Thompson Friday Forecast
October 4, 2018 (Thursday Edition)
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
As we have done in the past, Thompson students in both centers will sometimes follow an alternative schedule. This year we are calling it the ‘Thunder Time Schedule.” Once or twice a month on Wednesdays we will set aside a 30-60 minute time period (between first and second hours) when students will participate in team building activities, social/emotional learning programs, or complete Career Cruising initiatives. Thank you for your flexibility when we run this schedule!
With the calendar turning to October, we have added even more club opportunities for our Thompson students. Games Club, Dungeons and Dragons Club, and Spanish Club are additional options for our students. Wrestling is starting up and Boy’s Basketball Tryouts (7th and 8th graders) are right around the corner.
Click here to view descriptions and meeting times of our clubs. Please encourage your child to attend one of these club meetings and take advantage of middle school activities outside of the school day!
Enjoy your long weekend!
Upcoming Non-Attendance Days for Students
There will be no school for students on:
- Friday, October 5th for a School Improvement Day and
- Monday, October 8th to celebrate Columbus Day
Enjoy the long weekend!
Veterans Day Assembly
This year we will be celebrating Veterans Day on November 12th! Veterans Day is a day set aside to honor American veterans of all wars. Many of us know or have known men and women in our families or friends who have served in the armed forces to defend our country. This year we would like to take time to honor these individuals by acknowledging their time served and to honor them at an assembly beginning at 9:00 am on that day.
If your child has someone in your family, or a friend of your family, who they would like to invite to attend our assembly and introduce to the Thompson community, please fill out the google form below by November 2nd. Students in our Builder's Club will be writing invitations to these individuals to invite them to this assembly.
Career Speakers Needed
At the 6th Grade Center, if you are dropping off your child for a morning club or activity, please do so at the front door. Please do not use the staff parking lot off of Main Street to drop off your child. We need traffic to stay out of the construction area and away from the future bus turn behind the building.
6th Grade Homework Lab
Hey 6th Graders! Do you have a missing assignment because you missed a class? Did you get behind on your homework? Need help reviewing for a quiz? OR Do you just want some time and space to organize your stuff?
Homework Lab is the place where you can do all of that every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7:45-8:15 am in room 121 at the 6th grade center. Hope to see you soon!
Thompson Wrestling
The Thompson Middle School wrestling team will begin practicing on Wednesday, October 17th. Practices will be held in the 7th/8th Grade Center wrestling room which is located under the main gym. A daily schedule for the wrestling season is attached below.
Any student may participate on the wrestling team as there are no tryouts. Before any student can participate with the wrestling team, parents must provide the following to the school:
An up-to-date physical on file in the main office
Pay the wrestling athletic fee in the main office or via PushCoin
Have the Agreement to Participate in the Interscholastic Athletics Form and Emergency Information & Insurance Waiver Form completed and on file in the main office.
All forms and information can be accessed at: http://thompson.d303.org/athletics/overview . Paper copies of all forms are also located in the main office.
There will be a PARENT MEETING on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH at 5PM in the WRESTLING ROOM. We will share our expectations for the year and answer any questions you may have. Also, a representative from Dick Pond Athletics will be there to show the wrestling gear they have offer.
Thompson Boys Basketball Tryouts
Thunder Boys Basketball tryouts will take place October 15th, October 16th, and October 17th from 3:40 pm - 5:40 pm. 7th grade tryouts will take place in the 7/8 center gymnasium and 8th grade tryouts will take place in the 6th grade center gymnasium.
Please see the flyer below for contact information for the coaches. A sports physical must be on file at the Thompson Main Office before your child can try out!
Homework Helper at the 7/8 Center
PLTW Robotics Class
Thompson Kick-a-thon Banner
Thompson Construction Skeleton
6th Grade Outdoor Ed Field Trips
Please click on this link for Sign Up Genius. Thank you so much for your continued support of our students!
Parent University - October 10, 2018
10/10/18 - 6:30-8:30 p.m.
St. Charles North High School Auditorium
The purpose of the film Angst is to raise awareness and have conversations about anxiety. It features candid interviews with kids who have struggled with anxiety, as well as discussions with mental health professionals. At the end of the film there will be a 30 minute panel discussion led by the D303 Counseling Team.
As part of our agreement with the production company, we are able to show the film in both middle schools and both high schools during the week of October 8th. This will provide parents and students an opportunity to have conversations at home about what they saw.
To register for this event, click here.
Dates to Remember
- Thursday, October 4 - End of the M1 Health Rotation
- Friday, October 5 - No School for Students - School Improvement Day
- Monday, October 8 - No School for Students - Columbus Day Holiday
- Tuesday, October 9 - Start of the M2 Health Rotation
- Wednesday, October 10 - Parent Univeristy: Showing & Discussion of the film Angst
- Thursday, October 11 - PTO Meeting - 9:00 am
- Monday, October 15 - Principal's Coffee - 1:30 pm
- Friday, October 26 - End of the First Quarter
- Friday, November 2 - First quarter grades are posted in the Home Access Center
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristy McKnight - Assistant Principal
Email: kimberly.walters@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/