100