Counseling Corner
December Newsletter
Public Service Announcement Video Contest
Attention all students! Beckman is having a Public Service Announcement Contest! You can work individually or in groups to create this public service announcement (PSA) video to be featured in one of the monthly CCR lessons presented by the counseling team. Creating a PSA video fosters student collaboration, enhances technical skills, and allows students to apply their knowledge in a creative way. Look at the cool prizes offered by the Beckman PTO! Create your video today!
College and Career
College and Career
ROP Spring 2023: Cybersecurity Class Added
ROP has added another after school class for Spring 2023 in Cybersecurity called CyberForward that is a 5-credit course.
· Taught by security experts
· Learn real cyber security skills
· Perform real work scenarios with actual companies
· Not only for “techies”
· No cyber experience needed
It is a virtual course that meets from January 24th, 2023-April 27th, 2023 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6:30 PM.
This class has an application process! The application is due by Wednesday, Jan 18 at 11:59 PM.
Application Link: CyberForward Spring 2023 Application (google.com)
Please see the course flier for Zoom info session information or contact kolby.falco@cyberfwd.com.
To view more ROP Spring 2023 courses including registration links, please click HERE. ROP classes are free for high school students and course credit counts towards high school transcripts. Please contact Ms. McDonald for more information about ROP at mmcdonald@tustin.k1.ca.us.
Seniors: Community College Application Workshops
- IVC will be in the Career Center on Thursday, January 12 at lunch to help seniors with their application to IVC for Fall 2023. Seniors may register to attend the workshop HERE.
- Orange Coast College will be in the Career Center on Tuesday, February 7 at lunch to help seniors with their application for Fall 2023. Seniors may register to attend the workshop HERE.
- Santiago Canyon College will be in the Career Center on Fridays during lunch to help seniors with applications to SCC and assist with financial aid applications. Students may drop-in to attend.
IVC-TUSD Virtual Spotlight Week
IVC is offering TUSD families a Spotlight Week of webinars during the week of January 23. Topics include: IVC’s Promise Program and Financial Aid, IVC Honors Program Overview, Earn College Credit with Dual Enrollment, Transferring to a 4-Year University, and Workforce Readiness with Career Education. Pre-register for these events and a Zoom link will be emailed before the event.
Seniors may find a list of scholarship opportunities HERE.
2022-23 My Dream Career Photo Contest
Vital Link of OC is having a My Dream Career Photo Contest. Have someone snap a photo of you demonstrating your “Dream Career” and you could win the opportunity to meet (virtually or in person) with an industry professional in the career path you are interested in! Must be between 12-25 years of age. Submission deadline is March 4, 2023 before 11:59 PM. See the flier and application submission link HERE.
Social/Emotional Well-being
Social/Emotional Well-being
Setting Boundaries During the Holidays:
• Setting boundaries throughout the holidays can be beneficial to your
physical, mental and emotional health!
• Learn to say no to things that you cannot handle.
• Think about what you can handle before you make decisions.
• You want to enjoy your time with family or doing things that are enjoyable
to you; however, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of
Giving Back At Home
It is a wonderful time to reflect on all that you are grateful to have and instill in our children the importance of being generous. Here are some inexpensive ways to spend time as a family and give back this season.
- Write cards to soldiers
- Donate old blankets or toys to an animal shelter
- Donate nonperishables to organizations
- Bake cookies for neighbors and friends
- Host a party
- Visit a nursing home
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
Winter Break is a good time to fill out & submit the FAFSA/Dream Act application, it is due March 2, 2023. Here are some resources to help guide you through the process.
Financial Aid: Income Changes Due to the Pandemic
If your family's current financial situation has changed and been adversely impacted by the pandemic, check out this podcast about the process to ask your college to consider these changes in their financial aid package.
We would like to share with you some important information regarding your student's mytusd.org email address.
- As they are working on college applications and exploring opportunities available after high school, they must be using a personal email address when completing these applications and not the mytusd.org email.
- Once students graduate high school, the Tustin Unified email address will no longer be available to use. Using a personal email address when applying will allow students to continue to receive communication once graduate.
- We wish your family all the best during this application season. The Beckman High staff is here to support you throughout this process!
Keep working hard on those college applications if you have a December or January deadline!
If your school requires a School Counselor recommendation for a January deadline please make sure you have submitted your BCAP documents to the Google Classroom and updated your Naviance.
A few additional details to remember:
- Submit your ACT or SAT scores directly to the colleges through the ACT or the College Board (for SAT) websites.
- If your school/s requests Mid-Year Reports to be sent, your counselor will be taking care of those in late January/February.
- Be conscientious in pursuing housing accommodations as soon as the colleges will allow them so you have a better chance of getting your first choice in housing.
UC/CSU Application Update
Many UC and CSU campuses are still accepting applications for the Fall of 2023. The UC deadline is January 6, 2023, and CSU campuses have multiple deadlines. Use the application deadlines page to find out the dates for the campuses below:
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
UC San Diego
CSU Channel Islands
CSU Dominguez Hills
Fresno State
Cal Poly Humboldt
Cal State LA
Cal Maritime
CSU Northridge
Cal Poly Pomona
Sacramento State
CSU San Bernardino
San Diego State
SF State
CSU San Marcos
Sonoma State
Stanislaus State
Junior Junction
11th Grade Parent Counselor “Coffee”
- The Parent Counselor Coffee will be in January (dates TBD) and will include important reminders, college and career readiness, and course selection information for senior year.
Career Exploration Activities
- Looking to pass some time over the winter break and explore career/college options?
- Get a refresher on how to log-in and utilize all the career and college exploration tools available to you on Naviance.
- Logging in
- Exploring Career Interests Reference Guide
- College Search Reference Guide
- Roadtrip Nation Roadtrip Nation is included in your Naviance account! Thousands of diverse and interesting interviews from career professionals who work in almost every industry you can think of are available for you to watch now.
This month the junior AVID class received a lesson on affording higher education and planning for it now. Below is the pre and post data about how much our AVID students learned.
Sophomore Stop
It’s a bit late this year but our holiday break is right around the corner, whew! This is the time to stop, breathe, and focus on who and what adds positive value to your life. Reach out and send a kind email or text to a friend letting them know how much they mean to you and how much you value the relationship. You will brighten a day, no doubt! Make use of the break by trying to volunteer, by donating or by giving back to society. It feels great and is rewarding in so many ways. Remember, if you are struggling with your mental health or having some trouble managing your emotions, reach out to someone you trust.
2023, we are ready for you! Happy Holidays Patriot Family!
Freshman Forum
During the November CCR lesson, freshman students participated in a Naviance Career Cluster Interest Survey Lesson. The slide deck is Here and the video is Here. Through the career survey, students identified personal interests, skills, and values. Naviance then linked them to identify top career clusters related to their personal interests, skills, and values. Finally, freshman added their top career clusters and careers choice to their Naviance favorites. See the pre and post survey data below to see how much the students learned about careers and interests from this lesson.