Livestock & Animal News
05/28/2021 Updates & Shows
State Fair Livestock Schedule
The Nebraska State Fair Livestock schedule is now posted!
Check it out here:
All DNA envelopes must be at the Cass County Extension Office NO LATER than JUNE 15 by 4:30 pm
Be sure to check out the State Fair Livestock resources page for the latest information on showing livestock at the Nebraska State Fair.
*Livestock Achievement Program
Excited to announce a new opportunity for 4-H youth participating in livestock projects! The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve in their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
The program recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas, including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry.
For more information, go to: Livestock Achievement Program | Nebraska 4-H (unl.edu)
Ashley Benes ashley.benes@unl.edu
Cole Meador cmeador2@unl.edu
Brett Kreifels brett.kreifels@unl.edu
*Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
Premier Animal Science Events (PASE) is a two-day event designed to help youth learn about issues related to the animal industry, explore career opportunities that are available, compete with other teens from across the state, and have FUN! More information can be found at https://4h.unl.edu/pase/contests
PASE will be held June 28-29, 2021 at University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus. Opportunities for youth include livestock judging, meats judging, and poultry judging, as well as livestock skill-a-thon and livestock quiz bowl. Youth can participate in more than one contest or event as their schedule allows. 4-H members may also participate in the Life Challenge contests that will be taking place on campus at the same time. In addition, youth will have chances to explore East Campus, meet with faculty members and current college students, and have fun with friends!
Lancaster County has been gracious enough to allow us to attend their coaching sessions with their 4-H Volunteer Roger Bell. Livestock judging practices are usually held Sunday afternoons starting at 2:00 PM in the 4-H office at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds and can start soon. If you are interested in participating in PASE or attending a practice, please contact me at lstohlmann2@unl.edu or call our office at 402-267-2205.
Your Cass County 4-H Council has graciously voted to pay for all YQCA trainings this year! If you plan to attend an in-person training please fill out the Google Form using the link below, rather than using the YQCA website. If you have any questions please contact Lauren at lstohlmann2@unl.edu or 402-267-2205
May 27th Cass County Extension Office 6:30pm - 7:45pm
May 27th sign up link: https://forms.gle/WJFAkn4PuW2SgQEHA
June 2nd Cass County Extension Office 10 am - 11am
June 2nd sign up link: https://forms.gle/nQNh1jKkVS6p6jki9
We're elated to share that new 4-H livestock opportunities will be offered at the 2021Nebraska State Fair!
The decision to shift 4-H and FFA livestock shows to the two different weekends provides the opportunity to offer new shows and programs for 4-H exhibitors. See the new classes, division, and updates at go.unl.edu/wvht.
2021 Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit
Wheeler County - Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit June 22
More info: 4h.unl.edu/livestock-judging-circuit
Steve Niemeyer 308.346.4200 or sniemeyer1@unl.edu
25th Annual Nebraska Livestock Judging Classic June 18, 2021
The Nebraska Livestock Judging Classic is a regional livestock judging contest for youth. 10 classes of Livestock will be evaluated: Cattle, Swine, Sheep and Goats. Buffalo County Fairgrounds, Kearney, NE
Pre-registration due June 10th! Print and mail the form or register online at www.unl.edu/nljc/
Dawson County Blow and Go Show May 29th
More info:
Mike Johnson 308.991.1219
Round Table Classic Otoe NE
Round Table Classic Otoe, NE Saturday June 12, 2021
For more information:
Matt 402.269.7282 - Goat
Mike 402.874.1234 - Sheep
Kelsey 402.416.8888 - Cattle
Click the picture for a link to Round Table Classic FB page
Cornhusker Classic Swine Jackpot Double Show
For more information:
Bryn Hannan 402.277.0225 or brynhannan1@gmail.com
Matt Hannan 402.720.3696 or hannanfarms@gmail.com
Dawes County 4-H Progress Show
More Information:
Jessica Stec 308.379.5320
Tessa Reece 308.432.3373 or tessa.reece@unl.edu
Or click the picture for more information!
22nd Annual Cream of the Crop Dairy Show June 5, 2021
The 22nd Annual Cream of the Crop Dairy Show is currently scheduled for Saturday, June 5th on the Cuming County Fair Grounds in West Point. Contact Carl Aschoff 402.380.2465 or email carlaschoff@yahoo.com
Platte County Swine Progress Show
Ella Meyer 402.270.9678 or meyerella03@gmail.com
Jerry Osten 402. 910.8509
Jamie Meyer 402.276.7501 or jmeyer1629@gmail.com
The Showdown in Grant
Elliott Peterson 308.289.6454
Kasey Kroeker 308.352.8063
Save the Date June 5! Small Animal Progress Show
More info to come!
2021 4-H Beef Progress Show
Phelps County Fairgrounds
1308 Second St., Holdrege Nebraska
Contact Emily Shultz for more information:
308.995.4222 or email emily.shultz@unl.edu
South Central Livestock Judging Clinic & Contest
Webster County Fairgrounds - Bladen, NE
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 9:00 amTo register of for questions: 402.746.3417
Beth Janning: elizabeth.janning@unl.edu
Alexa Pedersen: alexa.pedersen@unl.edu
Katie Bolte: katie.bolte@unl.edu
Gage County 4-H Invitational Dairy Show June 19
Sherman County Showdown June 5
Beef Progress Show June 5, 2020 11am
Sherman County Fairgrounds, Loup City Nebraska, check in 8am to 10am, Entry Fee $25/head - Showmanship Classes - Free. Entries due June 1, 2021
35th Annual Papio Valley 4-H Livestock Show June 26
35th Annual Papio Valley 4-H Livestock Show, June 26, 2021. Goat, Sheep, & Beef Show, Sarpy County Fairgrounds - Springfield NE
For more info:
Brett Kreifels 402.444.1799
Tony Long 402.214.3079
Keith County Beef Progress Show June 19th
More information:
FNL Jackpot Show June 20th Wisner River Park
More info:
Alicia 402.841.5298
Eric Miller 402.380.9349
Tami 402.992.7101
Check out their FB page: FNL Jackpot Show
2nd Annual Freedom in the Ring Jackpot June 5th
More info:
Kaden Hubbard 308.672.5510
Lanna Hubbard 308.631.4903
23rd Annual NE Jr. Beef Expo
For more information contact:
Diane Duren, Coordinator - 402-367-2272
South Central Livestock Exposition June 5th
Beef, Sheep & Goat Progress Show
South Central Livestock Exposition June 5th, Webster County Fairgrounds. Open to all 4-H and FFA membersMore information:
Carol Kumke - 402.469.1173
Boone County Extension
13th Annual Swine-A-Rama Saturday May 29th
15th Annual Goat-A-Rama Sunday May 30th
39th Annual Sheep-A-Rama Sunday May 30th
Contact Nebraska Extension Boone County
2624 Fairgrounds Rd
Albion NE 68620
Best in the West Livestock Judging Contest June 12
For more info: Randy Saner - Extension Educator Rsaner2@unl.edu or 308.532.2683
*This is a Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit Event
26th Annual Wheeler County Progress Show June 19th
For more info:
Jean Niemeyer 308.653.3162 or 308.750.0182
Mark Landgren 308.654.3313 or 402.340.0673
Beef, Sheep & Goat Clinic Johnson County Fairgrounds
Sheep & Goat Clinic - Saturday May 29th, 2021 8:30am
For more info contact: Nebraska Extension Office in Johnson County 402.335.3669 or Mary Moser @ marymoser@unl.edu
4-H Livestock Calendar
Be sure to check for updates!
- June 15, 2021 - Statewide Enrollment Deadline
- June 15, 2021 - ALL Animal ID sheets due & county only horse ID/level testing
- June 15, 2021 - 4-H YQCA Testing complete and turned in to Extension Office
- June 28-29,2021 - Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- August 7, 2021 - Fairgrounds clean up - Livestock buildings and grounds
- August 10, 2021 State Fair Livestock entries due - 8 PM
- August 11-14, 2021 - Cass County Fair
- August 14, 2021 - 4-H Livestock Auction
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Email: lstohlmann@unl.edu
Website: cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, USA
Phone: 402.267.2205
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty