Wiggin Street Parent Update
February 25, 2022
Better Together
It has been a fun week starting with 2's Day on Tuesday! Please don't judge me in my tutu, but there's not much we won't do for your kids:) We started the morning like an old radio station rewarding the 22nd caller. Second grade had activities throughout the day related to 2's, and we ended the day with a dance party over the intercom.
The top fundraisers for the Math-a-thon were announced yesterday and celebrated with Olympic medals, and today we had Spring pictures.
All of this happens while we continue to focus on academics and closing the gaps due to a pandemic. So much growth has happened this year, and we're not finished YET!
Best wishes,
Christy Grandstaff
Supporting each other in our tutus!
Coming to the office to receive their prize!
First Grade receiving their Tootsie Roll Pops
2's Day (2-22-22)
Coding to match the pairs
2 Tennis Shoes
Adding up all the 2 point baskets they make
Math-a-thon Top Fundraisers
K- Elena Suazo Faber
1- Caroline Morr
2- Clayton Toney
3- Finn DeCosky-Nippert
3- Harry DeCosky-Nippert
4- Donald Morr
5- Austin Higgins
Friends of Wiggin Street
Next FOW meeting is Tuesday, March 1st @ 5:00 pm.
Thrive Kids
Thrive Kids Weekly Update
This week at Thrive Kids: We ran. We jumped. We lunged. Plus, we talked about being leaders. Sometimes it’s not always obvious the steps to take to become a leader but we are working on helping each child see that they can be a leader both in the school and at home! This week we talked about solving problems by seeing SOLUTIONS instead of problems. We get to decide what we see and this week we encouraged the students to recognize that “Leaders Solve Problems”!
Weekly Workout
10 lunges
10 jumping jacks
10 sit ups (or roll ups)
100m jog
Repeat 3x
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 24
If your child is interested in joining the fun they can pick up a permission slip be attending any Thursday class or by emailing hannahkelling@gmail.com!
Follow us on social media, @thrivekidsfitness, to see what we are up to each week!
Coach Hannah
Winter Weather
Idle-free Zone
Upcoming Important Dates
1 PTO Meeting, 5:00
2 Gifted Seminar @ Fieldhouse
4 Popcorn Friday
13 Daylight Savings Time
17 End of 3rd 9 weeks
18 Teacher In-Service Day (No School)
21 District Spring ELA Testing Opens
22-23 4th Grade ELA OST
23-24 5th Grade ELA OST
25 Report Cards go home 3rd 9 wks
26-31 Spring Break
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff